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AP Exam Essays 2001-2010 2010 AP Examination Essays 1 . In what ways did ideas and values held simply by Puritans impact the personal, economic, and social advancement the New England colonies by 1630 through the 1660s? 2 . Analyze the political, diplomatic, and armed service reasons for the United States victory in the Revolutionary War.

Confine the answer to the time 1775–1783. a few. Analyze the ways in which controversy over the extendable of captivity into western territories contributed to the coming in the Civil Battle. Confine the answer to the time 1845–1861. 5.

Analyze the roles that ladies played in Progressive Age reforms through the 1880s through 1920. Focus your dissertation on TWO of the following. • Politics • Social circumstances • Labor and functioning conditions 5. 5. Explain the causes and consequences of TWO of the subsequent population motions in the United States through the period 1945–1985. • Suburbanization • The growth of the Sunlight Belt • Immigration to the United States 2009 [pic]AP Examination Essays 1 . DBQ: Coming from 1775 to 1830, various African People in america gained fredom from slavery, yet throughout the same period the establishment of slavery expanded.

Explain why Both these changes took place. Analyze many ways that THE TWO free Africa Americans and enslaved African Americans responded to the challenges confronting all of them. 2 . Examine the ways through which British real policies among 1763 and 1776 become more intense colonials’ resistance from British secret and their comitment to republican values. several. Analyze the social, politics, and economic forces with the 1840s and early 1850s that generated the introduction of the His party Party. 4. Choose TWO of the following agencies and make clear their approaches for advancing the interests of workers.

About what extent had been these companies successful in achieving their objectives? Restrict your answers to the period from 1875 to 1925. Choices: Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor, Socialist A part of America, Industrial Workers on the planet. 5. Evaluate the home-front experiences of TWO of the next groups throughout the Second World War: Photography equipment Americans, Japanese Americans, Judaism Americans, Mexican Americans. 08 [pic]AP Examination Essays 1 . DBQ: Evaluate the ways where the Vietnam Battle heightened sociable, political, and economic worries in the United States. Concentrate your solution on the period 1964 to 1975.. Early on encounters among American Indians and Euro colonists generated a variety of relationships among the several cultures. Evaluate how the actions taken by BOTH American Indians and Euro colonists formed those associations in TWO of the following parts. Confine the answer to the 1600s: Fresh England, Chesapeake, Spanish South west, New York and New Italy. 3. Analyze the impact from the market innovation (1815-1860) for the economies of TWO of the next regions: the Northeast, the Midwest, the South. 5. Following Reconstruction, many the southern area of leaders advertised the idea of a “New South. To what level was the “New South” a real possibility by the time of the First Globe War? Within your answer make sure to address TWO of the following: Monetary development, Governmental policies, Race relations. 5. President elections among 1928 and 1948 revealed major alterations in politics party loyalties. Analyze both reasons for these changes and their consequences during this period. 2007 [pic]AP Exam Essays 1 . DBQ: Analyze many ways in which technology, government insurance plan, and economic conditions improved American agriculture in the period 1865-1900. Within your answer make sure you evaluate farmers’ responses to changes.. Settlers in the eighteenth-century American backcountry sometimes resorted to violent protest to show their grievances. Analyze the causes and significance of TWO of the following: Drive of the Paxton Boys, Regulator movement, Shays’ Rebellion, Tequila Rebellion. three or more. In what ways did the 2nd Great Waking up in the North influence A pair of the following? Abolitionism, Temperance, the Cult of Domesticity, Utopian communities. some. To what magnitude did the role in the federal government transform under President Theodore Roosevelt in regard to A pair of the following: Labor, Trusts, Conservation, World affairs. 5. Landslide presidential wins do not guarantee continued personal effectiveness or perhaps legislative accomplishment. ” Assess the validity of the statement by comparing TWO of the following usa president administration: Franklin Roosevelt (1936), Lyndon Johnson (1964), Richard Nixon (1972), Ronald Reagan (1984). 2006 [pic]AP Exam Essays 1 . DBQ: Talk about the changing ideals of American womanhood between your American Revolution (1770s) as well as the outbreak from the Civil Warfare. What elements fostered the emergence of “republican motherhood” and the “cult of domesticity? ” Assess the extent to which these values influenced the lives of ladies during this period.

In the answer be sure to consider issues of contest and category. 2 . Examine the differences between your Spanish negotiations in the South west and the English colonies in New Britain in the seventeeth century in terms of TWO of the subsequent: Politics, Faith, Economic expansion. 3. Clarify why and exactly how the part of the authorities changed resulting from the Civil War regarding TWO of this during the period 1861-1877. some. Historians include argued that Progressive reform lost momentum in the 1920s. Evaluate this kind of statement with respect to TWO of the following: Regulation of business, Labor, Immigrants. 5.

Even though the United States were dominated by consensus and conformity in the 1950s, some Us citizens reacted against the status quo. Analyze the reviews of Us society created by TWO of the subsequent: Youth, City Rights Activists, Intellectuals. 2006 AP Test Essays 1 ) DBQ: To what extent did the American Revolution basically change American society? In your answer, make sure you address the political, sociable, and economical effects of the Revolution inside the period by 1775 to 1800. 2 . Compare and contrast many ways in which monetary development influenced politics in Massachusetts and Virginia inside the period from 1607 to 1750.. As to what extent did the debates about the Mexican Battle and its post occurences reflect the sectional passions of New Englandgers, westerners, and southerners in the period coming from 1845 to 1855? 5. Describe the patterns of immigration in TWO of the periods listed below. Compare and contrast the responses of Americans to foreign nationals in these durations: 1820 to 1860, 1880 to 1924, 1965 to 2000. your five. Analyze the extent to which TWO of the subsequent transformed American society almost 50 years ago and 1971s: The City Rights motion, the antiwar movement, the women’s movements. 2004 AP Exam Essays 1 .

DBQ: In what techniques did the French and American indian War (1754-63) alter the politics, economic, and ideological contact between The uk and its American colonies? Utilize documents as well as your knowledge of the time 1740-1766 in constructing the response. installment payments on your Analyze the impact of the American Revolution from the both captivity and the status of women in the period by 1775-1800. several. Analyze the potency of political give up in minimizing sectional tensions in the period 1820 to 1861. some. Compare and contrast the programs and policies designed by reformers from the Progressive time to those created by reformers of the New Deal period.

Confine your answers to applications and plans that dealt with the requires of those surviving in poverty. 5. Analyze the successes and failures of the United States Cold War policy of containment since it developed in TWO of the follow parts of the world during the period 1945 to 75: East and Southeast Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East. 2003 AP Exam Essays 1 . DBQ: Analyze the answers of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration to the problems in the Great Depression. Just how effective had been the replies? How did they change the role from the federal government? Utilize the documents along with your knowledge of the time 1929-1941 to set up your composition.. Evaluate the magnitude to which the Articles of Confederation were effective in solving the down sides that confronted the new land. 3. About what ways do developments in transportation result in economic and social change in the United States inside the period 1820-1860? 4. Assess the impact in the Civil War on political and economic innovations in TWO of the following regions: The To the south, the North, the Western world. Focus your answer on the period among 1865 and 1900. a few. Compare and contrast United States society inside the 1920s and the 1950s with respect to TWO of the next: race associations, role of girls, consumerism. 002 AP Examination Essays 1 ) DBQ: “Reform movements in the usa sought to expand democratic ideals. inches Assess the quality of this statement with particular reference to the years 1825-1850. 2 . Compare many ways in which religion shaped the introduction of colonial society (to 1740) in TWO of the following locations: New England, Chesapeake, Middle section Atlantic. 3. Analyze the contribution of TWO of this in helping set up a stable government after the ownership of the Metabolism: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington.. Compare and contrast United states of america foreign coverage after the 1st World War and after the Second World Warfare. Consider the periods 1919-1928 and 1945-1950. 5. How did the African American Municipal Rights motion of the 1955s and 1960s address the failures from the Reconstruction? 2001 AP Exam Essays 1 . DBQ: What were the Cold Battle fears of the American people in the aftermath of the Second War War? How effectively did the administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower address these types of fears? installment payments on your

How did economic, geographic, and cultural factors encourage the growth of slavery as an important area of the economy of the southern colonies between 1607 and 1775? 3. The Jacksonian Period (1824-1848) has been celebrated since the period of the “common man. inches To what extent did the period live up to their characterization? Consider TWO of the following in your response: Economic creation, Politics, Reform movements. 4. How and why would transportation advancements spark financial growth through the period coming from 1860 to 1900 in america? 5. Identify and be the cause of the rise of nativism in American society coming from 1900 to 1930.

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