Industry that Us citizens are sense very uncertain about our safety, I fully agree with the
Patriot act, that was passed just six weeks following September eleventh. It is time all of us start
protecting America. The patriot act is vital to nationwide security.
I do not feel that the battle with terror has opened opportunities to maltreatment of civil rights of the
prisoners being kept at Guantanamo Bay Naviero base in Cuba. That stuff seriously we need to be more
careful of who we let walk our streets. We have to remember the visions of September
eleventh, we were holding not very and many harmless people passed away. Had we been more
careful then in who we let in our country, we would not have been because vulnerable and the
incident of Sept. 2010 eleventh might not have happened. Whenever we detained a few of these prisoners
for a long period of time, until we could be totally sure that they can be not a danger to all of us
Americans, than therefore be it.
In respect to CNN. com criminals at Guantanamo Bay Naviero Base which is referred to as
Camp x-ray are offered with an eight-by-eight foot outdoor cell with a cement floor, roofing
and surrounded by a chain connected fence. About arrival they are given a mat to rest on, a towel intended for
showers and a towel pertaining to praying. They can be given soap, toothpaste, a toothbrush and they are
able to take a shower everyday. They acquire served three meals each day with drinking water. Two foods are
hot and one meal meets the Muslim spiritual requirements. About entry they are provided with
medical care. According to ALL OF US Attorney Standard John Ashcroft, They have the ideal food
shelter plus the right environment to avoid personal injury.
I think our company is providing these prisoners a more comfortable treatment than the many homeless persons
residing in the United States. It is sad that individuals worry even more about the prisoners whom are a potential
threat to all Americans than we do to get our own those who have been Americans all of
their life. We need to control reality this is certainly war!
In respect to Eugene Fidell, these kinds of detainees who are branded enemy combatants will be
able to possess what is known as revue tribunal. The purpose of this will likely decide whether or not the
detainees qualify for this kind of label. The board who will decide this is made up of three military
officers, individuals that had zero prior involvement in the decision to packaging enemy combatants. Of the
three people there will be a legal representative, a second legal professional as a legal advisor, recorder to the energy and
the detainee will have a way to defend him self. As stated inside the Philadelphia Inquirer
on November 28, 2004, two people charged of being members of the taliban and a man accused
of obtaining links to Al -Qaeda appeared just before a review cortège at the U. S. Navy base in
Guantanamo Bay, in Tanque. The hearings are to decide whether the 550 prisoners have been
correctly marked enemy combatants, and if not really they should be unveiled. So far, one particular Pakistani
prisoner has been produced.
In closing, I feel the detainees are being offered a good situation. They can be given foodstuff
refuge and they are offered a revue tribunal to prove themselves innocent. This makes you speculate
just how our individuals are being cured, hopefully as well as we are dealing with theirs.