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Critical believed is the frame of mind of being happy to see in a thoughtful way the jobs which come within the opportunity of 1s experiences, honnêteté of the strategies of logical übung and logical thinking, plus some accomplishment in utilizing those methods ( Glaser, 1941 ).

One other definition of essential thought can be described as alone and calculated believed in which the head consistently and normally inflicts standards and rational criterions upon the thought, taking charge of the construction of thought, guiding the construction from the believing harmonizing to criterions, and mensurating the effectivity of the thinking harmonizing to the intent, standards, and the criterions of thought ( Richard Paul, 1995 ).

Peter Facione ( 1990 ) stated: inches We value critical regarded as calculated, self-regulatory determination, which usually consequences in reading, evaluation, rating, and illation, just good as justification from the evidentiary, theoretical, methodological, criteriological, or history considerations upon which that dedication is based inches.

Facione went on to depict good essential minds because ” constantly speculative, smart, trusting of ground, open-minded, flexible, fair-minded in ranking, honest in forepart of personal prejudices, mindful in doing judgements, willing to reevaluate, clear regarding jobs, organised in complex affairs, hard-working is searching for relevant details, sensible inside the choice of criteria, focused in probe, and changeless in seeking consequences which are just precise as the topic and fortunes can let. inch

The Quality Peace of mind Agency intended for Higher Education in the UK provinces which a pupil are able to do important opinions and ratings since portion of their very own generic successes ( The coffee quality Assurance Firm for Higher Education, 2002 ).

Thinking is among the most cardinal of adult men , h abilities. We can easily sort, analyze, generalize, assume, speculate suppose, imagine, induce, generate determinations and work out jobs without possessing been taught to believe officially. It might low needfully end up being true that being able to consider spontaneously would take to a chance to believe efficaciously and good. The basic issue that justifies the call intended for learning believed in universities is the grounds that after 11 old ages of training, many pupils are unable to utilize the content expérience acquired in school to actual jobs. The concern sector can be kicking regarding the quality of the alumnuss they received from the universities whom sometimes could non actually grok way manuals, what more the manner a bit of equipment plant life. In the instance of the United States, the diminution inside the pupils , thought competency was even farther highlighted by the consequences of the National Checks of Educational Progress. Educating pupils to believe would intend to better the standard of their believed so that it can be consistent, productive, meaningful and effectual. A chance to believe critically and artistically becomes crucial in the associated with information and globalisation whereby persons have to screen through dozenss of information which is not needfully relevant.

One of the challenges confronting Malaysia amidst their economic development is the achievement of a essential thought culture. This would improve and vouch the success of research and development plans in add-on to holding other socioeconomic effects.

The Malayan Ministry of Education understood the above-named demands and had begun to slowly take the thoughts of important and originative thought inside the school program every bit early as in the late 1980s concurrent with all the debut in the Integrated Curriculum for Secondary Schools ( KBSM ) as a device to recognize the National Education Philosophy. The Ministry realized that the old training was low balanced and over-emphasized the rational feature more than the religious, emotional and physical aspects. Although cognitive accomplishments had been highlighted, we were holding merely individuals on the reduce measure of Bloom , h categorization, which will consist of the , reduced order accomplishments ,. The KBSM was an betterment as it promotes treatment and enquiry. A few of the instruction strategies that it proposed were methods of find and enquiry, treatment, the Socratic method of oppugning and task work outing through the medical method. The KBSM was to develop and heighten pupils , rational capacity to find rational, essential and originative thought. Nevertheless , the greatest go to stress the instruction of thought inside the instruction system came following your Prime Minister unveiled his Vision2020 pertaining to the state in 1991. Malaysia , s Eye-sight 2020 identifies nine issues confronting the state of hawaii that aspires to develop naturally which includes advancement the different dimensions just like economic savoir, societal, politics relations, psychological science, religious, and cultural. Curiously, one of the major difficulties lies in furthering and designing a mature democratic society, involving a signifier of fully developed consensual, community-oriented Malayan democracy. To run in this problem would need Malaysians to believe positively, critically and artistically.

The most important approach made by the Ministry following your KBSM was the debut of the construct with the , wise school , in 1997, whereby originative and essential thought would go one of its attractions, the additional being the focal point within the petition of informations and communicating engineerings in instructions and buy.

The Ministry of Education and the Teachers of Education of community universities throughout the state attached more exploration on the teaching of important and originative thought successes, particularly inside the 1990s. Regrettably, this punctilious research had been largely kept on the catalogue shelves attaining more particles and was ne’er capable of inform the practicians in the Ministry and schools. Consequently , practicians were unable to utilize study as a style for performing practical determinations. In the context of Malaysia, most of them either could no acquire entree to the relevant literature, carry out non possess the learning world for self-reformation, are extremely busy learning and fixing pupils for scrutiny and/or self-satisfied with the patterns regardless of the worsening educational criterions. Eisner wrote with this phenomenon of educational analysis seldom updating educational style and suggested some adjustments in harm that scientists need to set about if educational research desires to inform educational pattern.

The Ministry of Education offers conducted a number of undertakings and plans of believing achievements in colleges through the Programs Development Middle ( CDC ), and Teachers , Education Split ( ALLEN ). They may have besides carried out workshops and provided preparing to instructors. For circumstance, the CDC conducted a pilot executing on thinking accomplishments throughout the course of study in 1992/1993 in the territory of Gombak, Selangor. This starting involved 15 secondary educational institutions and Contact form One instructors. The objective of this commencing was to uncover instructors to believing successes, how to always be after and fix training and acquisition stuffs, and formulate strategies for learning thought. In the terminal with this undertaking, instructors were discovered to hold that believing achievements were pratique and should end up being taught in schools. They felt that due to the restraint of show, the draw out attack is most suited for learning thought.

The Ministry introduced the Program intended for Instruction in mastering and Pondering Skills ( ” PeningkatandanAsuhanDayaIntelek “, PADI or PILTS ) in 1992. The chief focal point of the PILTS Plan is the naming of a nucleus of relevant believed and larning accomplishments to become taught, developing of these accomplishments in the content being learned, supplying suitable instructions and rating in the accomplishments taught. The consciousness of a demand to learn thinking earnestly in schools obtained impulse the moment in 93, Tan Sri Dr Wan ZahidMohamadNoordin the so Director-General of Education made it the work of the learning profession to formulate believing achievements in world through glumness enquiry. This individual asserts that ” teachers must prosecute in brooding enquiry, send cognition, attitude, and achievements. They should develop believing achievements. The pupil should no merely be taught to reply questions, but besides to request replies also to oppugn requests “. inches The Programs Development Middle even published a manual to explicate the create, theoretical accounts and teaching schemes for learning crucial thought accomplishments to instructors. , A twelvemonth subsequently he declared that the chief indicate of the Ministry of Education by the twelvemonth 2000 should be to hold 60 per cent in the scrutiny questions to be of the ” important thought inches nature. Actually the SijilPelajaran Malaysia , s Record paper in 1994 got already applied inquiries which will require critical thought.

Therefore, in 1996 the Instructor Education Department ( TED ) with the Ministry of Education, released a class permitted ” Essential and Creative work Skills inch in its Post-Degree Teaching Plan ( KPLI ). This class was an attempt to teach future course instructors on how to study believing successes across the training. The ALLEN besides introduced this theme for its in-service classs.

The societal part in Kuhn , s ( 1991 ) classification refers to the treatment of thoughts with equals who also are involved in a collaborative procedure of cognition edifice. Research workers have got argued that equal relationships are alone in their capacity to supply the types of communications that lead to the introduction of empathy, expertise, and societal behavior ( Youniss, 1980 ).

Meeks and Johnson ( 99 ) preserve that collaborative equal larning promotes greater conceptual expansion and implications in higher enjoyment of the acquisition executing. Collaboration is usually thought to give loans to higher order larning through cognitive restructuring or struggle declaration. Anderson, Howe, Soden, Halliday, and Low ( 2001 ) stated thatpeer conversing can hold a good consequence in conceptual creation as a map of conceptual struggle. Yet , in accessory they remember that grounds besides exists ( Roazzi , A, Bryant, 1998 ) for good effects of understanding. Many surveies have evaluated the effectivity of truchement aimed at bettering critical believed accomplishments ( see Pithers

and Soden, 2000 ). These truchement have included the construct of well guided pattern ( Anderson et al., 2001 ) and scaffolding ( Wood , A, Solid wood, 1996 ) to guide students through the believed procedure by measuring their particular current degree of believing through duologue and thus inquiring questions to travel them into the following degree. Different intercessions include involved the debut of equal interaction into essential thought companies in an effort to better pupils , cognitive achievements in this nation ( Anderson et ing., 2001, Schwartz, Neuman, Gil, , A, Ilya, the year 2003 ).

Study by Anderson et Al. ( 2001 ) reinforced Kuhn , s ( 1991 ) suggestion that critical thought accomplishments, in peculiar evidence-based justification, may be improved with guided design. Their analysis involved vocational instruction students from Even more Education schools who were involved in peer-based critiquing of each others , commencing proposals. It was found that face-to-face equal interaction was good in elevating critical believed accomplishments, however, justification tended to be anecdotal in nature or perhaps based on personal experience, instead of justification using research-based reasons.

Ocker and Yaverbaum ( 1999 ) used a repeated-measures experimental design to compare student groups every single of which teamed up on two instance surveies, one using face-to-face association and the different utilizing asynchronous computing machine discoursing. All their findings mentioned that tie ining inside the on-line position was simply every bit powerful as in the face-to-face status, in footings of buy, high quality of solution, option content and pleasance with the solution.

Newman, Webb, and Cochrane ( 1995 ) besides in comparison face-to-face teams with on the web groups, centering on the deepness of critical thought. That they found grounds for important thought in discourse coming from both face-to-face and computer machine convention seminars and the analysis showed similar deepnesss of critical thought in on-line treatment and face-to-face one.

Yet , a greater proportion of new thoughts emerged in the face-to-face workshops, whereas even more thoughts in the computing equipment conferences had been coded by import, validated or connected together. Newman et Approach. ( 1995 ) asserted that the asynchronous environment disappointed pupils coming from brainstorming and lending new thoughts, nevertheless instead urged considered, good thought-out parts. Newman et Al. ( 1995 ) developed a prolonged content examination technique, based on Garrison , s ( 1991 ) theoretical bank account of essential thought, to code the online and face-to-face parts of pupils on an Data Society teachers. However , they did non code every statement in the transcripts, pretermiting to number or code content that was deemed excessively subjective or perhaps interpretative to get intending to be faithfully deduced. Therefore , their particular method of research involved selecting merely the obvious illustrations and disregarding articles that could not be determined easy because belonging to a peculiar critical thought category. Statements were described as usually demoing multiple index and there was simply no step of translator consistency as it was hard to evidently specify one of analysis. Consequently , the reliability of this technique is questionable the moment trying to objectively measure the characteristics of educational discourse as well as the degree of crucial thought in face-to-face treatment and online transcripts using a quantitative content material analysis technique.

The crucial thought achievements known by board of experts had been reading, examination, appraisal, duty write-off, description, and self-regulation. If the amount of critical believed in adolescence pupils can be measured, it can be truly helpful to curriculum creator or whom are in charge to educational policy to complete the best determination for learning believing accomplishments.

In the whole world beyond the schoolroom, secondary school pupils will be au naturel to strong messages that confuse tries to believe critically. The cardinal demand for important thought in and beyond formal buy in boring life, associations, ethical selections, and in the saving and development of participatory democracies grows more and more noticeable ( Edwards, 2001, Halpern, 2003, Pithers, 2000 ). The growth of information via the Internet will basically be managed efficaciously by simply persons with well-developed thought accomplishments.

Critical thought used to be thought of as an logical exercising predicted merely of the educated important. This routine of having faith in on a small subdivision from the population to be the minds for society is definitely superseded ( Hay, 2001 ). Marshak ( the year 2003 ) produces:

The public college system that we get today was constructed through the first two decennaries from the twentieth hundred years… public schools were formed to suit professional theoretical accounts of efficient industry. 1 cardinal function for schools was screening process kids harmonizing to their apparent abilities and promoting various to fall out and travel to work just unskilled laborers. In option to the academic lower position of the educational institutions that normally serve big alternate foule, economically hard-pressed and different households usually lack the cognition or perhaps connexions with establishments which could ease admittance into school or a work-related preparation plan, every bit great as possible support beginnings and career choices ( Neill, 2003, Stanton-Salazar, 1997 ). This lack of societal capital or diele to social constructions to be able to achieve a selected terminal well affects their very own future probabilities. It is genuinely pointed out just how these pupils are even farther disadvantaged the moment their university experience does non are the development of important thought successes like task resolution, perseverance devising, concluding through declaration, and recognizing ways in which they might avoid fragile irresistible behavioral instinct into a life style that is counterproductive to puting long-run purposes.

High school pupils who perform non reflect a hereafter that includes stop secondary teaching manner your K-12 grapevine prior to college graduation at a much higher charge than their very own privileged many other pupils. A newly released survey by Urban Company ( Orfield, Losen, Wald, , A, Swanson, 2005 ) exposed that the national high school drop-out rate is far greater than the provinces , self-reported costs. In Cal, the Numberss are peculiarly high, specifically among Afro-american and Hispanic pupils, basically 57 % of African-Americans and merely 60 % of Latinos managed to graduate in 2002, compared with 78 % of White students and 84 % of Asians. The branchings of such big Numberss of drop-outs pertaining to the person, their households, and society happen to be profoundly bitter as are the suggestions that pupils will be being forced out by educational institutions seeking larger duty trial tonss ( Harvard University, 2005 ).

Statement of Problem

It can be clear that adolescence is among the most critical phases in homo , h life span. With this phase, they typically improve the sum of clip put in with their equates to. Besides conntacting equals helps them to socialize in world, there are many knowledge accomplishments which may larn by equal communications.

Harmonizing towards the cognitive theory striplings learn to believe realistically. They use hypotheses and programs to work out all their jobs, so that it could be conveyed critical believed procedure Begin in adolescence. Though it is equivocal in which degree critical believed appear in this phase and does it have societal factors. Furthermore limited research related to critical believed in adolescence was recognized. since important thought in adolescence is usually subject-specific ( Ennis, 1989, Facione, 1990, Tindal , A, Nolet, 1995, Angeli, 1999, Halliday, 2000 ), and they master many accomplishments through communicating with equals and society and so at that place appears to be a demand for a survey that could explicate the critical believed ability of stripling and its interaction with peer interacting and societal behavior.

Theoretical Model

This kind of survey depending on combination of both cognitive and societal ethnic theory:

Piaget ( 1958 ) explained striplings begin to believe realistically, inventing courses to work out jobs and regularly testing alternatives. So harmonizing Piaget theory critical believed should accrue in adolescence.

Vygotesky ( 1978 ) accent around the societal component in kids , s construction of cognition has resulted in the contrainte with equals helps scholars reach new cognition.

Conceptual Model

Three chief factors will be utilized for this survey. However , you will find any possibilities about the way of relationship or conversation between them. It can be obvious man ecology of participants will be influenced in societal factors ( societal credence and peer communicating ) straight, although it can be equivocal which usually societal factors, societal credence or equal communicating, intercede other adjustable to important thought. It is a more possible theoretical accounts of romance between variables.

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Justification of Study

Like a portion of formal operational period in Piaget theory, method of aesthetic aspect of crucial believing begin in adolescence. Children should get into take a few chief personal and social determinations in your daily course. It are noticed that 85 % of striplings associate themselves with a equal group. The nature of an stripling , s actions are greatly affected by his friends and comrades.

Research Questions

This kind of survey comes with three analysis inquiries that investigate likely interactions between critical believed, societal credit and similar communicating.

A Is there relevance grounds of critical believed in striplings with large degree in equal interacting?

Is there significance grounds of critical thought in striplings with substantial degree in societal credence?

Make essential thought and societal credit and expert communicating interact with each other?

Relevance of Examine

This review has the conceivable to influence the research individuals themselves, and besides the populace of teenage years pupils they represent. Msn able to explicate critical thought accomplishment in footings of the independent factors used in the survey could assist course of study developers, pedagogues, and decision makers to build up the crucial thought ranking and community presentation processs necessary to boost the overall important thought successes and temperaments of students.

This survey is of import because a large number of people and organisation could utilize of its perseverance. This perseverance will be necesare for all educational centres, educational institutions and especially for The Malaysian Ministry of Education.

There is plentiful environment that a big proportion of high schools inadequately arrange immature people to get the real-world demands of work, higher instructions, and routine life. Principal among the shortages recognized are competences linked to specific larger degree intellectual procedures, or perhaps merely established, critical thought. High school alumnuss must be in a position to judge the credibleness of beginnings, evaluate statements, and separate amongst facts and sentiment. to evaluate [ the mass media ] to assist all of them place likely prejudice, assist them go assurance press consumers… to construe, help to make informations to share with determinations or draw decisions. Students themselves recognize the value of higher buy believing achievements in footings of their ability to win because immature grownups. In an on the net study of over 10, 000 high school pupils throughout the state, more than 40 % responded that they did low experience their particular school experience provided functional and required life successes, and over a third rated their critical thought preparation because fair-to-poor ( National Chief of the servants , h Association, june 2006 ).

Standard Objective

Describe part of important believing degree in secondary school pupils. Recognize relationship or impact of societal element on image aspect of essential thought process. Find an appropriate theoretical account to depict and foretell the partnership between factors

Definition of Terms


Young: Adolescent can be described as transitional stage of physical and mentalA human developmentA by and large going on betweenA pubertyA and legalA maturity ( Viner L 2005 ). A A

Critical believed: critical believed is calculated, self-regulatory dedication which outcomes in examining, analysis, rating, and tax write-off bank account of the willpower ( Facione, 1990 ).

Peer conversing: equal conversing is the relationship of equates to into little groups that contain changing capabilities in which all pupils may take part to acquire a common goal.

Social credit: societal credence is the grade to which an stripling is socially accepted by equals. It includes the degree of equal attraction and the easiness with which an stripling could get down and continue suitable equal relationships.


Teenagers: Harmonizing toA Erikson stage , s of human development an stripling can be described as individual between your ages of 13 and 19

Important thought: The pre-disposed attitude one of study course possesses sing critical believed. The degree of essential thought in participants will probably be measured through the researcher-developed Diamond, Maturity, and Innovativeness ( EMI ).

Peer conversing: The degree of equal communicating will be measured by The kids , s outlooks of societal behavior set of questions ( Rudolph, Hammen, , A, Burge, 1995 ) and stock list of equivalent fond regard ( Armsden , A, Greenberg, 1987 )

Cultural credence: This survey could happen the degree of social credence through societal credence Asher and Dodge , s ( 1986 ) step.

Specific Objective

Determine the nexus between the same communicating and critical believed

Identify the nexus between societal credence and crucial thought

Did peer interacting intercede the nexus among societal credit and critical thought?

Exploration Hypothesis

This survey seek out placing interacts and influences of societal elements on critical thought, so you will find three ideas to expect marriage between parameters.

There is value grounds of critical believed in striplings with substantial degree in equal conversing

There is value grounds of critical thought in striplings with substantial degree in societal credence

Critical believed and societal credence and peer conversing interact with each other.


Analysis Design:

With this quantitative study will be used correlativity design to get the relationship among variables.

Besides, descriptive approach will be used to depict the distribution of variables

Introduction Standards

Age groups: all members will be in adolescence age ( 13-19 )

Sexuality: They will be around every bit divided by sexuality

Race and Language: they will be selected roughly every bit amongst three competitions ( Malay, Indian, and Chinese )

Sampling and participants

Members will be selected through number trying technique.

Population will probably be all striplings in KL high schools.

Participants will be 300 striplings in KL high colleges

Data Collection

All infos will be accumulated through forms with great dependability and cogency. Consequently , it could be conveyed self-report forms will be used like a information collectiong technique through this survey.


Four questionnaires will be used through this survey:

The researcher-developed Diamond, Maturity, and Innovativeness ( EMI ) critical thought temperament appraisal will be used to mensurate the critical believed temperament of striplings.

Adolescents , representations of means. The Children , s Anticipations of Sociable Behaviour Set of questions ( Rudolph, Hammen, , A, Burge, 1995 ) will be used to tap kids , t representations of urine L.

Inventory of Peer Accessory ( Armsden , A, Greenberg, 1987 ) to mensurate peer fond view in striplings.

Social credence Asher and Dodge , s ( 1986 ) societal credence step to be used in this survey


Teenagers , representations of means. The Children , s Anticipations of Cultural Behavior Set of questions ( Rudolph, Hammen, , A, Burge, 1995 ) will used to tap striplings , illustrations of equals. intentionally, this 15-item customer survey taps striplings , outlooks of their means , responses to conjectural aversive state of affairss in which a stripling needs aid, keep up, and sensitiveness via his or her means. This step was made to order to do it enable state of affairss that involved striplings, and to include a 4-point response format ( instead than a 3-point response format ) runing by ( 1 ) many positive prospect to ( 4 ) most adverse outlook ( Cassidy , A, Woodhouse, 1997, Appendix B ). All points can b eupturned scored. For every single point, striplings read a sketch picturing a conjectural state of affairs and were thus instructed to acknowledge the way the equals might reply to your affairs. Rudolph et Al. ( 95 ) paid for good psychometric belongingss to get theprimary stage ( electronic. g., good internal consistence, test-retest dependabilities and significant concept cogency in a test of 7-to 12-year-old kids ). They besides reported good convergent cogency just for this step. For instance, they discovered that children who had more negative illustrations of equates to were much more likely to exhibit maladaptive social behaviour and lower social competency. For the reason that survey, the Cronbach , s alpha was zero. 76.

This task contained a collection of written recommendations inquiring striplings to inch rate the extent that you like to maintain activities with all the undermentioned pupils. ” Below this set of instructions, was your same spin of 75 schoolmates the fact that stripling employed in the societal behaviour device. Adolescents utilized a 5-point Liker-type managed to graduate table runing from no at all ( 1 ) to a group ( five ) to complete their assessments. A societal credence draw for each player was calculated based upon assessments that the participator received by his or her schoolmates. This draw was computed foremost by taking the indicate of all the evaluations for that participator and so standardising this mean within the individual , s school. Furthermore, in a longitudinal survey of early striplings, Wentzel and Caldwell ( 1997 ) reported significant test-retest dependability and prognostic cogency, bespeaking that social credence mediated by prosocial behaviour was related to striplings , GRADE POINT AVERAGE during sixth and 8th class.

Through the original 60 point important thought initial temperament trial, point and scale stability analysis still left a managed to graduate table with 30 points and a general Cronbach , s leader of 0. 86. The Innovativeness strategy was displayed by eight points and a standardised Cronbach , s first of zero. 79, the Maturity idea was symbolized by half a dozen points and a standardised Cronbach , s first of zero. 75, as well as the Engagement strategy was symbolized by 13 points and a standardised Cronbach , s first of 0. 89. These kinds of dependability quotes were regarded really high utilizing the typical standards ( R = 0. sixty five to 0. 75 ) of Norris and Ennis ( 1989 ). Extra statistics, such as each point , t mean, normal divergence, remedied item-total correlativity, and alpha if the level were erased are reported in Stand 3-3. Products were retained if they were doing non carry utmost firms, had that which was considered to be enough variableness in responses, acquired corrected item-total correlativities more than 0. two, and would do the reliability of the managed to graduate table stronger.

After the initial trial tonss were reviewed and the strongest graduated table was discovered, the research employee added take into account the Maturity concept to feature a wider representation of facets of the Maturity nature. This kept the new EMI instrument with 33 points.

Peer fond regard graduated tables ( a =. 90 ) consisted of 25 points and were rated on a five-point graduated stand ( test points: “my parents/friends understand me ” ). Each one of the subscales ( trust, disaffection, and interacting ) was submitted into a Personal computer element analysis and a parallel factor come about for both parent and peer loving regard. The factor in the parent managed to graduate tables was labelled

“parental secure loving regard inch ( k = 2 . 41 %, 80. some % from the discrepancy ) and contains trust (. 91 ) and communicating (. 88 ), which usually loaded absolutely and disaffection, which loaded negatively

( _0. 80 ). The factor through the equal graduated tables was labelled “peer secure attached to regard ” ( t = installment payments on your 31 %

77. one particular % of the discrepancy ) and consisted of trust (. 92 ) and connecting (. 91 ), which will loaded positively and disaffection, which packed negatively ( _. 80 ).

Data Analysis Technique

Mean, fashion and discrepancy will be used to depict part of informations T-test will be used to position the nexus between variablesMultiple arrested expansion analyses will be used to place direct and indirect nexus among variables that mediated by simply other factors. Statistical Deal for Cultural Science ( SPSS ) will be used to analysis almost all informations.

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