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College fraternities essay thesis

College Fraternities

College fraternities have always struck me as being an organization of

guys whom spend their very own time consuming beer and having their social events

(parties). Simply moving to Austin recently (which is by no doubt a college

city) has made me need to know more regarding the sole reason for these

fraternities. For these reasons I chose to select this kind of culture pertaining to my essay.

The definition of your fraternity is defined as chiefly interpersonal

organization of male students, usually specified by Ancient greek letters.

(Morris 1982: 523) This explanation is not true to all wherever most fraternity

members are noticed as drunks who complete nothing scholastically or socially.

Unfortunately, the meaning and characterization of the persons fails to talk about the

reality membership in a fraternity is known as a life-long knowledge that helps its

members develop social, company, and research skills, and also teaches accurate

everlasting friendship. As a matter of fact the majority of our presidents were

people of a Greek organization.

The first fraternity was founded for literary and social uses at

The faculty of William and Jane in Williamsburg, Virginia upon December sixth 1776.

(Klepper 1937: 24) Throughout the nineteenth century brand new fraternities were

founded, yet non-e of the were long term. By the end from the nineteenth hundred years

there were over thirty general fraternities in the country.

Todays fraternities still have the functions of earlier fraternities.

These types of characteristics add a ritual, oaths of faithfulness, a grasp, a slogan, a

logo, friendship and comradeship (Klepper 1937: 56). During account one

must learn management skills. That is why fraternities accept these

office buildings held by simply members: Director, Vice-president, Treasurer, Scribe, etc .

Since account is seen as an excellent achievement simply by other businesses, every

sibling must be in a position to uphold that office anytime.

Organization is a must for every member. Fund increasing activities and

community services are concern in every phase, and each affiliate is required

to join these activities as an act of pledge, and a buddy. This

will help a member to build up organization and planning. Living together in what is

known as the fraternity home adds to the progress social expertise and being

able to live with different kinds of persons in different situations.

Fraternities happen to be famous for all their social gatherings (parties) which usually requires

most members being socially energetic and also develop social skills.

It is regular for fraternities to organize examine groups during the school

year and ahead of exams. The majority of fraternities continue to keep test data and other analyze aids

readily available for the benefit of all their members. A lot of members are able to

get scholarships and awards based on academic brilliance, leadership and

personal success, this helps people build a better self-esteem.

Really for fraternity members to remain active after graduating

via college. It is a positive knowledge for the graduate member to keep in

contact with new and aged members of his section There is no better way to hold

young than to affiliate with the younger generation. (Abramson 1995) The number of

alumni can range from a few dozen to several thousand. There is a very clear feeling

of comradeship not simply within the fraternity but between all users of

Ancient greek language organizations.

In a field research of the Tau Epsilon Phi fraternity via Florida

International University, Brian Abramson found that you can find a catologue of

services which usually that corporation provides for the advantage of the greater

community through support projects this conducts every semester. Every single fraternity

has its special community service projects. For example Tau Epsilon Phi

participates in Bowling for children Sake every single spring, a tradition that started

several years ago. To keep the feeling of brotherhood just about every member has to be

trustworthy and also trust each one else, which makes the relationship of

brotherhood even stronger. (Abramson 1995)

Unfortunately lots of people overlook fraternities because of the ever-

present rumours about hazing. Hazing can be an action used or scenario created

purposely to produce mental and or physical discomfort, emberassment

harassment, or ridicule. (Fraternity Executive Commission 1937) Even though some

organizations may choose to haze and humiliate the individuals who make an effort to rush them

that is will never an accurate portrayal of all Greeks. (Nykolaizsyn: 1996: 48) This individual

goes on to explain that Ancient greek language life is not just about running and consuming

it helps build character, self-esteem, and life-

friendships(Nykolaizsyn: 1996: 12)

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Category: College essays,

Topic: Ancient greek,

Words: 877

Published: 01.13.20

Views: 496

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