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Aim: to measure the function of inside iliac arteria ligation since an effectual method of commanding station partum bleeding as a result of sidelong uterine rupture.

Topics and methods: A randomized controlled survey was done on 50 pregnant mature females who had been admitted to Shatby School Maternity Hospital between 06 2006 and August 2008, all of them had been diagnosed as station partum bleeding because of sidelong uterine rupture. The patients had been indiscriminately allocated to 2 groups, the ligation group wherever ligation of internal iliac arteria then fix of ruptured uterine wall was done ( group A ), and the fix group, where ruptured womb was repaired by simply conventional strategies ( group B ).

Informed consent was extracted from all individuals.

Consequences: The ligation group showed a important statistical difference in comparison with the fix group sing intra-operative clip, sum of blood transfused intra-operatively, continuance of intense attention device stay, requirement for extra operative intervention just like hysterectomy or perhaps extra genital hemostasis, plus the incidence of complications since disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, and ureteric hurt.

Decision, inner iliac arteria ligation is recognized as an alternate effectual method to hysterectomy in cases of sidelong uterine rupture, choosing to diminish maternal morbidity.

Cardinal words: postpartum bleeding ( PPH ), uterine shatter, internal iliac arteria ligation ( IIAL ), hysterectomy.


Post partum bleeding ( PPH ) is a major

cause of world-wide fatality runing by 13 %

in designed states to 34 % in producing states. ( 1 ) it is in charge of over 125, 000 maternal deceases every single twelvemonth and is associated with morbidity in twenty million mature females every twelvemonth. ( 2 )

Traditionally, PPH is defined as hemorrhage from the venereal piece of land of 500 milliliter or more in the first all night following delivering of the girl, a significant fall months

in the hematocrit or the require of bloodstream transfusion have besides recently been proposed. ( 2-5 ) Uterine atonicity is

the most popular cause of PPH that makes up about 80 %

of occasions, other causes include preserved placental fragments, lower venereal piece of land cuts and uterine rupture. ( 6 )

Uterine shatter is a ruinous obstetric problem. Although an uncommon event, it has been associated with a top rate of perinatal and maternal morbidity and fatality. ( several ) The chief hazard component for uterine rupture is a scarred tummy, normally extra to a preliminar cesarean bringing. Consequently, most of the recent reappraisals on uterine rupture include focused on adult females striving vaginal birth after old cesarean bringing ( VBAC ). ( 8 ) Rupture with the unscarred tummy is a exceptional obstetric side-effect, with an estimated incidence of just one in 8000-15, 000 bringings. ( being unfaithful )

You will discover two types of uterine break, complete and uncomplete, distinguished by if or not the serous coat from the womb can be involved. ( 10 ) In the past the uterine contents which includes foetus and occasion placenta, may be discharged into the peritoneal pit, although in the second option the serous coat is integral and foetus and placenta will be inside the uterine

pit. ( 11 ) The complete assortment appears to be more unsafe in the two assortments. ( doze ) Split of tummy during time is more unsafe than that happening in gestation because daze can be greater and infection is all about inevitable. ( 13, 13 )

When PPH continues despite aggressive medical treatment, early thought should be given

to medical intercession. The pick of process will depend on the pra of the adult females and her desire to have childbirth, the extent of bleeding and, most significantly, the experience and judgment of the sawbones. In most ruinous state of affairss, hysterectomy is preferred in order to back of the shirt farther loss of blood and through media with certainty. ( 15 ) Although a life-saving process, it may no be appropriate for adult females who need to continue their generative potency. Haemostatic processs that preserve the uterus contain

uterine gap tamponage, picky uterine arteria embolisation, uterine arteria ligation and uterine brace suturas. ( 16 )

ISSN 1110-0834Internal iliac arteria ligation ( IIAL ) intended for the control of profuse pelvic hemorrhage is certainly recognized as a life-saving procedure. ( seventeen ) The American University of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists continues to recommend the usage of hypogastric arteria ligation in

the direction of intraoperative intractable bleeding during pelvic medical procedures or in instances of obstetric bleeding. ( 18 ) The construct that surcease of blood circulation may do harm to pelvic variety meats has been proved to be incorrect. On the contrary, in the occasion of pelvic bleeding unmanageable by conservative methods, immediate intercession might non simply salvage the life span of the patient but besides her tummy. There are several research of gestations carried to full term after zwischenstaatlich ligation from the hypogastric arterias. ( 19-23 ) The objective of this review was to measure the function of bilateral IIAL in cases of terrible station partum blood loss due to sidelong rupture tummy in evaluating to the regular uterine repair merely in many cases.


This kind of survey was conducted upon 50 pregnant adult females who were confessed to Shatby University Expectant mothers Hospital among June 2006 and Aug 2008, all of them were clinically diagnosed as awful station partum bleeding because of sidelong uterine rupture which can be extended for the vagina ( Diagnosis was confirmed during Laparotomy ).

The sample group had been indiscriminately given into two groups:

Group A=35 people ( ligation group ): adult females were put through bilateral IIAL followed by correct of uterine wall.

Group B =15 patients ( fix only group ): adult females were afflicted by conventional techniques of uterine resolve.

All patients were counselled for the procedure and informed consent was obtained.

Strategy of internal iliac ligation was carried out as follow:

The tummy is lifted out of the pelvic girdle in order to observe the extent of the damage.

The uterine tear is inspected and examined properly from the vertex downwards.

The hemorrhage borders of the womb are kept with Green Armytage clinch ( or pealing forceps ).

The vesica is dissected from the lower uterine section by crisp and blunt rapport so mobilized downwards.

The external iliac pulsings will be felt and followed up for the bifurcation from the common iliac arteria, and the ureter is usually identified.

The peritoneum around the sidelong side of the croisement of the prevalent iliac avenida is exposed by a longitudinal scratch in that manner which the ureter continues to be attached to the median peritoneal contemplation disclosing the retroperitoneal anatomy.

The internal iliac avenida is traced and cautiously dissected faraway from the fundamental vena. Number ( one particular , A, 2 )

A dual yarn of absorbable sutura ( Vicryl ) stuff is handed underneath the avenida and tied up. Figure ( 3 )

Femoral vía pulsings happen to be identified following binding the ligatures.

Statistical methods:

Statistical analysis was done utilizing Statistical Deal for Sociable Sciences ( SPSS/version 15 ) deal.

The record trials used are as follow:

Arthematic mean, normal divergence, Chui-square trial and Fisher specific trial utilized for classified parametric quantities, while for numerical informations, t-test was used. The degree of significance was 0. 05.


In the ligation group ( group A ), the age ranged from 24 , 39 older ages which has a mean of 32. 85A6. 57 and para went from 1-4 which has a mean of 2. 45A1. 01, while in the fix group ( group B ) how old they are ranged from 27-42 old ages with a imply of 33. 9A7. summer and the afin de ranged from 1-4 with a indicate of 2. 622A1. 05, severally. There was simply no statistically crucial difference involving the two teams sing era and pra. Both groups were in comparison as respects intra-operative and, postoperative incidents

Intraoperative events:

The average intra-operative clip in group ( A ) was forty-five. 5A4. sixty-eight proceedingss, while it was 98. 5A8. 98 proceedingss in group ( B ). The intra-operative clip is usually statistically significant longer in group M as P= 0. 0001. The show needed for one-sided IIAL ranged between 3 to seven proceedingss. The regular blood amount transfused intra-operatively in group ( A ) was 1750A71. 6th milliliter, compared to 2980A120. eight milliliters in group ( B ), this big difference is statistically important as P= 0. 0001.

In group ( A ), Four patients ( 11. some % ) had hysterectomy, and six patients ( 17. one particular % ) had extra haemostatic penile suturas for longer vaginal cryings after IIAL. In group ( N ) eight patients ( 46. six % ) had hysterectomy and 12 patients ( 66. 7 % ) had haemostatic vaginal suturas. These big difference, are statistically important as P= 0. 0058 and 0. 0005 severally. These conclusions revealed a higher incidence of extra secondary processs in group ( N ).

There were no ureteric ligation or perhaps hurt documented

in group ( A ), on the other manus in group ( B ) the ureter was ligated on the same part during repair of the tear without exposing the ureter in two instances. Thankfully, both learned intra-operatively and managed. No other difficulties were noted in either group. ( Table I )

Postoperative events

Every patients had been transferred postoperatively to rigorous attention product ( ICU ) the standard continuance of ICU stay was 38A5. 99 hours in group ( A ), compared to 70A6. eighty five hours in group M, which is statistically important as P= 0. 0001.

On the other manus, 5 people ( 18. 3 % ) in group ( A ) which is statistically important much less compared to on the lookout for patients ( 60. 0 % ) in group ( N ) were complicated

with disseminated intra vascular coagulopathy ( DIC ). The entire volume of blood vessels collected via intra-abdominal drain over forty eight hours postoperatively was 211A23. 85 milliliter in group ( A ), while it was 751A68. 98 milliliter in group ( B ). These types of revealed a greater incidence of station practical, effectual complications in group M. Merely a single patient ( 2 . 9 % ) died coming from pneumonic intercalation in group ( A ), and another one ( 6. 7 % ) died in group ( B ) due to monolithic hypovolemia and daze. ( Table II )

Fig. 1: Horizontal uterine shatter with bad station

partum bleeding

Fig. 2: Retroperitoneal anatomy demoing the

wonderful vass.

Fig. 3: A dual yarn of absorbable sutura stuff is passed underneath the vía

utilizing proper angled artery forceps and tied.

Desk I: Comparison between the two studied organizations sing intra-operative events.

Group A

” n=35 inches

Group M

” n=15 “

Trial of value

Intra-operative show ( min. )

forty five. 5A4. 68

98. 5A8. 98

Big t = some. 30

P = zero. 0001*

Quantity of bloodstream transfused intra-operatively ( milliliter )

1750A71. 6

2980A120. 8

To = 5. 21

P = 0. 0001*

Need for hysterectomy

5 ( 14. 4 % )

several ( 46. 7 % )

X2 = several. 60

G = 0. 0058*

Dependence on extra genital haemostatic suturas

6 ( 17. one particular % )

10 ( 66. six % )

X2 = 11. 83

P = 0. 0005*

Ureteric ligation

0 ( 0. zero % )

2 ( 13. several % )

Field-effect receptor

P sama dengan 0. 085

Datas happen to be presented since Mean & SD

2. P is important if , lt, 0. 05

Field-effect transistor: Fisher Exact , s Trial

Table 2: Comparison between the two studied groups sing post-operative incidents.

Group A

” n=35 “

Group B

inch n=15 inch

Trial of significance

Duration of ICU live in hours

38A5. 99

70A6. 85

T = 4. 25

P = 0. 001*

Occurrence of DIC

5 ( 14. three or more % )

9 ( 60. zero % )

X2 = 10. 88

P = 0. 0009*

Entire total of bloodstream collected in drain above 48 hours ( milliliter )

211A23. 85

751A68. 98

Big t = 6. 21

G = zero. 0001*

Maternal mortality

one particular ( installment payments on your 9 % )

1 ( 6th. 7 % )

Field-effect transistor

G = zero. 524

Datas are provided as Indicate + SECURE DIGITAL * L is important if , lt, 0. 05

Field-effect transistor: Fisher Actual , s Test DIC: disseminated intra vascular coagulopathy

Intensive attention unit: rigorous attention device


Uterine rupture can be described as serious obstetric complication, with high morbidity and fatality, peculiarly in less and least developed states. The most of importance defect from the information readily available is the lack of distinction between uterine split with minus old cesarean subdivision. Overall, most costs ranged among 0. you % and 1 %. Maternal fatality ranged between 1 % and 13 %, and perinatal fatality between seventy four % and 92 %. ( twenty four )

Uterine artery ligation is a encouraging technique

in direction of PPH while occlusion in the uterine vía reduces 90 % with the blood flow. It really is utile in uterine atonicity, but in uterine injury, when the avulsed uterine arteria retracts into the extensive ligament organizing a hematoma, it is hard to generate a uterine vía ligation and salve the womb. IIAL in these kinds of state of affairss is helpful as the force per unit location and circulation of blood circulation lessening éloigné to the ligation and permitting one to easily turn up the hemophiliac and ligate it firmly. In the same way, in instances of deep forniceal

cryings and hematoma, uterine arteria ligation or

actually hysterectomy truly does non cease the blood loss. In such instances, blood loss could be imprisoned

after IIAL as penile arteria can be described as direct subdivision

of anterior division of inner iliac vía. Since it

is actually a safe, rapid and really effectual method of powerful shed blooding from venereal piece of land, it truly is besides helpful in commanding postoperative bleeding following abdominal or vaginal hysterectomy where not any unequivocal hemorrhage point is usually noticeable.

IIAL was performed for the first cut by Kelly ( 25 ) which has a success rate 95 % minus any significant complication. Mukherjee et Approach ( 21 ) performed 36

cases of IIAL having a success rate of 83. several % in 6 aged ages. The principle to get IIAL while an effectual agencies of commanding intractable PPH and forestalling maternal decease is dependent on the haemodynamic surveies of Burchell, ( 27 ) which showed that IIAL reduced pelvic blood flow by simply 49 % and heartbeat force per unit place by 85 %, ensuing in venous force every unit areas in the arterial circuit as a result advancing hemostasis by a simple coagulum formation. However , the reported effectiveness of IIAL varies from forty to 95 %, ( 28 ) and the procedure averts hysterectomy in merely 50 % of instances. ( twenty nine )

Papp et Ing, ( 40 ) published aA reappraisal of indicants and outcomes for 117 instances of bilateral hypogastric arteria ligation above 15 outdated ages ( 1990-2004 ). They recorded that, besides a little lesion to the hypogastric vena, zero complications were observed. Bleeding was efficaciously controlled in most 37 obstetric instances. In 13 of the instances, the womb

was preserved even though there was cervical gestation, placenta previa, placental breaking away, uterine atonicity, and uterine rupture, and 4 mature females had been delivered of mature babies. Bleeding was efficaciously manipulated in forty one of 85 gynaecological circumstances. Contraceptive loss of pelvic blood circulation was the indicant for the task in 39 cases. The womb was preserved in merely a few of the 41 handled instances, nevertheless one mature female ( so far ) was provided of a fully developed baby.

In our survey we evaluated the efficaciousness of ligation of internal iliac arteria in instances of break womb. Results showed much less operative video and amount

of bloodstream transfused intended for replacing in comparing

for the fix group. In option, the tummy was preserved in most with the instances, only 4 sufferers ( eleven. 4 % ) acquired hysterectomy, and 6 individuals ( seventeen. 1 % ) had extra oral suturas intended for hemostasis. There are no ureteric or great vessel damages. The post-operative events, confirmed short ICU stay

and fewer incidence of complications because DIC was

merely noticed in 5 sufferers ( 13. 3 % ), besides it is male fertility salvaging method. The fright of vascular hurt and return of bleeding normally deter a great obstetrician from fall backing to IIAL. We observed that one period the uterine hemorrhage was controlled during surgery, it did no repeat inside the postoperative period in any mature female in whom the womb was conserved.

While there is cost-free inosculation featuring pelvic selection meats, vascular lack next ligature include non proved to be a job, also after zwischenstaatlich IIAL. Khelifi et Ing. ( 31 ) include evaluated interior

iliac arterias in 13 adult females after ligation

by color Doppler echography in the next

twenty-four hours after canal and so month to month until repermeabilization of the interior iliac arterias.

In all situations, the first test confirmed down-side

the ligature, a flow cambio with a great of importance pelvic roundabout circulation. The next Doppler test showed repermeabilization of the hypogastric arterias following an suggest interval of 5 several weeks.

Pappz ou Al. ( 21 ) have reported a successful pregnancy after inner iliac vía ligation with normal

circulation speed in uterine arterias. Wagaarachchi

and Fernando ( 22 ) observed effective gestation in 50 % of the instances following bilateral ligation.

Consequently , Internal iliac arteria ligation decreases the hemorrhage, clears the operative field and thus enables the sawbones to prevent blindly clamping

and ligating tissues immersed in a pool area of blood vessels. This is peculiarly helpful in cut downing the hazard of ureteric hurt. Internal iliac arteria ligation besides facilitates fix of vaginal lacerations that bleed abundantly with each unión through the vaginal

wall. That represents an alternative to the hysterectomy and maintains the child-bearing maps of

some females because of the future vascular recanalization. All accoucheurs caring for parturient adult females should acquaint themselves with this process since it should be a great built-in part of obstetric and gynaecological preparing.

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