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Cultural stratication composition

Social Stratification can be defined as “a particular form of social inequality. It identifies the presence of sociable groups which can be ranked above the other, generally in terms of the number of power prestige and prosperity their member posses.

Individuals who belong to a particular group or perhaps stratum could have some understanding of common interest and one common identity. (Haralombos, Holborn and Herald 1990, pg 24). In the Carribbean, studies had been conducted showing that the couchette of the Carribbean today is usually reflective from the structures of Colonialism, Plantation Slavery and Indenturship, which has been based on the economic conditions of riches through title and get of society’s resources.

Although the fight for emancipation of these countries brought self-reliance, the past continues to shadow on the societal composition of today.

To effectively carry out these studies two of the more populated countries were employed namely Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica which mirrored the gradual change which usually took place following emancipation. Post emancipation saw a change in the stratification program.

One particular not totally based on Slavery or Intendurship but compression, producing a approach to inequality based on class, competition status hierarchy and electrical power. These determinants were at this point used to location people into new classify.

In a examine conducted in Jamaica after World War II, it was found out that there was climb of a fresh stratification program one of course, race and status. Put simply, those person who had the access to society’s resources had been above the ones who had to work to get there, who were usually the one’s put into minority teams or the lower strata. Barrow and Reddock stated “The modernization in the economy which has been altered created a system in the post emancipation plantation contemporary society created a modern enclave within the traditional world and solid the growth of recent social classes and a modified couchette period.  Pg191.

Activity to the uppr stratum was based on the distinction of race color and ownership of house. According to M. G Smith the period following the emancipation of slaves, the plantation economy experienced produced three distinct amounts of stratification. “The upper assise of white wines, who owned the economy’s resources, a brown middle stratum of the people who were in professional, specialized jobs plus the lower classe made up of poor black ex- slaves. In addition to this, studies done in the Discovery bay, jamaica reflected that in the amounts of hierarchy, persons were grouped according for their skin color. It absolutely was also found out that there were limited mobility within the strata not until after the commercial revolution high was vertical mobility between occupations. The blacks were gradually going from the decrease strata into the middle strata.

M. G Smith (1965) noted that “Industrialization led to the widening of the economic climate thus raising job creation and thus the emergence of recent social classes. (Rotham G 1993) There was also motion of the blacks in terms of intergenerational mobility. Just like Smith, Derek Gordon observed the increase in social mobility and but he pointed out that person with low financial backgrounds were not able or were improperly chanced to achieved interpersonal mobility and ending near the top of the middle strata.

Lloyd Braithwaite in his studies of Trinidad found out the stratification system was much like to that of the caste system which will determined a person’s status. As well, again the society continues to be defined by simply race and ethnicity. “Members of the upper social group tend to appearance upon the upward mobile phone individual belonging to an ethnic group in terms of his cultural similarity or perhaps dissimilarity for the white group, viewing the mass of the ethnic group as exceptions Lloyd Braithwaite pg47. In this case Syrians, Hard anodized cookware and Oriental ethnicities maintained their status because we were holding closely to skin color and hair consistency to the prestige ‘whites’ These groups maintained a sealed system, aside from intermarriage while using white grouping. However the blacks remained while the low quality groups’ plus the only range of motion was through the adaptation from the white ideals. Adopting the white principles granted them access to education and a great enhancement with the social status.

“The emancipation of the slaves in 1838 was followed by an increasing focus on achievement values Braithwaite described. Studies in Trinidad as well revealed that the stratification patterns which were created during the colonial period, where political structure was made program mainly ‘white’ Europeans who also made politics decisions and who decided who had usage of what methods, has changed now are dependant on a changing class framework. In a examine thirty years following Braithwaite’s description that the blacks had to undertake white values as to enter the system to enhance their rank Selwyn Thomas declares that Braithwaite’s system of stratification got disappeared as there was an increase by the black population and a political system of the black electricity known as the Someones National Activity.

He mentioned that this was brought about by the introduction of the education system, in which people of all cultures experienced access to, and this afforded individuals the skills to accomplish their needed status and obtain positions within the culture. What now can be found says Jones is a at this point “rapidly broadening meritocracy system and not the caste like system.  In conclusion, it really is evident which the structures integrated the past are still determinants of inequality in the Caribbean today.

These getting developed like a yard stick in the past is still being used to categorize or perhaps class persons into the top, lower or perhaps middle classe in today’s contemporary society. However , days gone by systems of stratification had been those of sealed ones, and did not allow for any type of mobility within the stratum. Depending on the evidence in these empirical research conducted in the Caribbean it truly is noticeable that the now has changed. Status; if achieved or perhaps ascribed, competition, power prestige, wealth and life it’s likely now accustomed to determine their position in society. Though Caribbean societies are still based upon these groupings of the ‘whites’ in the uppr white assise, a brownish middle stratum of professional and lower black assise, they have viewed the developments of the blacks into the middle stratum, credited the get of resources through mediums such as education. Therefore the couchette system produced in the pre emancipation has become incredible and continues to change in the Caribbean today.


Caribbean Stratification. Hat Sociology.¦bbean-stratification- 38. html code

Gidden, A. 2001. Course Statification and inequality. In Sociology(4th edition) Reprint while using assistant of Karren Birdsall. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, pp 282-283.

Llyod Braithwaite 1975 Social Stratification in Trinidad. An initial Analysis. Initially published in Social and Economic Research, Vol. a couple of, NOS. two and a few, October, 1953, Institute of Social and Economic Study, University with the West Indies, Jamaica.

Michael jordan Haralambos, Matn Horlborn and Robin Herald. 1990. Sociology. Themes and Perspectives. 3rd Edition Unwin Hyman Ltd.

Rothham, Deb 1993. Significant Changes in the Jamaican Labour Force Affecting the Growth of a Dark-colored Middle Category. (Paper shown at the 88th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Affiliation, Miami, Fl ” August 26th, 1993) Kingston Jamaica: The University of the WestIndies.

Christine Barrow, Rhodda Reddock, The nature of Cultural Classes. Caribbean Sociology: Preliminary readings. Section 4. Illustrated EditionIan Randle, 2001.

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