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Death of salesman article

Death of the Salesman plus the Price

When people accept a great to live by it can be a marvelous and

noble issue unless they may become so obsessed with the the perfect that it

becomes a yolk and they are unable to realize their very own dream. This is certainly

very true for two characters in Arthur Millers plays Death of any

Jeweler and The Value. In these two plays Miller portays two

lower-middle class men, Willie Loman and Victor Franz, respectivelly

whom each live by an excellent that finally is self-defeating.


existed to go after the American dream instead of living the American

dream and Victor lived to serve and be good rather than living a

noble and decent life. They pursed their suitable rather than living it

and thus they may be unable to succeed.

Willie Loman, in Death of your Salesman, provides lived his life in

quest for the American dream. Customarily the American dream

intended oppurtunity and freedom for all, and Willie believed that.

However , diligence could not bring in everything that this individual wanted or perhaps

thoght he deserved. Willy judged himsel and others arround him by theit

material accumulation, being demanded by capitalism as well as the protestant

work ethic. The ethic demands accumulation and work as indications of favor

in the eyes of the almighty. Thus in order to please the almighty and him self he had to

gather wealth and objects.

The consumer focused society through which

Willy lives will not allow him to live the American Dream. Willy is

fascinated by accumulating things. His desire fior goods makes him

want items that he neither needed nor can afford. Willy thinks

that this individual needs to get his better half a new refrigerator and new stockings

though she is content with what they include.

As he tries to live

the American dream he venerates those who have succeeded at

doing so, like Thomas Edison, B. N. Goodrich, and Ben, his succesful

brother. Furetheremore he penalized those who did not work towards that

ideal or attain it, just like Biff, his son, and a lot importantly


The extreme to which he used the dream brought him to

disallusionment and lose sense of fact. Willy developed reality pertaining to

himself where he bumped em chilly in Charité, and killed

na in Boston. (p. 33) The ultimate result of his disallusionment is

his committing suicide.

It is ironic that he dead for his ideals although they

happen to be misconstrued.

The problem with Willys ideals which finally kills him is

that he has lost sight of achieving the the case goal with the American

Desire, happiness and freedom, plus the dream got control of him. He

struggled to obtain something that he could not, he did not have the

skill to be a store assistant. He became so obsessed with living the dream

that having been unable to end up being content with his talents in carpentry and

along with his family.

There is also a manner in which he pusues the Fantasy.

He is a store assistant, a profession that may be associated with trickery and

illusion. He could not pusue a respectable dream getting into something that is definitely

based in deceit. His quest was cursed right away and the reality

this individual lived the quest and never the desire made it even worse.

Similarly in Millers The purchase price the main personality is a person who

tries to life for a great and not the ideal. In The Cost Victor

turns into so captivated with sacrificing for others that he ultimately

fails to you should himself. By not achieving for himself he affects

those he is trying to support, his friends and family. Victor devoted his life to

serving other folks at an early age.

When he was younger he went to the

police academy, a profession that is designated by self- sacrifice pertaining to

others. Furtheremore he put his brother through medical university even

though Victor had even more potential during a call. While his brother

Walter was in school Victor cared for their aging father at an excellent

charge to Victor econimically and emotionally. In the period period

portrayed by the play Victor is still selfless as he continuously calls

tries to arrange for the money to include his brother in the business deal

to sell away their families estate.

Even though Walter will not return

Victors quite a few phone calls Victor still refuses to rake the whole

amount of cash for him self although no-one would fault him intended for doing

so. This individual has a higher need for that money and deserves this, for all his

earlier surrender for Walters sake, but he will not take it. With

all of that sacrifice one could assume that Victors family can be

pleased on the other hand his eschew hurt these people greatly. Those that he was

sacrificing the majority are hurt many in the end.

That is to say that his

inability to please him self and to find it difficult to achieve his goals hurts

his family. His wife Esther becomes ashamed by his inability to

accomplish and his not really pusuing remedies caused him to remain part of

the lower- middle working class. Just as Willy does, Victor too

adopts a quest for him self however , he pursues that quest to the actual

that he loses sight of his first goal to please others, and ends

up hurting them.

The two men have reasonable and rspectable intentions however , they both equally live

to fulfill those intentions rather than living and fulfilling the


As a result they both fail to accomplish what they had

intended, harm the ones they love, and themselves. Willys obsession

with acquiring wealth and being a salesman made it impossible for him

for this. Victors insistence on supporting others made it impossibe intended for

him to provide the life his wife wanted and deserved. Both equally men failed

for the reason that became thus involved in living by extremely hard standards that

they could under no circumstances reach these people and failing has severe penaltis in both


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Category: Death works,
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Published: 01.08.20

Views: 678

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