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Chicago Author-Date Referencing 3 years ago The Chi town Author-Date referencing style features two standard systems of documentation. You will find the humanities style (which can also be known as the footnote and endnote or the paperwork and bibliography style), and also the au- thor-date style. Information follows the author-date approach to referencing.

This requires citations within the text cor- responding to an entire bibliographic admittance in the citation at the end from the document. The in-text info include the author’s last name, then the date of syndication in parentheses.

The bibliographic entry in the reference list includes all the other necessary publication information. When using EndNote, it is recommended that the design system to work with is Chicago, il Curtin 2007. Note: this page is only an intro to the Chicago Author-Date referring to system. Curtin University Selection provides a modified version in the author-date system presented in: The Chicago manual of style. 2003. fifteenth ed. Chicago: The School of Chicago Press. How you can cite referrals: Chicago design. 2006. http://wwwlib. murdoch. edu. au/find/citation/chicago. html

It is very important that you check your department or school’s assignment guidebook as some specifics, eg. punctuation, may vary through the guidelines within this page. You could be penalised for not conforming on your school’s requirements. The information and examples covered on this page are chiefly derived from these sources. What is Referencing? Referencing is a standardised method of acknowledging sources of data and suggestions that you have utilized in your task in a way that uniquely identifies all their source. Direct quotations, facts and figures, as well as concepts and hypotheses, from both published and unpublished performs must be referenced.

There are many suitable forms of referring to. This information piece provides a quick guide to the Chicago Author-Date referencing style. Within the text message of the job the author’s name is given first, accompanied by the distribution date. A reference list at the end of the project contains the full details of each of the in-text info. Why Reference point? Referencing is important to avoid plagiarism, to confirm quotations, and enable visitors to girl and reading more fully the cited author’s arguments. Steps Involved in Referencing 1 .

Note down the full bibliographic details like the page number(s) from which the information is used. In the case of a book, ‘bibliographical details’ refers to: author/editor, year of publication, name, edition, volume level number, host to publication and publisher because found on the the front and back of the title page. (Not all of these details will necessarily end up being applicable). When it comes to a journal article, the main points required include: author in the article, season of syndication, title with the article, subject of the log, volume and issue number of the log, and site numbers.

For all those electronic information, in addition to the above you should notice the date that you utilized the information, and database term or website (URL). 2 . Insert the citation on the appropriate place within the text of the record (see good examples below). three or more. Provide a reference list at the end of the document (see examples below). In-Text Info Use the identity of the publisher, followed by the season of newsletter when citing references inside the text of your assignment. Where authors of various references have similar family brand, include the author’s initials in the in-text citation i.. (Hamilton, C. D. 1994) or perhaps C. D. Hamilton (1994). If several authors are cited exact same point in the written text then they happen to be included in the same in-text quotation, separated by a semicolon at the. g. (Brown 1991, Cruz 2003). They can be presented in an alphabetical order by author. When straight quoting coming from another resource, the relevant page number must be given and estimate marks put around the quotation. When paraphrasing or referring to an idea by another supply which is a book or lengthy text, range from the relevant webpage number, while this might always be useful to you. How to Create a Reference List

Generally, page quantities should be contained in all in-text citations, several schools require this practice. A citation only contains books, articles etc which have been cited in the text. A bibliography can be described as list made up of the options used in having a publication and also other sources the writer considers could possibly be of use or perhaps interest for the reader. The reference list is arranged alphabetically by publisher. Where an item has no writer it is reported by their title, and ordered inside the reference list or perhaps bibliography alphabetically by the initially significant expression of the name. The Chicago style requires the second and subsequent lines of the research o end up being indented, as shown in the examples beneath, to highlight the alphabetical buy. 2 Samples of Referencing Books| In-Text Example| Reference List Example| EndNote Back button (which reference point type? )| Single author| ‘The theory was first propounded in 1982’ (Horwood 1982, 65)OR’Horwood (1982, 65) said that¦’| Horwood, J. 1982. Comfort. London: Unwin Paperbacks. | Book| 2 or 3 authors| (Madden and Hogan 97, 22)ORMadden and Hogan (1997, 22) dis- cuss this idea¦OR(Jones, Madding and Davis 1998, 34)| Madden, Ur., and To. Hogan. 97. The definition ofdisability in Australia: Shifting towards national consistency.

Canberra: Australian Company of Health and WelfareORJones, J., M. Madding, and M. Davis. 98. How to trip a pony. Sydney: Aussie Aquarian Press. | Book| More than 3 authors| (Leeder et approach. 1996, 2)| Leeder, S. R., A. J. Dobson, R. Gibbers, N. R. Patel, G. S. Mathews, D. A. Williams, and D. Mariot. 1996. TheAustralian film market. Adelaide: Mastery Press. | Book| Not known authorshipor unknown works| (Advertising in the Traditional western Cape1990, 74). | Advertising and marketing in the Traditional western Cape. 1990. Cape Community: ABC Writers. | Book| Multiple functions bysame author| ‘University analysis (Brown 1982, 1988) has indicated that¦’| Brown, G. 982. Corals in the Capricorn group. Rock- hampton: Central Queensland College or university. Brown, S. 1988. The consequences of anchor on corals. Rockhampton: Central Queensland University. Purchase chronologically in the reference list. | Book| a few of 14 Multiple workspublished in the same year by the same Author| ‘In recent reports (Napier 1993a, 55)¦’Use a/b etc . to differentiate between works in same yr. | Napier, A. 1993a. Fatal storm. Sydney: Allen , Unwin. Napier, A. 1993b. Survival at marine. Sydney: Allen , Unwin. Order in an alphabetical order by subject in the citation. | Book| Editor| Kastenbaum 1993, 91-2)| Kastenbaum, Ur., ed. 93. Adult creation. Phoe- nix: Oryx Press. | Modified Book| Several Editions| Neil Renton (2004, 75) suggests that¦| Renton, N. 2005. Compendium great writing. 3rd ed. Milton: John Wiley , Daughters. An release number is placed after the subject of the operate , this is not necessary for a primary edition. | Book(put 3rd in Edition). | Not any date| (Housley [2006? ])OR(Housley n. deb. )| Housley, N. [2006? ]. Contesting the crusades. Malden, MA: Blackwell. ORHousley, In. n. d. Contesting the crusades. Malden, MA: Blackwell. | Book(put [2006? ] or and. d. in Year). Encyclopedia/ Dictionary| ‘In the section on Walking while sleeping in the Encyclopedia of Rest andDreaming (Mahowald 1993, 578)’| Entries in an encyclopedia or dictionary are not listed in the reference list. | Enter the in-text citation personally. | Document or phase in a book| As reviewed by Blaxter (1976, 120-35)¦OR(Blaxter 1976, 120-35)| Blaxter, M. 1976. Sociable class and health inequalities In Equalities and inequalities in wellness, ed. C. Carter and J. Remove, 120-35. London: Academic Press. | Book Section| Article or part in a publication ” simply no author| (Solving the Y2K problem 1997, 23)| Fixing the Y2K problem. 997. In Technology today and tomorrow, ed. D. Bowd, 23-35. Ny: Van Nostrand Reinhold. | Book Section| Brochure| (Research and Schooling Centre 2003)| Research and Training Center on 3rd party Living. 2003. Guidelines to get reporting and writing about people who have disabilities [Brochure]. Melbourne: Research and Training Centre. The publisher’s name might be abbreviated when it is also mcdougal. | BookType [Brochure] physically after the Subject. | E-book| (Pettinger 2002)| Pettinger, R. 2002. Global organizations. Oxford: Capstone Posting. http://www. netlibrary. com. dbgw. lis. curtin. edu. au/ Details. spx (accessed September 28, 2004). | Electronic digital Book(put September 28, 2005 in Day Accessed)| Thesis| (Jones 98, 89)| Jones, F. 1998. The mechanism of Bajuware (umgangssprachlich) residue flocculation. PhD diss., Curtin College or university ofTechnology. http://adt. curtin. edu. au/theses/ available/adt-WCU20020610. 142909/ (accessedNovember 28, 2006). | Thesis(put PhD diss. in Thesis Type)| ConferenceProceeding| (Hill 2000, 112)| Hill, R. 2000. Proceedings of the Ninth Getting together with of the Worldwide National Trust, March approximately for five, 2000: TheNational Trust in to the new millennium. Alice Spring suspensions, NT: Australian Council of NationalTrusts. http://search. informit. omkring. au. dbgw. lis. curtin. edu. au/search, rec=11, action= showCompleteRec (accessed November 30, 2006). | Conference Proceeding(put 2000 in Year of Conference, The National Trust into the fresh millenniumin Name Proceedings from the Ninth Appointment of the Foreign National Trust in Conference Brand, March 3-5 in Date, Alice Spring suspensions, NT in ConferenceLocation, Australian Council of National Trusts in Publisher). | Twelve-monthly report associated with an organisation| (Department of Transport and Local Services 2001)OR(Billabong International Ltd 2005)| Department of Travel and Local Services. 2001. Annual statement 2001-02. Canberra: DTRS.

ORBillabong International Limited. 2005. Annual report 2006 ” brands. http://www. connect4. com. au. dbgw. lis. curtin. edu. au/products/ar/index. code (accessed November 29, 2006). | Report(put DTRS in Institution)| Image in a book| The cartel ‘Buy Aussie Apples’ (Cowle and Master 2005, 65)| Cowle, C., and Deb. Walker. 2006. The art of apple branding [Image]. Hobart: Apples from Oz . | BookType [Image] manually following the title. | Print Journals| In-Text Example| Reference List Example| EndNote Times (which guide type? )| Article| As stated by Wharton (1996, 8)| Wharton, N. 1996. Health and safety in outdoor activity centres.

Journal of Adventure Educationand Outdoor Leadership doze (1): 8-23. | Record Article| Article ” no author| ‘It’s a growing issue in the UK. ‘ (Anorexia nervosa 1969, 17)| Anorexia nervosa. 1969. Uk Medical Journal 12 (2): 6-19. | Journal ArticleYou will need to change the in-text citation for it to appear in italics. | Newspaper, characteristic ormagazine article| (Towers 2000, 3)| Podiums, K. 2150. Doctor not at fault: Coroner. The Aussie, January 18. | Newspaper Article(put January 18 in Issue Date)| Newspaper, feature ormagazine content ” simply no author| ‘The Sydney Early morning Herald (21 Jan. 2150, 12) reported¦. | Give all the details inside the in-text quotation ” does not require an entrance in the citation. | | Press release| ¦. ‘in the press release on 1 March, BHP enters new era, Watersmith ex- plains¦¦’| Treated as an unpublished file. No need for a great entry in the reference list. | You will need to your in-text citation manually. | Electronic Journals| In-Text Example| Reference List Example| EndNote X (which reference type? )| Full text message from anelectronic database| (Madden 2002, 562)| Madden, G. 2002. Internet economics andpolicy: An Australian perspective. Economical Record 78 (2): 551-78. Informit On the net. http:// search. nformit. com. au. dbgw. lis. curtin. edu. au/fullText, dn=200208736, res=APAFT (accessed Oct 16, 2003). | Journal Article(put Informit Online in Name of Database, http://search. informit. com. audbgw. lis. curtin. edu. au/fullText, dn=200208736, res=APAFT in URL, August 16, 2003 in Access Date). | Full text message from anelectronic database ” no author| ‘The net has had a big impact on the Australianeconomy’ (Internet economics and plan 2002, 350)You will need to edit the in-text citation for it to appear in italics. | Internet economics and plan: An Australian perspective. 2002. Economic Record 78 (2): 551-78. Informit Online. ttp: //search. informit. com. au. dbgw. lis. curtin. edu. au/fullText, dn=200208736, res=APAFT (accessed October 16, 2003). | Journal Article(put Informit On the net in Term of Database, http://search. informit. com. au. dbgw. lis. curtin. edu. au/fullTextdn=20020 8736, res=APAFT in URL, Oct 16, the year 2003 in Get Date). | 6 of 11 Complete text newspaper, newswire or perhaps magazine via an electronic data source ” no author| (Cup lifts Seven out of ratings doldrums 2006, 33)| Cup lifting Seven away of evaluations blues. 06\. The Aussie, November 13. Factiva. http://global. factiva. com. dbgw. lis. curtin. edu. au/ha/ default. aspx (accessed November twenty-four, 2006). Newspapers Article(put November 13 in Issue Day, Factiva in Name of Database, http:// global. factiva. com. dbgw. lis. curtin. edu. au/ ha/default. aspx in WEB LINK, November twenty four, 2006 in Access Date). | Full text from your Internet| It absolutely was proposed by simply Byrne (2004, 2) that¦| Byrne, A. 2004. The finish of history: Censorship and your local library. The Australian Library Log 53 (2). http://www. alia. org. au/publishing/alj/53. 2/full. text/ byrne. code (accessed Nov 13, 2004). | Diary Article(put http://www. alia. org. au/publishing/ alj/53. 2/full. text/byrne. html in URL). | Article via Curtin E- Reserve| (Andersen 2002, 343)| Andersen, J.

A. 2002. Organizational style: Two lessons to learn ahead of re-organizing. International Journal of Organizational Theory and Habit 5 (3/4): 343. Curtin University Li-brary E-Reserve. http://edocs. lis. curtin. edu. au/eres_display. cgi? url=DC65012621. pdf (accessed November twenty-four, 2006). | Journal Article(put Curtin University or college Library E-Reserve in Name of Data source, http://edocs. lis. curtin. edu. au/eres_display. cgi? url=DC650 12621. pdf in URL, Nov 24, 06\ in Gain access to Date). | Article from databaseon CD-ROM (BPO)| (La Rosa 1992, 58)| La Rosa, S i9000. M. 1992. Marketing slays the downsizing dragon.

Info Today being unfaithful (3): 58-9. UMI Organization Periodicals Ondisc (accessed November 24, 2006). | Diary Article(put UMI Business Magazines Ondisc inURL). | Extra Sources| In-Text Example| Citation Example| EndNote X (which reference type? )| Book| (Lewis and Carini 1984)Cite the source the quotation is usually from. | Lewis, E. N., and P. Versus. Carini. 1984. Nurse staffing needs and patient classification: approaches for success. Rockville, Md: Aspens Systems Corp. Quoted e. A. Thibodeau and K. T. Patton, eds., The hu- gentleman body in health and disease (St John, Mo.: Mosby, 2002), 77. | Your in-text citation manually. | of 10 Journal Article| (Ebell 2006)| Patton, K. T. Neuralgia and headaches. Science 314 (December 2006): 2153-5. Ebell, M. They would. 2006. Diagnosis of migraine pain. American Relatives Physician seventy four (Dec. ): 2087-8. Quoted in Patton 2006, 2153. | Enter the in-text citation manually. | World Wide Web| In-Text Example| Reference List Example| EndNote Times (which reference type? )| Document about WWW| ‘It’s essential you learn how to reference’ (Dawson ain al. 2002). | Dawson, J., T. Smith, K. Deubert and S. Grey-Smith. 2002. ‘S’ Trek 6: Referencing, not plagiarism. http://studytrekk. lis. curtin. edu. au/ (accessed Oct 31, 2002). Web Page| Document upon WWW “No author| (Leafy seadragons and weedy seadragons 2001)| Green seadragons and weedy seadragons. 2001. http://www. windspeed. net. au/~jenny/seadragons/(accessed September 14, 2001). | Internet Page| Record on WWW “No date| (Royal Company of English Architects in. d. )| Royal Start of British Architects. d. d. Framing the future: Jobs in structures. http://www. careersinarchitecture. net/ (accessed May 31, 2005). | Web Page(put n. deb. in Year)| Image for the web| The image of the bleached coral (Coral bleaching and massbleaching events 2002)| Coral reefs bleaching and mass whitening events [Image]. 002. http://www. gbrmpa. gov. au/corp_site/ info_services/science/bleaching (accessed September a couple of, 2005). | Web Page(type [Image] manually after the subject of the image)| 8 of 11 Federal government Publications| In-Text Example| Reference List Example| EndNote X (which reference type? )| Take action of Parliament| The Commonwealth’s Copyright Take action 1968¦[future references do not include date]| Guidelines is included within a list of recommendations only if it is important to an comprehension of the work. Setthe list in addition to the main human body of the reference point under the subheading , Legislation’. Essential elements: Short name Date (Jurisdiction) eg.

Copyright laws Act late 1960s (Cwlth). In the event that legislation is usually obtained from an electronic database, include a URL while forelectronic journal articles. | Enter in-text citation physically. | Cases| The State of Nsw v. The Commonwealth (1915) 20 CLR54| Legal authorities are incorporated into a list of references only when they are crucial to anunderstanding of the work. Collection the list apart from the main human body of the reference point under thesubheading , Legal Authorities’. | Case(put 1915 in Year, The State of New South Wales v. The Commonwealth just in case Name, twenty in Media reporter Volume, CLR in Media reporter Abbreviation, fifty four in Web page Cited). Australian Bureau ofStatistics Bulletin| (Australian Bureau of Statistics 1999)| Australian Bureau of Stats. 1999. Incapacity, ageing and carers: Summary of findings, Cat. number 4430. zero. Canberra: AB MUSCLES. | Report(put Cat. number 4430. 0 in Crescendo Number, ABS in Institution). | Australian Bureau ofStatistics from AusStats| (Australian Bureau of Stats 1999)| Aussie Bureau of Statistics. 1999. Disability, getting older and carers: Summary of findings, Kitten. no . 4430. 0. Canberra: ABS. http://www. abs. gov. au/Ausstats/ [email, protected] nsf/94713ad445ff1425ca25682000192af2/e4cb97884898ec4bca2569de00221c84!

OpenDocument (accessed November twenty, 2002). | Report| Census Information| (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2001)| Australian Bureau of Statistics. 2001. Census ofpopulation and housing: B01 selected qualities (First release processing) postal area 6050. http://www8. ab muscles. gov. au/ABSNavigation/ prenav/ViewData, action=404, documentproductno=POA6050, documenttype =Details, tabname=Details, areacode=POA6050, issue=2001, producttype=Community20Profiles, , producttype= Community20Profiles, javascript=true, textversion=false, navmapdisplayed=true, breadcrumb=LPD, #Basic%20Community%20Profile (accessed November 20, 2002). | Report| of 11 Federal government Report| (Resource Assessment Commission 1991)| Quotes. Resource Examination Commission. 1991. Forest and timber query: Draft survey. Volume 1 . Canberra: Aussie Government Posting Service. | Report(put Down under. Resource Evaluation Commission in Author, Forest and hardwood inquiry: Draft report in Title, Volume level 1 in Accession Number, Australian Authorities Publishing Service in Institution). | Patent| (Cookson 1985)| Cookson, A. H. 85. Particle pitfall for compressed gas insulated transmission devices. US Patent4, 554, 399, filed November. 28, 85, and released Feb. eleven, 1988. | Patent(put Cookson, A.

L. in Developer, US inCountry, Patent 4, 554, 399 inPatent Quantity, Nov. twenty eight 1985 in Date, February. 11 1988 in Issue Date). | Standard| (Standards Australia 1997)| Standards Sydney. 1997. Size coding scheme for infants’ and kid’s clothing ” underwear andouterwear. AS 1182-1997. Standards Sydney Online. http://www. saiglobal. com. dbgw. lis. curtin. edu. au/online/autologin. asp (accessedJanuary twelve, 2006). | Report(put BECAUSE 1182-1997 in Accession Number| Other Sources| In-Text Example| Reference List Example| EndNote Back button (which research type? )| Personalcommunication, email and discussion lists with no web archive. ‘It was confirmed that an outbreak occurred in London in 1999’ (S. Savieri, verdatre. comm. ). | Not included in the citation. | Get into in-text citation manually. | UnpublishedInterviews| (Campbell 2006, 2)| Campbell, N. 2006. Interview by A. Connection. Tape saving. December 1 ) CurtinUniversity of Technology, Perth. | Personal Communication(put Campbell, Billie in Author, Interview with Hazel Bond in Title, Recording recording in Description, December 1 in Date, Curtin University of Technology in Publisher, Perth in City). | Videos and videorecordings| (Grumpy complies with the band 1992)| Grumpy meets the orchestra. 992. DVD. Written and aimed by G. Smithson. Melbourne: Australian Broadcasting Corporation. | Film or perhaps Broadcast(put DVD MOVIE in File format, Written and directed by simply George Smithson in Credit, Melbourne in Country, Australian Broadcasting Corporation in Distributor). | 12 of 10 Television and radioprogrammes| (What are we all going to do with all the money? 1997)| What are we all going to do with the money? 97. television software. Sydney: SBS Television, 8August. | Film or Broadcast(put television put in Format, Sydney in Region, SBS Television set in Supplier, 8 Aug in Date Released). Podcasts| (The wings of a butterfly “children, teens and anxiety2005)| The wings of a butterflies , children, teenagers and anxiety. 2006. podcast the airwaves program. Sydney: ABC A radio station National, 15 September. http:// www. abc. net. au/podcast/default. htm#mind (accessed September of sixteen, 2005). | Film or Broadcast(put podcasting radio program in Format, Sydney in Region, ABC A radio station National in Distributor, 12 September in Date Introduced, September sixteen, 2005 in Access Date). | CD-ROMS| (Kingsley 1998)| Kingsley, S i9000. 1998. Doctor Brain thinking games. Torrance, California: Expertise Adventure Incorporation.

CD-ROM. | Computer Program(put Kingsley, H. in Programmer, Torrance, Cal in Metropolis, Knowledge Excursion Inc. in Publisher, CD-ROM in Type). | RICHARD document (microfiche)| Davis and Lombardi (1996)put forward the proposal that¦| Davis, 3rd there’s r. K. , T. P. Lombardi. mil novecentos e noventa e seis. The quality of life of countryside high school special education graduates. In Countryside goals 2000: Building programs that work. microfilm. ERIC Doc No . 394765. | Generic(put Rural goals 2000: Building programs that work in Second Title, microfiche in Kind of Work, JOSHUA Document No . 94765 in Publisher). | E-mail conversation list” internet archive| In accordance to David Little’s post on the ECPOLICY discussion list onApril sixteen, 2002 (http:// www. askeric. org/Virtual_Listserv_Archives/ECPOLICY/2002/Apr_2002/Msg00003. html), it was decided that¦¦| Provide all the details inside the in-text quotation ” you do not need an access in the reference list. | Your in-text quotation manually. | It is very important that you just check your department’s or school’s assignment information as some specifics e. g. punctuation, may vary from recommendations on this

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Published: 04.03.20

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