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Abraham lincoln melungeon or myth essay

Several historian assume that Abraham Lincoln was born a great illegitimate child to Abraham Enloe and Nancy Hanks. It is possible that Abraham Lincoln could be tied to the Melungeon heritage through both of his parents? Various growing number of historians believe Abraham Lincoln possess various qualities that distinguishes him as a Melungeon, and in truth believe that he can a direct descendant. The asking yourself of his parentage creates much curiosity and ideas in regards to this great Presidents previous.

Abraham Lincoln was born Feb 12, 1908.

His daddy was “said to be Thomas Lincoln subsequently and his mother Nancy Hanks. He was born in a log cabin in Tragedy Springs, in Hardin County Kentucky. After the death of his mother, his father remarried an excellent lady known as Sarah Bush. Abraham cherished his step-mother and became close to her and her 3 children. Irrespective of his marriage with step-mother Sarah, Abraham did not maintain a good relationship with his daddy because of his resentment this individual held to him needing to turn all his income over to him by some type of legislation.

As a result of Lincoln’s hatred of captivity, which rejected to slaves the “fruits of the labor (McPherson 3), some people believe that it may possess influenced Jones Lincoln expropriation of Abrahams’ earnings. Their very own relationship became so stretched that when his father called him to his fatality bed, Lincoln subsequently refused to help make the 80 kilometers trip to observe him. His father perished with no goodbyes given. Despite Lincolns struggling and very humble beginnings, having been able to self-educate himself, generally by examining lots of books and became an extremely successful lawyer. In the American peoples’ eyes, Lincoln’s experience of “rags to riches, is the ultimate “American success story (Steers, Edward).

There are many misconceptions, hoaxes and misconceptions concerning one of our greatest Leader throughout the years. During his early personal career there were lots bad campaigning that was used for the taint hiscampaign, just like we see and hear of today. Charges of illegitimacy were frequently hinted at because of the bad effect completely on the offender. “Illegitimate everyone was considered substandard. Lincoln’s parentage; consanguinity has long been under consideration due to the relief of knowing that a bastard son was born to a person named Abraham Enloe (Barton 18). The mother from the baby boy was obviously a servant lady who performed in the Enloe household name Nancy Hanks (Lincoln’s mother). The question of his parentage produced much fascination because of this state and because Lincoln himself was reluctant to comment on his father and mother. Folks believed it served like a sort of proof of his expertise and waste of his illegitimate delivery. Authors Kennedy, N. Brent, and Robyn Vaughan Kennedy.

The Melungeons: the revival of a pleased people: a great untold history of ethnic cleansing in the us. 2nd, revolution., and corr. ed. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 1997. Printing. Presents the question of whether or perhaps not Abraham Lincoln was Melungeon himself, making him the initially Melungeon (tri-racial) President. In respect to Ely Gallegos (a research team member), there is a great deal of circumstantial evidence that Lincoln distributed a Melungeon heritage, perhaps through the two parents. Lincoln’s family suits the Melungeon model perfectly. Lincoln’s familiar grandfather as well named Abraham Lincoln, immigrated with his partner Bathsheba Sardines and their 5 children to Kentucky. How come would an existing settler keep the beautiful Shenandoah Valley for the untamed, untamed gets of Indian-dominated Kentucky? Cash? Possibly a Melungeon motion? Lincoln’s dad features as well fit the description of the Melungeon. His mother, Nancy Hanks was created an illegitimate child to Lucy Hanks. History does not have record in the identity of Nancy’s daddy.

Nancy likewise had a large number of characteristics of a non-Anglo (Sandburg 30). Her hair darker, dark brown, eager little dreary eyes, exceptional forehead, relatively accented chin and quarter bones and a human body of thin build. Because of the geographical location from the Lincoln’s along with outstanding inquiries of Lincoln’s heritage, this leads to the theory of several researchers that Lincoln might be a Melungeon himself. If perhaps true, this may make Abraham Lincoln the first (tri-racial) President. Brent Kennedy, an author who had written the book “The Melungeons, a spent a great deal of time writing about a period of “ethnic cleansing in American and shares details on how the Melungeons seemed to go away during the time of the first “census taking. Because of their tri-racial ethnicity, theydid unfit under virtually any category listed on the Census, therefore for “recordkeeping purposes, these people were categorized because either melotos/white/Indian/Africa American, the moment in fact we were holding “all.

Melungeons were recommended to be rejeton from “tri-racial isolates (Los Angeles Times), a mixture of white wines, blacks and American American indian who historians say interbred along Appalchia’s ridges throughout the 18th hundreds of years. Old documents and stories passed down throught the ages tell a tale of “Portugese Berbers, “sheperd-like people who arrived at American in ships. We were holding proposed to become decendants of early Portuese, Spanish, Sephardic Jewish Mulims, Moorish, and Gypsy/Roma colonish in the southeastern United States (Kennedy 1997; Hirschman 2005; Price 1953), which were exiled coming from Spain and Portugal by using a religious witch-hunt know as the “Spanish Inquisition. Quite a few settled inside the hills in the Appalachian Mountians. Over time The Melugeons, were pushed off their lands, denied their particular rights, killed, mistreated to become an embittered and almost defeated persons. They attempted to fit in with Anglo neighbors, but lost all their heritaage, their very own culture, all their names and their original faith, but not their genetic framework.

Many folks who also believed themselves to be of Melungeons decendant, have become a part of “on-going study which possibly includes giving blood samples. Right now there continues to be real on-going Melungeon DNA studies still taking place still today. Lincoln’s parentage; consanguinity has long been in question due to the reassurance that a krydsning son came to be to a person named Abraham Enloe (Barton 18). The mother of the baby boy, was a servant woman who worked in the Enloe household called Nancy Hanks (Lincoln’s mother). The question of his parentage generated very much interest also because Lincoln himself was reluctant to comment on his father and mother. Folks believed that dished up as some kind of evidence of his knowledge and shame of his bogus birth. During his campaign many people tried to utilize this information against him. That they tried to blacken him, simply by calling him “illegitimate. Various people nonetheless today are curious about the fact that Abraham Lincoln subsequently may been the first “tri-racial Director. A couple hundred years later following his beginning, there are still many unanswered queries regarding Abraham Lincoln.

“Robert Ingersoll explained it ideal. “Lincoln, he proclaimed was a not a-type, He stands alone-no ancestors, no geniuses, no successors. Even the term Melungeon became a the majority of disparging term. To be officially classified while aMelungeon, meant to be “Nobody at all. What would it include meant for Abraham Lincoln, a “self-educated, stressed out human being, created in a 1 room cabin to illegitmate parents to become labeled a “Melungeon? Might the American people have the best performer for him? Did Lincoln’s passionate soul to “free the slaves come deep from within or perhaps did it come from darker place then any person could ever have imagined? How different might the webpages of our history books browse, if persons would have really believed that Abraham Lincoln subsequently was a “Nobody, a Melungeon?

Work Mentioned

Alexander, L. Trent, Chad Berry, Beth Bissmeyer, Donna Corriher, Rodger Cunningham, Damon Falke, Sam Fisher, Bill Gorgy, Jesse Graves, Margaret Gregor, Elizabeth Hirschman, John Lang, Robert Ludke, Irene McKinney, Lindsey Martin, Phillip Obermiller, Joshua Rademacher, Mark Roberts, Emily Satterwhite, Barbara Smith, Shilah Turner, Jennifer Westerman, David Whisnant, and Donal Yates. “Appalachian Log: A Local Studies Assessment.  Toward a Genetic Profile of Melungeons in South Appalachia 38 (2010)111. Print.

Kennedy, N. Brent, and Robyn Vaughan Kennedy. The Melungeons: the revival of a happy people: a great untold history of ethnic cleansing in the united states. 2nd, revolution., and corr. ed. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 1997. Produce.

McPherson, David M.. Abraham Lincoln. Oxford: Oxford School Press, 2009. Print.

Sandler, Martin T.. Lincoln through the lens: just how photography revealed and

shaped an exceptional life. New York: Walker Pub. Co., 08. Print.

Directs, Edward. Lincoln subsequently legends myths, hoaxes, and confabulations associated with our best president. “Lincoln’s Father: The Paternity of Abraham Lincoln. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 3 years ago. 14-28 Print.


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