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In this chapter, consequence is attained through the informations aggregation technique from three hundred questionnaires. The informations extracted from questionnaires will be analyzed and computed through the use of the Record Package social Science ( SPSS ) package. Dining tables and graphs will be showed to show the effects in an apprehensible mode.

This kind of chapter started off with the descriptive analysis with the respondent demographic profile and cardinal amour measuring of concepts. Following, scale calculating is to supply the consequences of dependability trial. This is then the illative analysis with the Pearson correlativity coefficient evaluation and multiple additive busted development examination. Last is to reason this chapter.

some. 1 Descriptive Analysis

5. 1 . 1 Demographic Account of the Respondents

Table some. 1: Sexuality of Participants




Valid Percentage

Accumulative Percentage




51. 7

51. several

51. several



48. 3

48. several

100. 0



100. 0

100. 0

Beginning: Designed for the research

In the Table 4. one particular above, that showed the frequence and per centum of gender of 203 respondents. There are a sum of a hundred and five male respondents ( fifty-one. 7 % ) and a amount of 98 female respondents ( twenty four. 3 % ).

Stand 4. two: The Age Selection of Respondents

Grow older



Valid Percentage

Accumulative Percentage


Underneath 21 outdated ages


2 . a few

2 . 5

2 . five

21-30 old ages


33. 0

33. zero

35. five

31-40 aged ages


26. 6th

26. six

62. 1

41-50 older ages


15. a few

15. a few

77. several

51 aged ages , A, over


twenty-two. 7

22. 7

75. 0



75. 0

90. 0

Start: Developed pertaining to the research

Table 4. two presented the frequence and per centum of the age bracket of participants. 5 participants ( installment payments on your 5 % ) had been under twenty one old age groups old, 67 respondents ( 33. zero % ) were twenty one to 40 old age range old, 54 respondents ( 26. six % ) were 23 to 40 old age groups old, thirty-one respondents ( 15. a few % ) were forty one to 60 old ages old and 46 participants ( 22. 7 % ) were 51 older ages aged and over.

Table some. 3: The Marital Position of Respondents

Marital Status



Valid Percentage

Accumulative Percentage




36. 0

thirty eight. 0

thirty-six. 0



sixty four. 0

sixty four. 0

95. 0



100. 0

90. 0

Beginning: Developed for the research

The Table four. 3 suggested the frequence and per centum with the matrimonial situation of participants. The bulk of the respondents were married which usually represented 64. 0 % that is regarding 130 persons out of 203 respondents. Meanwhile, 73 respondents ( 36. zero % ) were nonetheless individual.

Desk 4. 5: The Education Level of Respondents

Education Degree



Valid Percentage

Accumulative Percentage


Primary instruction


three or more. 9

a few. 9

three or more. 9

Supplementary instruction

seventy seven

37. 9

37. being unfaithful

41. on the lookout for

Certificate as well as Diploma


39. four

39. four

81. three or more

Bachelor , s class


sixteen. 3

sixteen. 3

ninety-seven. 5

Learn , t grade


2 . five

2 . your five

100. zero



100. 0

100. zero

Beginning: Designed for the research

From the Desk 4. 5, it confirmed the frequence and per centum of the instruction amount of respondents. Through the information above, bulk of 70 respondents kept a documentation or sheepskin ( 39. 4 % ). The 2nd and third largest groupings were seventy seven respondents who completed the secondary instructions ( thirty seven. 9 % ) and 33 participants who held a unmarried man class ( of sixteen. 3 % ). Previous, the respondents who had finished the primary instruction and which is a maestro grade holders had been 8 people ( several. 9 % ) and 5 people ( 2 . 5 % ) severally.

Table 4. 5: The Working Period of Participants

Working Time frame



Valid Percentage

Accumulative Percentage


Less than 1 twelvemonth


14. 3

10. 3

14. 3

1-5 old age range


thirty-one. 0

thirty-one. 0

forty two. 4

6-10 old ages


twenty three. 6

23. 6

66. 0

11-15 old age ranges


doze. 3

doze. 3

80. 3

16-20 old ages


being unfaithful. 4

being unfaithful. 4

87. 7

Over 20 outdated ages


12. three or more

12. 3

100. zero



100. 0

100. zero

Beginning: Produced for the research

The Table 4. a few represented the frequence and per centum of the on the job period of participants. The participants were divided into six classs. 23 participants worked since an insurance agent for less than one particular twelvemonth ( 11. a few % ), 63 participants worked intended for 1 to 5 old age ranges ( thirty-one. 0 % ), forty eight respondents worked for six to 12 old age range ( twenty-three. 6 % ), 25 respondents worked well for 11 to 15 outdated ages ( 12. 3 % ), 19 participants worked for 16 to 20 old age ranges ( on the lookout for. 4 % ) and 25 participants worked since an insurance broker above twenty old age ranges ( doze. 3 % ).

4. 1 . two Cardinal Habits Measurement of Constructs

4. 1 . installment payments on your 1 Commission rate Pay

Stand 4. six: Cardinal Inclinations Measurement to get Commission Shell out

No .



Regular Deviation


I think the committee wage is a actually of importance incentive for me.

4. 3448

0. 75078


My spouse and i am motivated by committee wage to get my best attempts at work.

4. 2562

0. 73350


My personal occupation community presentation identify the extra committee wage once achieve higher mark.

some. 2808

0. 81141


I will retain the occupation because I are satisfied with the committee income.

4. 0985

0. 85025


I actually work hard is to acquire a better committee wage in this job.

4. 3005

0. 78561

Beginning: Produced for the study

Table 4. 6 illustrated the primary inclinations measurings of committee wage. Mentioning to the tabular array above, most participants agreed to the CP1 with average worth of some. 3448. The next highest was CP5 with average worth of four. 3005. The next and 4th highest were CP3 and CP2 which had the standard value of 4. 2808 and 4. 2562 severally. The lowest normal value was CP4 that was 4. 0985.

From the tabular array above, CP4 got highest regular divergence benefit which was zero. 85025. The next and 3 rd highest regular divergence worth was CP3 and CP5 which had 0. 81141 and zero. 78561 severally. The fourth highest normal divergence was CP1 with the value of 0. 75078. The lowest normal divergence benefit was 0. 73350 by CP2.

4. 1 . installment payments on your 2 Job Security

Table 4. six: Cardinal Inclinations Measurement for Job Secureness

No .



Normal Deviation


I think career security is another of import incentive to me.

4. 1232

0. 68188


I am motivated by the very good occupation protection in current occupation.

three or more. 9852

zero. 74779


I feel my own current profession is unafraid, dependable and lasting.

three or more. 9951

zero. 82951


My occupation public business presentation is affected by the job security.

4. 0000

0. 79603


I continue to work hard is because I actually , m afraid to loss this kind of stable career.

3. 7143

1 . 00845

Beginning: Designed for the investigation

The Stand 4. 7 illustrated the cardinal amour measurings of occupation security. The consequence from the listar array over, JSM1 experienced the highest average value of 4. 1232. The 2nd highest average value was JSM4 which was 4. 000. The next highest was JSM3 while using average benefit of 3. 9951 which was and then JSM2 which will had a normal value of three. 9852. The JSM5 had the lowest typical value of 3. 7143.

Harmonizing to the Table some. 7, the JSM5 had the highest standard divergence value of 1. 00845. The 2nd greatest standard divergence value was JSM3 which was 0. 82951. The 3rd greatest was JSM4 with the common divergence worth of 0. 79603 that was followed by JSM2 which a new standard divergence value of 0. 74779. The lowest standard divergence value was JSM1 which was merely 0. 68188.

4. installment payments on your 2 . a few Opportunities for Advancement and Expansion

Table 4. 8: Cardinal Inclinations Measurement for Options for Advancement and Development

No .



Standard Deviation


I do think the chances pertaining to promotion and development is another of import incentive for me.

4. 1034

0. 79238


I am determined by probabilities for promotion and development in current occupation.

5. 0443

zero. 75321


I have more chances for promotion and development in current career if I retain the occupation for longer period of cut.

4. 0936

0. 78734


I use more chances to direct for preparing, learn success and growing myself in current job.

4. 1084

0. 81330


We work hard should be to acquire even more chances pertaining to promotion and development in this occupation.

some. 1675

0. 74563

Starting: Developed for the research

Stand 4. almost 8 illustrated the cardinal amour measurings of chances intended for promotion and development. In the term of average value, AD5 had the highest mean of four. 1675. Second, it is then AD4 of 4. 1084, AD1 of 4. 1034 and AD3 of some. 0936. The AD2 had the lowest common value of 4. 0443.

From the Desk 4. almost eight, the AD4 had the highest standard divergence value of 0. 81330. Second, it really is followed by AD1 with the common divergence value of zero. 79238, AD3 with the common divergence benefit of zero. 78734 and AD2 with the standard curve value of 0. 75321. The lowest standard divergence value was zero. 74563 simply by AD5.

some. 2 . 2 . 4 Function Itself

Stand 4. on the lookout for: Cardinal Inclinations Measurement intended for Work Alone

No .



Common Deviation


I have even more independent while i , m working.

four. 1724

zero. 78654


I have even more assurance to complete the tag of the job.

4. 2217

0. 75461


We am willing to work hard with current profession.

4. 2069

0. 72886


I actually am non willing to change another occupation even if My spouse and i get additional occupation in elsewhere.

a few. 8227

0. 98909


I think my ability can easily execute good in current occupation.

4. 1527

0. 75211


I am pleased to work with current occupation.

four. 2020

zero. 77944

Start: Developed pertaining to the research

The Table four. 9 over, it illustrated the cardinal inclinations measurings of work alone. Based on the tabular array, W2 got the highest average value of 4. 2217. The 2nd maximum was W3 that experienced 4. 2069 of average value. The next highest was the W6 that had 4. 2020 of mean benefit which was then, the W1 and W5 which experienced the average value of some. 1724 and 4. 1527 severally. The W4 got the lowest common value was 3. 8227.

In the tabular array previously mentioned, the highest regular divergence value was zero. 98909 by W4. The 2nd highest standard divergence benefit was W1 which was zero. 78654. The next highest common divergence worth was the W6 that had 0. 77944 which was then, the W2 and W5 which had the standard curve value of 0. 75461 and 0. 75211 severally. The lowest standard divergence value was W3 which was zero. 72886.

5. 2 . 2 . 5 Task Satisfaction

Stand 4. twelve: Cardinal Inclinations Measurement to get Job Fulfillment

No .



Common Deviation


In general I am pleased with my occupation.

4. 1330

0. 74265


My spouse and i am content with the flexibleness of the at work hours in current career.

4. 3054

0. 68601


I actually am pleased with the panel wage strategy in current occupation.

5. 0394

0. 78250


I will retain the occupation since I was satisfied with the occupation reliability.

4. 0148

0. 74779


I actually am satisfied with the achievement in current occupation.

four. 0591

0. 78125


I are happy with the way in which my co-workers and higher-ups treat me.

4. 0936

0. 79982


I actually am truly enjoyed with my job.

4. 2266

0. 81925

Beginning: Produced for your research

Harmonizing to Table some. 10, it illustrated the cardinal amour measurings of occupation satisfaction. Based on the tabular array, most respondents agreed to the JS2 with average worth of 4. 3054. The second highest was JS7 that had 4. 2266 of average value. The 3rd and 4th highest average worth was JS1 and JS6 which is 5. 1330 and 4. 0936 severally. The 5th top was JS5 with the average value of 4. 0591 which was and then JS3 which will had a typical value of 4. 0394. The lowest typical value was the JS4 that was merely 4. 0148.

Inside the term of standard curve value, JS7 had the best standard curve of zero. 81925. Following, it is followed by JS6 of 0. 79982, JS3 of 0. 78250, JS5 of 0. 78125 and JS4 of zero. 74779. The two lowest common divergence ideals were JS1 of 0. 74265 and JS2 of 0. 68601.

4. a couple of Scale Dimension

4. installment payments on your 1 Inside Reliability Evaluation

Table some. 11: Trustworthiness Statistic


Cronbach , s Alpha dog

N of things


0. 881

a few


0. 805



0. 911



0. 899



0. 901


Beginning: Designed for your research

The dependability trial is definitely test the consistence and truth from the IVs and DV that this credence amount of cronbach , s leader more than 0. 70.

Depending on the Stand 4. 10, the highest cronbach , t alpha is usually chances for promotion and development position at zero. 911. The second highest is occupation fulfillment which the cronbach , h alpha is 0. 901 followed by committee wage and work on its own which the cronbach , s alpha happen to be 0. 899 and zero. 881. The cheapest cronbach , s first is profession security position at zero. 805.

In the consequence, overall the cronbach , s i9000 alpha for all variable will be more than zero. 70. Consequently , the questionnaire in this studies dependability and consistence.

four. 2 . two Normality Test out

The trial of normalcy, histogram with normal contour, P-P top secret plan and spread secret plan picture are being used to demo the regular distribution of informations.

Stand 4. doze: Trials of Normality









Standardized Residual

. 055


. 200*

. 988


. 091

a. Lilliefors Value Correction

2.. This is a lower edge of the true value.

Beginning: Developed for the research

This study uses 203 study forms which the test size is much more than 100. Therefore , Kolmogorov-Smirnov , s trial is consumption for proving the normalcy as it is utilized to analyze greater sample size ( d , gt, 100 ). Based on the Table four. 12, the top value of Kolmogorov-Smirnov , s trial is equal to 0. 2 hundred, which is a lot more than 0. 05. Thence, since the normalcy premise is definitely achieved, the informations could be assumed being usually given away.

Besides, based upon the Appendix D, the histogram with normal syndication curve of trade brand trueness demoing a sensible bell-shaped and therefore the explications can be believed to be generally distributed.

In add-on, from your Appendix E, the normal opportunity secret strategy of control name prevarications near to the fanciful heterosexual collection which is training from the lower-left corner for the upper right corner and demo a upward incline from the graph. This could connote the fact that informations may be assumed to be usually sent out.

4. 2 . 3 Multicollinearty Test

Depending on the Desk 4. 16, the correlativity coefficient between IVs had been 0. about 580 for CLUBPENGUIN and JSM, 0. 496 for CP and ADVERTISING, 0. 528 for CP and T, 0. 604 for JSM and ADVERTISING, 0. 612 for JSM and T, and 0. 657 pertaining to AD and W. Therefore , these correlativity coefficients are high between IVs but there is no multicollinearity job considering they are all lower than 0. almost 8 in this analysis ( Field, 2005 ).

Furthermore, harmonizing to Desk 4. 13 the threshold and ÉVEILLÉ value for CP ( 0. 606 1 . 600 ), JSM ( 0. 493 2 . 029 ), AD (. 497 2 . 013 ) and T (. 478 2 . 094 ) will be more than 0. 1 and less than 10 severally inside the multicollinearity stats. Hence, multicollinearity job do non display in this research ( Hair et approach., 1992 ).

Table four. 13: Multicollinearity


Collinearity Statisticss




. 606

1 ) 650


. 493

installment payments on your 029


. 497

2 . 013


. 478

2 . 094

Starting: Developed pertaining to the research

4. 3 Inferential Analysis

4. 3. 1 Pearson , s Relationship Analysis

Table 4. 14: Pearson , s Relationship Analysis






Commsion Spend ( CP )

one particular

Job Secureness ( JSM )

. 581**


Opportunities for Advancement and Development ( AD )

. 496**

. 604**


Operate Itself ( W )

. 528**

. 612**

. 657**


Job Fulfillment ( JS )

. 557**

. 659**

. 674**

. 836**

one particular

**. Correlation is important at the 0. 01 degree ( 2-tailed ).

Beginning: Designed for the study

By putting into action Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Stand 4. 16 illustrates the outcomes of the correlativity analysis from the four impartial variables ( CP, JSM, AD and W ) and one particular dependant changing ( JS ).

The consequence via Table 5. 14 demonstrates that p-value of committee wage is 0. 000 which is less than the importance value 0. 01 degree ( 2-tailed ) plus the R worth is 0. 557. Therefore , the examination consequence proves that panel wage is usually moderate confident correlated with occupation satisfaction.

To get occupation protection variable, the p-value is definitely 0. 000 which is lower than the significance value 0. 01 degree ( 2-tailed ) and the 3rd there’s r value is usually 0. 659 which indicates there exists moderate confident relationship between occupation reliability and occupation satisfaction.

Inside the Table four. 14, the p-value of chances to get promotion and development is usually 0. 500 ( P , luxury touring, 0. 01 ) plus the R benefit is zero. 674. Consequently, the chance pertaining to promotion and development is definitely moderate great correlated with occupation satisfaction.

While shown inside the Table some. 14, the p-value of itself can be 0. 00 which is lower than the significance value 0. 01 degree ( 2-tailed ) and the R value can be 0. 836. As a consequence, the effort itself provides high confident relationship with occupation pleasure.

4. a few. 2 Multiple Regression Analysis

Table some. 15: Multiple Regression Research

Independent Factors










. 350

2 . 069

. 040

Commission Pay

. 069

. 074

1 . 610

. 109

Job Protection

. 158

. one hundred sixty

3. 154

. 002

Chances for Advancement and Development

. 130

. 143

installment payments on your 834

. 005

Work On its own

. 562

. 605

11. 724

. 000


. 748

Modified R2

. 743


147. 264**

Starting: Developed pertaining to the research

Via table some. 15 previously mentioned, shows that the correlativity coefficient, R= 0. 864, means that there is a great correlativity between the four self-employed variables and dependent changing. The value of Ur Square is definitely 0. 748 which indicates that 74. almost 8 % in the discrepancy in the dependant adjustable ( profession satisfaction ) is explained by the four independent variables ( committee wage, profession security, chances for promo and expansion, and function itself ). However , it truly is still leaves 25. two % of occupation fulfillment is explained by other factors with this survey.

Furthermore, harmonizing to table over, p-value ( Sig. zero. 000 ) is less than alpha value zero. 05, consequently , the F- statistic which will equals to 147. 204 is important. That mean this kind of theoretical accounts is a good form for the relation between the residuary and forecasters. Consequently , the impartial variables ( committee income, occupation reliability, chances intended for promotion and development, and work by itself ) are significantly explicating the disparity in the profession satisfaction between insurance providers. Since the p-value is less than 0. 05 and is also in the cull part which H0 is rejected.

Harmonizing to Stand 4. 12-15, occupation protection ( p=0. 002 ), chances to get promotion and development ( p= 0. 005 ), work alone ( s , lt, 0. 001 ) are important to foretell the dependant variable ( occupation pleasure ) in this survey because their p-values ( Sej. ) are much less than alpha value 0. 05. From the multiple arrested development analysis, occupation security, chances intended for promotion and development and work on its own are the of import motive factors that affect the job satisfaction among insurance agents in Malaysia. Among these kinds of IVs, function itself is the strongest determiner. However , the independent varying ( panel wage ) is low significantly foretelling the dependant variable ( occupation fulfillment ). This is because committee salary ( p=0. 109 ) is more compared to the alpha value 0. 05.

Therefore , a multiple ingredient arrested expansion is formed through the use of the information in the column going ” W ” proven in the tabular array some. 15 previously mentioned. The imprisoned development equation is as beneath:

Job satisfaction = zero. 350 & 0. 069 committee income + 0. 158 occupation security & 0. 135 chances pertaining to promotion and development + 0. 562 work by itself

4. four Decision

Three independent factors ( career security, probabilities for promo and development and work itself ) for this study are found to keep important relationship with the self-employed variable ( occupation pleasure ). However , the independent variable ( committee salary ) is non significant relationship together with the dependant adjustable ( career satisfaction ). Consequences with the analysis and back uping grounds for the consequences will be being mentioned in the undermentioned chapter.

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