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2/11/2013 M28CLS: International Environmental Law Spiel 1: Introduction Dr Francis Boateng Agyenim [email, protected] edu. gh or leader.

[email, protected] edu. gh Tel: +233 (0) 302 200 622 Introduction • • • • Planned Module End result General terminologies Assessment and requirements Crucial fundamental knowledge of • energy, • polluting of the environment, • environmental sustainability Mon, February 11, 2013 Break: 15minutes break at being unfaithful. 30am thirty minutes break for 12. 30pm 15 minutes break at several. 00pm a couple of Intended Component Outcome 1 . 2 . three or more. 4. Review the worldwide law relating to environmental protection and pollution control.

Fine detail the application of particular international, local and bi-national conventions associated with specific areas of environment protection and air pollution control. Appreciate the roles of international and intergovernmental firms, advisory systems and no -governmental organisations in creating, implementing and enforcing specific environmental protection. Understand and critically examine key concepts and hypotheses of international environmental legislation. 1 2/11/2013 Course Framework Lecturer Topic No one particular FA 2 FA Advantages: Important Basics Concepts of Environmental Concerns

Introduction and history of Intercontinental Environmental Regulation 3 FA International regulations relating to environmental protection and pollution control 4 FA 5 FA 6 FA 7 FA 8 FA 9 FA 10 Wednesday, February 14, 2013 some Priority Environmental Areas • • • • • • • Curbing Around the world Creating Clean Energy Foreseeable future Reviving the world’s seas Defending Endangered Wildlife and Wildplaces Safeguarding our health by simply preventing pollution Ensure safe and satisfactory water Fostering sustainable areas Some standard terminology Treaty , A contract under foreign law – leads to Protocols Protocol , A formal arrangement between declares or international locations e.. Kyoto Protocol, Montreal Protocol. Varieties basis to get national/regional guidelines. Policy , a course of action used and receive claims from an individual, business, government, ruler, political party, etc . e. g. a nation’s international policy. Strategy , a long plan, technique, or series of manoeuvres or perhaps stratagems pertaining to achieving insurance plan objectives elizabeth. g. A marketing strategy is actually a process that may allow a business to focus its (always limited) assets on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a environmentally friendly competitive benefits. Resource – An estimated volume of fuel that has to be completely explored or perhaps evaluated.

Reserve – Confirmed quantity of gasoline that is known to exist within a given area. Carbon Impact , The quantity of green house gases produced to straight and indirectly support human activities, generally expressed in equivalent a great deal of carbon dioxide (CO2). Monday, Feb 11, 2013 6 two 2/11/2013 Examination and Requirements Dates Presence Final Draw Required over the module Seated February 16th, 2013 Project 1: Concern Date Individual Written Project Submission Time Friday, fifteenth March, 2013 Project 2: Issue Particular date Sat March 16th, 2013 Student task Essay Hand-in Date Thursday 15th March 201 (latest at six. 00pm) thirty percent Total 0% 100% Complete requirements: • Pass mark is forty percent • Every component must be at least 35%? 7 Monday, Feb . 11, 2013 Review of a few important primary concepts related to Global Warming and Clean Strength Future • Energy units • Powers & uses • Carbon dioxide intensity (CO2 emissions coming from fossil fuels) , Fuel chemistry , Carbon emissions per product of provided energy • Calorific Value • Sustainability and Environmental Management System Monday, February eleven, 2013 8 Energy models and instructions of value • Energy – – – – – – Basic Device of Energy, J = one particular N. m Basic Product of Power, W = J/s Easy alternative assess, Wh (1W for a great hour)

Widely used electrical energy assess, 1 kWh = three or more. 6MJ 1 Tonne petrol equivalent (toe) = 41, 868 MJ 1 Charge coal comparative (tce) sama dengan 29, 307. 6 MJ • kWh – A single 1-bar electric fire pertaining to 1 hour – One 100W incandescent bulb for 12 hours on the lookout for Monday, Feb . 11, 2013 3 2/11/2013 Prefixes (multiples of 10) of energy models Prefix Sign Factor (x10) µ 10-6 Microns (used in place of micrometers) – wavelength of obvious light m 10-3 Milliampere – current flow by a single photovoltaic cell T 103 Killowatthour – unit of range of electricity to a household customer Mega- M 106 Megawatt – Maximum power output with the largest ommercial wind turbines Giga- G 109 Gigawatt – measure of a the annual output via a typical fossil-fuel-powered electric power flower Tera- T 1012 Terawatt – way of measuring the total graded capacity of most power vegetation in the world Peta- P 1015 Petajoule – Measure of each of the energy used by the railroads in the US in 1 year Exa- E 1018 Exajoule – measure of each of the energy utilized by an entire 10 country in 1 year. MicroMilliKilo- Example of exactly where it is frequently used Energy Sources Fossil Fuels • Precious fuel – Coal – Oil – Natural gas • Emerging – Shale oil – Tar sands • Major Uses – Electrical power generation – Space heating and cooling – Travel Fossil fuel accounts for regarding 86% of most energy production • In poor countries however , biological carbon fuel such as wood dominate strength production. Monday, February 14, 2013 eleven BP, 2006 Statistical Assessment Coal: Energy content, Significant Usage • Energy content material is assessed in terms of energy density understood to be the amount of strength per device mass or perhaps volume offered. • • • • • Fossil fuel 27 tonne Bulk density = six-hundred kg/m3 Volume = 45m3 Energy articles (calorific value) = 36 MJ/kg • How various kWh? sama dengan 270, 000 kWh • Limited to fixed applications (cannot be combusted directly in internal burning engines) , Electricity technology , Industrial applications Small-scale domestic applications (cooking, space heating) Monday, February eleven, 2013 doze 4 2/11/2013 Non Standard Fossil Options • Olive oil Shade , Composed of mixture of fossil organic matter and sedimentary rock and roll • Tar sands , Composed of blend of sand and highly viscous hydrocarbon tar • Synthetic gas and liquid gas products by coal , Transformation of conventional coal into substitutes for transport and space heating Coal and oil • Flexible in usage and in terms of burning , Transportation , Immobile applications 13 Monday, February 11, 2013 Energy content of non-renewable fuels • • • • Gasoline 40 litre reservoir

Gasoline thickness = zero. 74 kg/litre Energy content (calorific value) = 46 MJ/kg • How various kWh? = 473 kilo watt hour • • • • • Coal 27 charge Bulk denseness = 600 kg/m3 Volume = 45m3 Energy content material (calorific value) = 36 MJ/kg • How a large number of kWh? = 270, 000 kWh Notice: 1 kilo watt hour equals a single 100W incandescent light bulb pertaining to 10 several hours 14 Monday, February 10, 2013 Indivisible Energy • • • • • • Fission – Dividing of nucleus of one hefty atom leading to two or more nuclei Fusion – Joining with each other of two light nuclei into a greater one.

You read ‘Introduction to Worldwide Environmental Law’ in category ‘Essay examples’ Energy released during fission/fusion reactions is definitely transferred to operating fluid Most common use is in electricity development from fission of

Uranium atom, U-235 Estimated to last in to the 22nd hundred years based on U-235 High energy thickness Monday, February 11, 2013 15 five 2/11/2013 Coal vrs Nuclear 1 kg of pure coal (no impurities and moisture content) will launch 32. 8MJ/kg 1: you kg of pure U-235 (85% impact yielding fission) will launch 200MeV/atom (0. 85) = 4. thirty eight x 1032 eV? 69. 8 TJ 2 mil 16 Mon, February 14, 2013 Difficulties with Nuclear Strength • • • • • Management of radioactive substances during lifetime of indivisible energy (Chernobyl Nuclear Engine power in Ukraine on the 26th of Apr 1986 continue to remains radioactive and there is a 30 exemption kilometre zone).

Radiation hazards during extraction, plant procedure and spend management, Professional and reduction of growth (Atomic bombs Hiroshima and Nagasaki Fatalities in August, 1945) Public notion (poor basic safety record, Partially meltdown, Fukushima nuclear engine power disaster following earthquake (March, 2011) Cost Monday, Feb 11, 2013 17 Sustainable development and renewable energy • Energy security , secure supply, reliable infrastructure • Economic prosperity , economical development, inexpensive energy rates • Environmental protection , Carbon mitigation, land and water employ Monday, February 11, 2013 18 6th 2/11/2013

COMMON RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES Photovoltaics Biomass/Biofuel Solar Thermal Hydropower Tide Geothermal Blowing wind Wave Warmth Pump Energy cell Lasting Transportation Building Efficiency Monday, February 11, 2013 nineteen Issues with Renewables: Solar Pv • Larger performance cells/modules • Advanced manufacturing methods • Successful energy safe-keeping Solar Thermal • Low cost powerful storage intended for base weight markets • Advanced dish design and heat transfer fluids Mon, February 11, 2013 20 Wind, wave and tide energy Increased performance: • Advanced brake disc design • Integration into existing power company Intelligent and low cost control • Electrical power storage Building energy efficiency • Building systems the usage efficiency • Computerised building energy optimisation models • Passive building temperature control Monday, March 11, 2013 21 six 2/11/2013 Gas cell & Sustainable vehicles • Stability of gas cells intended for building and electricity applications • Low-temperature fuel-cell utilization in transport • Research in materials • Energy storage , your life and price • Power impacts • Vehicle cost • Re charging locations Monday, February eleven, 2013 twenty-two Biofuel (Biomass and Biogas) • Utilization of residues Energy crops • Fresh biofuels Geothermal and High temperature Pump Cold, frigidity, frigidness, coldness geothermal for • direct use and • floor source heat pump • Retrofitting (Existing buildings) Wednesday, February 11, 2013 23 Fossil strength v. renewable energy 1 . V. Gasoline 1 tank full (50 litre Tank) PHOTO VOLTAIC? ~5m2 PHOTO VOLTAIC array operating for 1 year in the UK Sixth is v. 2 . Coal 1 vehicle load sama dengan 100, 500 kWh electricity at ~37% conversion productivity Rossendale Wind Farm , Lancashire? 1 large wind generator with generating capacity of 2. 5MW jogging for 6 days 24 8 2/11/2013 Carbon Content of Coal • Fossil fuel is the top emitter of Carbon of all of the fossil fuels 1 tonne fossil fuel contains ~ 900 kg Carbon Combustion • formula C + O2 sama dengan CO2 • mols 1 +1 =1 • mol wt 12+ 32 sama dengan 44 • kg 12+ 32 sama dengan 44 • kg 1 + installment payments on your 67 = 3. 67 Thus one particular kg C requires 32/12 = 2 . 67kg oxygen and makes 44/12 = 3. 67 kg LASER • one particular tonne fossil fuel (900 kg) = 3. 67 back button 900kg LASER =3303 kilogram CO2 Atomic weights: U = 16 C sama dengan 12 N = 14 H=1 T = thirty-two 25 Combustion of Methane CH four? 2(O2? (79 / 21) N two )? CO2? 2 H 2O? (2? 79 as well as 21) And 2 18 kg 2? 32kg two? 3. seventy six? 28kg 44kg 36kg several. 52? 28kg 16 kg 274. 56 kg Surroundings (O2? In 2 )? 44kg 36kg 210. 56kg Thus you kg methane: • Requires 17. sixteen kg air for complete combustion and Produces 18. 16 kg of spend gases including 2 . 75kg CO2 Monday, February 11, 2013 twenty six Specific CARBON DIOXIDE Emissions • Carbon – CV sama dengan 32. almost 8 MJ/kg (net = major since no water! ) – you kg generates 3. 67 kg LASER – Certain emission sama dengan 112 gm/MJ = 403 gm/kWh • Methane – CVgross = 55. 58 MJ/kg – 1 kg produces 2 . 75 kilogram CO2 – Specific emission = forty-nine gm/MJ sama dengan 178 gm/kWhgross Monday, March 11, 2013 27 9 2/11/2013 Coal and Gas compared (basis 1 kg) Coal Air required 10. 45 kg 17. sixteen kg CARBON DIOXIDE produced three or more. 67 kilogram 2 . seventy five kg Warmth release (CVgross) 32. almost 8 MJ 55. 58 MJ Specific CARBON DIOXIDE emission • Methane 403 gm/kWh 178 gm/kWhgross

Methane requires even more air/kg gasoline because of the presence of hydrogen in the molecule which melts away to produce WATER. 28 Wednesday, February 11, 2013 LASER emissions from different energy sources (kg/GJgross) 120 101 94. 6 95 77. 5 80 seventy four 56 62 40 twenty 0 0 Lignite Hard coal Large fuel oil Gas oil Natural gas Hydrogen Monday, March 11, 2013 29 CO2 from electrical power Waste high temperature 210kW Fuel input 318kWgross Transmission & Distribution failures = 8kW Power station Delivered electrical energy 100kW Energy (gross) heat efficiency = 31. 4% Large quantity of low class heat lost Monday, March 11, 2013 30 twelve 2/11/2013 LASER emissions via electricity , different enerating technologies (gm/kWe. h) Standard steam generator (lignite eff=34%) Conventional vapor turbine (coal eff=34%) Clean coal (Gasification CC, eff=46%) Conventional gas turbine (eff=42%) Combined pattern gas generator (CCGT, eff=55%) New CCGT (eff=59%) Biomass Nuclear Renewables 1100 850-1050 700 five-hundred 400-425 three hundred and fifty? 0 0 31 Wednesday, February eleven, 2013 Gas v. Electric power • Gas systems… 0. 19 kg/kW-h(gross) • Electricity…0. 537 kg/kW-h • Green electricity…0 kg/kW-h Monday, Feb . 11, 2013 32 Eg U. K. GHG exhausts includes (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6 ) Wednesday, February eleven, 2013 33 11 2/11/2013 U.

K. GHG emissions by origin includes (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6 ) Mon, February eleven, 2013 thirty four U. K. GHG emissions includes (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6 ) Monday, February 11, 2013 thirty-five Issues of International Matter • Primary energy source – Essential oil, Coal, Gas, Biomass, Alternative, Nuclear – Forecasts • Security of supply – Long term – Short term • Environmental Sustainability – Local climate change – Ozone exhaustion – Included pollution control – Expanding countries Monday, February 10, 2013 Related Issues • Population growth • Low income (fuel, food) • Producing economies 36 12 2/11/2013

Trend of one’s use and sustainable advancement Pre-industrial period Civilization was powered by simply carbon fairly neutral sources, mainly biomass Commercial revolution plus the use of coal Negative effects were local at the time Steam search engines and train locomotives Cleaner burning plants, warming of homes Gas Transportation – Vehicles and later jet run aircraft Olive oil Cleaner in comparison to coal Yet accelerated extraction of precious fuel elevating CO2 Guaranteed: 1 . simply no emissions of harmful atmosphere pollutants and 2 . cardio density Indivisible Power Questions of safety Renewable energy Improved population growth Share of benefits from Producing countries

In which we are today! 37 Challenges we face 1 . How you can spread the benefits of energy installment payments on your How to cope with eventual fatigue of nonrenewable energy sources and 3. Preventing climate alter Motivations and Drivers pertaining to Sustainable Development Diversity of supply Secureness Sustainability Mon, February 11, 2013 38 Breakdown of problems all of us face… • Resources and availability – Finite mother nature of fossil fuels • Environmental pollution coming from energy creation and work with – Carbon neutral resources that has to change fossil fuels • Uncertainty about the future – Interrelation among factors affecting energy make use of – Conjecture accuracy Over-simplistic assessment of technology – Optimism in new systems spread through use of IT – Underestimates difficulties and reality • The role of energy to global economics , Vital • Constraint of time to generate needed changes • Proposed solutions and their effectiveness – Technology is definitely bounded by physical regulations – Constrained by methods and availability – Disadvantages of new resources usually not regarded Monday, February 11, 2013 39 13 2/11/2013 The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, 2005 Climate Change? Is Climate Transform Happening? twenty warmest years on record (°C abnormality from 1901–2000 mean) 12 months Global Land

Ocean 1983 0. 2817 0. 3718 0. 2508 1987 zero. 2968 0. 2963 0. 2999 1988 0. 3006 0. 4196 0. 2585 1990 0. 3861 0. 5484 zero. 3279 1991 0. 3360 0. 4094 0. 3105 1994 zero. 2934 0. 3597 zero. 2699 1995 0. 4073 0. 6531 0. 3191 1997 0. 4782 0. 5584 0. 4498 1998 0. 5971 0. 8321 0. 5087 1999 0. 4199 zero. 6760 0. 3237 2k 0. 3886 0. 5175 0. 3406 2001 zero. 5173 0. 7208 zero. 4416 2002 0. 5745 0. 8318 0. 4794 2003 0. 5818 zero. 7726 0. 5109 2005 0. 5416 0. 7095 0. 4812 2005 0. 6154 zero. 9574 zero. 4886 06\ 0. 5601 0. 8151 0. 4664 2007 0. 5472 zero. 9827 0. 3889 08 0. 4803 0. 7784 0. 3727 2009 0. 5556 0. 7595 0. 4830 The values in the table above are anomalies rom the 1901–2000 global mean of 13. 9°C. For instance, the +0. 55°C anomaly in 2007 included in the 1901–2000 mean of 13. 9°C gives a global average temperature of 14. 45 °C pertaining to 2007. The coolest year in the record was 1911. [ Years 1880–1889 1890–1899 1900–1909 1910–1919 1920–1929 1930–1939 1940–1949 1950–1959 1960–1969 1970–1979 1980–1989 1990–1999 2000–2009 Temperature. anomaly (°C) anomaly by 1951–1980 mean)? 0. 274 °C? zero. 254 °C? 0. 259 °C? 0. 276 °C? 0. 175 °C? zero. 043 °C 0. 035 °C? 0. 02 °C? 0. 014 °C? 0. 001 °C 0. 176 °C zero. 313 °C 0. 513 °C • Top five warmest years as 1890 are: 2005, 1998, 2003, 2002, 2006 Studies (from woods, corals, snow cores and historical records) show which the 2000 2009 is the awesome decade and then the 1990’s in the last millennium. • END PRESS , June 2007 wettest month since documents began in 1914. Gross annual Average Global Surface Temperatures Anomalies 1880-2008 Global Area and Marine Temperatures Climatic Research Device and the UK Met. Office Hadley Middle 14 2/11/2013 The Greenhouse Effect Sunshine enters the Earth’s atmosphere, passing through a layer of greenhouse smells. As it actually reaches the Globe’s surface, property, water, and biosphere absorb the sunlight’s energy. Energy absorbed is sent back into the atmosphere.

A number of the energy moves back into space, but most of it remains to be trapped inside the atmosphere by greenhouse gases, causing the earth to heat. Human actions have improved substantially the concentration of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, CFCs, HCFCs, nitrous oxide). Therefore, a substantial warming of the earth surface and atmosphere occurred that might negatively affect the organic ecosystem. During the last hundred years, the mean temps have elevated by 0. 3±0. 68C. Doubling the quantity of carbon dioxide inside the atmosphere probably will yield an additional temperature boost by 1 . 5±4. 58C.

If zero action is usually taken to lessen greenhouse gas emissions, the pace of growth of the aver- age temperatures is likely to go beyond that which took place in the last 10, 000 years [Houghton, 1995] Global costs of extreme weather conditions events (inflation adjusted) • Total economical losses and number of events have been incresing over the decades • In the last decade, 72 major occasions occurred, near 100% increase over the 1980-1990 decade. Climate Change • Climate Transform is not only a new concern. In the early 1980s medical consensus grew , environment change was a critical global issue. Pursuing from this, government authorities established the Intergovernmental

Panel on Local climate Change (IPCC) in 1988 to help these groups understand and make some worldwide consensus around the nature with the problem. 15 2/11/2013 Is the link with CARBON DIOXIDE and other GHG’s confirmed? • The Inter-governmental Panel about Climate Difference in its newest report explained: , the total amount of facts suggests a discernible individual influence within the climate program. , Contributors to Climatic change Greenhouse gas Source/Application LASER All burning processes Around the world potential (GWP) relative to CO2 Methane (CH4) Oil/Gas supply Agriculture Landfill Nitrous oxide (N2O) Agriculture Combustable (IC engines) Chemical sector

Perfluorcarbons (PFC) Manufacturing six, 500 to 9, two hundred Hydrofluorcarbons (HFC) Refrigerants Propellants 140 to 11, 700 Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) Power switchgear one particular 21 310 23, nine hundred Increased atmospheric CO2 levels as assessed in the atmosphere and in glaciers cores. The quantity of net co2 increase in the atmosphere compared to carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels. 18 2/11/2013 Latest trends in measured atmospheric CO2 concentrations Projected CO2 Emissions Ozone depleting chemical substances Substances that contribute to ozone depletion and climate: • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), • Halons (CCl4), • Hydrochlorofluorocarbons HCFCs) Substances that contribute to climate change but is not ozone exhaustion: •Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) • Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) 18 2/11/2013 Emissions from Common Industrial Fuels Monday, March 11, 2013 53 Address 2 History of International Environmental Law 18 2/11/2013 History of International Environmental Affairs The majority of international environmental initiatives occurred since 60, following the beginning of the contemporary environmental motion in the West There was modest efforts at local and global cooperation intended for the environment going out with as far back as the late 1800’s, mostly emanating from European

Europe and North America. These types of efforts mirrored domestic environmental policy improvements and had been often concerned with wildlife conservation. International Efforts pre-1960 • 1872: Switzerland propose foreign commission to shield migratory chickens • early 1900s: First formal agreement: Tradition for the Preservation of Animals, Wild birds and Seafood in Africa, signed working in london by European colonial forces with the intentions of protect Africa game kinds, especially to limit foreign trade of off white to reduce severe hunting pressure on African elephant • 1900: Western states indication treaty to manage transportation of toxic chemicals on Rhine River 1909: Canada-US Border Waters Treaty • 1911: North Pacific Fur Seal off Commission structured on USA, Canada, USSR and Japan to manage harvest of seals in North Pacific cycles • 1918: US-Canada Migratory Bird Treaty Act, created to protect bird species–esp. waterfowl, that seasonally migrate involving the two nations around the world Early Foreign Efforts, cont’d • 1931: First efforts to regulate commercial whaling, led (in 1946) to Foreign Convention pertaining to the Dangerous Whaling and establishment of International Whaling Commission, an everlasting body in charge of negotiating & setting coverage re- the harvest and preservation of whales. 1940: Convention upon Nature Security and Wildlife Conservation in the Western Hemisphere • 1946: Founding from the United Nations and World Bank, which would play leading roles in international environmental cooperation (World Bank, UNIMO, FAO, UNDP, WHO, UNEP & UNESCO) • 1954: International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution with the Sea by Oil, conclusion of twenty eight years of talks by Euro and N. A. countries • 1958: International Ocean going Consultative Organization (UN-IMCO) established with responsibility for discussing international deals on ocean pollution nineteen 2/11/2013 Intercontinental Efforts (1960-1972)

Context: Embrace international environmental efforts shown rise in Contemporary Environmental Activity in western world • Cumulative environmental effects of Post-war growth (industrialization, abundance, consumerism) • Affluence = greater matter over “quality of life” • New environmental scientific research: e. g., Rachel Carson “Silent Spring” published in 15 countries, 1962 • Growing multimedia coverage of environmental events e. g. 1954 Greater london “Killer Smog”, 1959 Mercury poisoning in Minimata These types of, 1967 Torrey Canyon essential oil spill inside the English Funnel • Surge of Vietnam, civil rights & counter-culture protests against status quo Globalization of conversation, increased recognition of interdependence among international locations: Apollo 11 “Earth-rise” picture in 69 Efforts 1960-72, cont’d. • Creation of first prominent and truly international environmental NGO’s (e. g., Greenpeace, WWF, and so forth ) • Emergence of first “Green” political get-togethers in Fresh Zealand, Western Europe and Australia • Between 70 and 1972: 14 industrialized nations set up environmental ministries and exceeded significant environmental legislation (Environment Canada, Clean Water Act, Clean Air Take action, etc . ) • However little improvement in LDC’s or Communist Bloc 1971: RAMSAR Meeting on Esturine habitat of Intercontinental Importance • 1972: UNESCO-sponsored Convention pertaining to the Safety of World Cultural and Natural History. • 1972: Oslo Meeting for preventing Marine Polluting of the environment by Throwing from Boats and Airplane. • 1972: US-Can Superb Lakes Water Quality Agreement U. And. Stockholm Seminar on the Human being Environment (1972) UN Standard Assembly resolution to sponsor international getting together with “, to realise a framework intended for comprehensive thought within the UN of the problems of the individual environment in order to focus the interest of government authorities and general public opinion for the mportance and urgency of the question” • Preparatory period dominated by simply Western, developing countries • Soviet masse boycotted hard work because of ideological differences and unrelated politics conflicts • LDCs prompted to get involved, but continued to be skeptical: terrifying environmental initiatives might get in way of financial development goals • LDCs willing to cooperate, but only when development pursuits were not compromised and the Western world assisted these finances and technology to purchase environmental safety. Also disapproved with West’s fixation in need for LDC population control. 0 2/11/2013 Stockholm, cont’d 114 nations around the world, 1200 delegates (2 mind of state)–large by UN standards. Very much media insurance and 500 NGO’s took part in seite an seite “Environmental Forum”. Outcomes… • Stockholm Statement of the ALGUN Conference on the Human Environment: 26 principles, intended as a foundation pertaining to future advancements in worldwide environmental co-operation – founded basic principles of international environmental law. • Action Plan for the Human Environment: 109 tips for govt and inter-govt. action on problems ranging from species onservation, forests and atmospheric and sea pollution, to development coverage, human pay outs, and technology transfer. • Established United Nations Environment Plan (UNEP) and Environment Fund • Formal acknowledgment of Additionality Basic principle: wealthy North should purchase some or perhaps all of added costs of environmental initiatives in expanding south • Emergence of environmental municipal society movement as a significant international stakeholder Between Stockholm & Rio (1972-1992) Developed Western Nations: • Very much progress with domestic legal guidelines and programs had been produced in the overdue 1960s/early 70’s.

The benefits of these kinds of efforts ended uphad been felt by the late 1970s, with advancements in water & air quality, reductions in toxins like lead & DDT, and increases in protected areas. Lesser Designed Nations: • Environmental circumstances deteriorated seriously: urban air pollution & squaller, deforestation, soil erosion, water-born diseases. In spite of opposition for Stockholm, various LDCs started to respond by simply establishing environmental ministries & associated laws (from 14 nations 39 years ago to 102 in 1980). As well, a large number of moved ahead with intense population preparing (e. g. India, China). Soviet Amas: Environmental challenges worsened: surroundings & water pollution, nuclear toxins, environmental wellness & disease. • Got boycotted Stockholm and made limited progress after (economic development remained the priority). Civic activism & information continued to be suppressed until the fall of Communism at the end of 1980’s Among Stockholm and Rio, cont’d • 72: London Conference for the Prevention of Marine Air pollution by Dumping of Wastes (toxic & nuclear squander dumping in sea). • 1973: Intercontinental Convention intended for the Prevention of Pollution from Delivers (MARPOL). • 1973: Convention on the Worldwide Trade of Endangered Kinds (CITES). 1974: Paris & Helsinki Conferences to protect underwater environments of the North and Baltic Seas. • 1974/84: 1st & 2nd UN Population Meetings. • 1979: Convention upon Long-Range, Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP). Canada, US & The european countries agreement to deal with concerns regarding acid rainwater, first admitted effort to manage air pollution. • 1980: IUCN/WWF/UNEP World Conservation Strategy. marketed conservation organizing in LDCs. 21 2/11/2013 Cont’d… • 1982: UN Conference for the Law with the Sea (UNCLOS). 200 mile territorial jurisdictions established, and so forth • 1982: IWC commercial whaling aufschub. 1987: Montreal Protocol about Substances that Deplete the Ozone Part • 1988: Intergovernmental -panel on Weather Change formed by UNEP & WMO • 1989: Basel Meeting on the Control of Trans-boundary Movements of Harmful Wastes • 1991: Canada-US Air Quality Arrangement to reduce SO2 emissions that cause acidity rain • 1991: Process on Environmental Protection of Antarctica: aufschub on vitamin and related exploration and development intended for 50 years • European Union: Extensive progress about regional, foreign environmental cooperation pertaining to toxics, water quality, waste supervision, air pollution, creatures protection and noise pollution

Rio Summit: EL Conference about Environment & Development (1992) Context: • “Rio Summit” needs to be seen in light in the rapid revival of environmental concern inside the 1980s. New, ominous environmental problems emerging and causing media coverage: * 3 Mile Area nuclear problem (1979) * Bhopal Union Carbide chemical accident (1984) * Ozone hole above Antarctica learned (1985) 5. Chernobyl elemental accident (1986) * Serious drought/famine in Africa (mid-80s) * Caribbean hurricane David (1988) * Severe surges in Bangladesh (1988) 5. Assassination of activist Rapaz Mendes (1989? ) Period magazine (1988): “Earth: World of the Year” * Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska (1989) Effect: • Record development in environmental NGO membership • Huge support to get Green functions in The european union & Australia • Growing pressure about governments to do something Rio Summit, cont’d. • 1985-87: Community Commission on Environment & Development: ESTE special percentage composed of elderly officials requested by ESTE General Set up to evaluate express of the global environment and development. Studies published inside our Common Future (1987). Doc had incredible impact because: * Timing coincided with high environmental concern Reliability and pragmatism of the creators Our Prevalent Future made popular “sustainable development: development which complies with the requirements of the present without compromising the ability of future decades to meet their own needs”. • UN Basic Assembly consequently sponsored ESTE Conference in Environment and Development to cope with many of the issues raised inside our Common Upcoming. • The “Rio Summit” was first-ever “World Summit” and was unprecedented in scale: * Largest getting together with of universe leaders ever before: 178 nations around the world, 118 minds of condition * you, 400 NGOs present in parallel “Global Forum” with 18, 000 individuals 22 /11/2013 Key Final results of Rio de janeiro Summit • Rio Assertion: statement of key principles on environment & expansion • Goal 21: thorough list of recommendations • Affirmation of Forest Principles: watered down version of forest meeting • Biodiversity Convention: fragile by Usa. • Climate Change Convention: Pre-cursor to Kyoto Process • Global Environment Service (GEF): financing investments in environmental protection in LDCs • UN Percentage on Eco friendly Development: Provide followup to Rio Progress Since Rio… • 1993: North American Commission rate for Environmental Cooperation: COMBUSTIBLE side contract 1994: 3 rd International Population Conference, Cairo. • 1997: International agreement to reduce the availability, storage and use of property mines. • 1997: Kyoto Protocol on the Reduction of Greenhouse Gases. • 1998: Rotterdam Convention on Preceding Informed Consent for control in hazardous chemicals and pesticides • 2000: Ozone Annex to 1991 Canada-US Air Quality Contract, smogcausing emissions (NO-x) • 2001: Cartegena Biosafety Process on Genetically Modified Creatures (Biodiversity Convention) • 2001: UN-Stockholm Conference on Persistent Organic Pollutants (DDT, PCBs, dioxin) ESTE World Summit for Lasting Development: Rio de janeiro + 12

Johannesburg, 2002 • Followup to 1992 Earth Peak • Event held in the wake of 9-11 and the framework of a rightwing, unilateralist ALL OF US administration with little involvement in the environmental plan and very little support intended for UN projects • Peak high on rhetoric and �vidence, low in actual accomplishments • Discussion posts focused more on appointment specific expansion rather than environmental objectives • Constructive diamond of private-public sector relationships, etc . • Goals set up to increase peoples’ access to cleanliness, safe drinking water, etc . 23 2/11/2013 UN World Summit intended for Sustainable Development: Rio & 10

Johannesburg, 2002 • Follow-up to 1992 Globe Summit • Event saved in the wake up of 9-11 and in the context of a rightwing, unilateralist US supervision with tiny interest in environmentally friendly agenda and little support for EL initiatives • Summit at the top of rhetoric and platitudes, low on actual accomplishments • Discussions concentrated more on meeting certain development instead of environmental goals • Beneficial engagement of private-public sector partnerships, and so forth • Goals established to increase peoples’ entry to sanitation, safe drinking water, etc . ALGUN World Peak for Environmentally friendly Development: Rj + 12

Johannesburg, 2002 • A muslim to 1992 Earth Peak • Function held in the wake of 9-11 in addition to the context of a rightwing, unilateralist ALL OF US administration with little involvement in the environmental agenda and very little support intended for UN endeavours • Peak high on rhetoric and platitudes, low upon actual successes • Discussion posts focused even more on appointment specific advancement rather than environmental objectives • Constructive diamond of private-public sector partnerships, etc . • Goals established to increase individuals access to sterilization, safe drinking water, and so forth Recent Progress (or Not really! ) (2002 +) Climate change has emerged because pre-eminent global environmental issue • But, progress on this and other foreign environmental problems has been wrinkled, with substantial gains in the European Union, but virtually none in the Americas • 9/11 & US-led “War on Terrorism”, combined with an ideological antipathy to government legislation and multilateralism, has eroded progress in climate transform, etc . • Emerging financial systems of China, India and Brazil presuming a much greater political voice and effect on the universe stage however for the most part up to now, have not produced environmental problems a priority Impetus appears today to be changing again within a green way as George W. Bush fades from the scene, Barack Obama ascends, and evidence of global warming supports 24 2/11/2013 Recent Improvement (or Not! ) (2002 +) • Climate alter has surfaced as pre-eminent global environmental issue • Yet, progress on this and also other international environmental challenges continues to be uneven, with considerable profits within the Eu, but virtually non-e in the Americas • 9/11 & US-led “War on Terrorism”, combined with a great ideological antipathy to government regulation and multilateralism, offers undermined progress on climate change, etc . Emerging economies of China and tiawan, India and Brazil if, perhaps a much higher political tone of voice and affect on the community stage but , for the most part to date, have not built environmental concerns a priority • Momentum looks now to end up being shifting again in a green direction while George Watts. Bush dies out from the picture, Barack Obama ascends, and evidence of climatic change mounts New Progress (or Not! ) (2002 +) • Local climate change provides emerged since pre-eminent global environmental issue • However, progress about this and other intercontinental environmental difficulties has been unequal, with significant gains in the European Union, but virtually non-e in the Unites states 9/11 & US-led “War on Terrorism”, combined with a great ideological antipathy to federal government regulation and multilateralism, has undermined improvement on climate change, etc . • Emerging economies of China, India and Brazil assuming a far greater politics voice and influence within the world stage but , in most cases so far, have not made environmental concerns a priority • Energy appears how to be moving again in a green course as George W. Rose bush fades from your scene, Barack Obama ascends, and evidence of global warming supports International Environmental Law twenty-five 2/11/2013 Classification and Goal

International Environmental Law contain a combination of treaties, regulations and protocols that regulate the interaction of humanity and natural environment. Essentially, it works with: a) air pollution control b) b) source management The purpose is to decrease the impact of human activity within the natural environment inside nations and beyond. Options for the Law • • • • a) Treaties b) Protocols c) Conventions d) International Process of law and Assembl�e Principles of International Environmental Law • a) 1972 Stockholm Announcement on the Human being Environment. (Principle 21 notion of “Good eighborliness”) • b) “All people have an appropriate to a decent and healthy and balanced environment” • c) The “polluter pays” principle. • d) The “duty to notify and consult” other towns 26 2/11/2013 Principles of International Environmental Law (Continued.. ) • e) Duty to do Environmental Impact checks. • f) The “precautionary principle” • g) 1982 UN Tradition for Mother nature principle of sustainable creation. • h) Principle of “Intergenerational equity” Limitations to International Environmental Law • IEL is considered “soft law”. This means contracts and principles are meant to nfluence nations to respect certain concepts. • This also means these principles are not enforceable on their own within a national court docket. • Countries must permission to staying sued in the first place. They cannot be forced to do what not ready to do. Conquering the Limitations • Despite the constraints countries perform sign up to treaties and protocols. They do so due to: a) Moral or diplomatic responsibilities. b) Pressure from other signatories. c) Public pressure off their societies. d) Strategic and economic rewards 27 2/11/2013 Famous Environmental Events and Agreements • • • • • • a) 1972 Stockholm declaration. b) 1982 ESTE convention around the Law in the Sea c) 1987 Montreal Protocol on the Ozone Level c) 1992 UN Convention on Climate Change d) 1992 Rj Declaration e) 1997 Kyoto Protocol f) 2009 Copenhagen Summit in Climate Change What the upcoming holds following Copenhagen • Kyoto Process Summary • In the Copenhagen Summit it had been agreed by both produced and producing nations to cut their greenhouse gas exhausts, although this was not a full treaty. • The fall of 2010 Jamaica Summit • South Africa 2011 • Korea 2012 Samples of future plans and

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