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Arthur miller s crucible composition

When we think about the United States we believe of equal rights and proper rights for all persons no matter how much back you decide to go back in the history. Sadly, this hasn’t always been the truth, in this land of desire and liberty peoples lives have been considered unjustily to pursue unrealistic stories of witchcraft. Indigenous people have recently been removed from their home land, forced to travel a large number of miles beneath harsh conditions just thus settlers could push onto the gold abundant lands.

The witchcraft tests epicted in Arthur Miller’s Crucible and the removal of the Cherokee Land from Upper Georgia to Okalahoma are only a couple events that blacken part of each of our great nation’s history. However the Salem witch trials as well as the Trail of Tears (Cherokee removal) had been separate occasions in time these were both determined by intolerance, ignorance, and the tension developed by period itself. Even though the forced migration of the Cherokee Nation plus the Salem witch trials seem to have tiny in common they share a similar effect, gross injustice to their victims.

The Crucible howed us how a peaceful contemporary society suddenly was turned inverted when people started to speak of witchcraft causing the arrest and deaths of dozens of faithful salemites. As we look backside upon the Trail of Tears all of us saw just how greedy settelers wanted to drive west in resource abundant Cherokee gets. This pennyless the peaceful bond that Cherokee persons had distributed to the frontier people for quite some time. When the Govt forced the Cherokee to relocate it had been like the persons of Salem although they didn’t always observe eye to eye with one another they kept peace.

Then simply suddenly everything exploded and the people of Salem started to acuse each other of withcraft while in Georgia the U. S i9000. Army came along to stop out the Cheroke people. Intolerance was a main factor in the problems of the Crucibe and the Path of Holes. Even though the Cherokee Nation was one the few people that tailored to the white mans techniques through education, farming and government, they still were not seen as the same. When Cherokee and settlers married their children were excepted more so into Cherokee culture than in to the

American society. Intolerance is definitely shown in the Crucible in the very begining anything that is not explainable through normal cause is definitely not tolerated and considered the devils performing. As the storyplot progress we find any one who may have strayed a bit from the puritian path will probably be marked and arrested for witchcraft because they are seen as several and when are seen different your seen as doing the devils work. Strict intolerance in puritain culture and the moderate prejudice held against the Cherokee would bring about crimes against humanity.

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Category: Crucible essays,

Topic: Salem witch,

Words: 491

Published: 12.13.19

Views: 470

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