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Job on casein in milk essay

I would like to express my own deep appreciation and honest thanks to the Primary, Raji Jayaprasad, Aditya Birla public school, Kovaya on her behalf encouragement and for all the establishments that she provided for this kind of project work.

I sincerely appreciate this magnanimity by taking me into her fold for which I shall remain indebted to her. I extend my hearty thanks to Mr. B. D. Kotwani, chemistry teacher, who guided me to the successful completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude for his invaluable guidance, constant encouragement, constructive comments, sympathetic attitude and immense motivation, which has sustained my efforts at all stages of this project work. I can’t forget to offer my sincere thanks to Mr. Pankaj Bajpayee & also to my classmates who helped me to carry out this project work successfully & for their valuable advice & support, which I received from them time to time.

7 0. 2 0. 7 0. 9 Protei ns(%) 3. 4 1. 4 3. 3 5. 5 om Fats (%) 3. 9 4. 0 4. 2 6. 5 Milk is a complete diet as it contains in its Minerals, Vitamins Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats And Water.

Average composition of milk from different sources is given below: Carbohydra tes (%) 4. 9 4. 9 4. 8 4. 5 E. c iC BS Ca2+-Caesinate + 2CH3COOH(aq)>Caesin+ (CH3COO)2Ca E. c Caesin is a major healthy proteins constituent in milk & is a combined phosphor-protein. Casein has isoelectric pH of around 4. six and can be very easily separated surrounding this isoelectric ph level. It quickly dissolves in dilute stomach acids and alkalies.

Casein is present in milk as calcium caseinate in the form of micelles. These micelles have got negative charge and on adding acid to milk the negative charges are neutralized. om TARGET iC BALONEY E. c om To examine the quantity of Casein in different samples of milk. REQUIREMENTS? Beakers (250 ml)? Filter-paper? Glass fly fishing rod? Weight field? Filtration flask? Buchner funnel? Test pipes? Porcelain dish? Different types of milk? 1% acetic acid answer? Ammonium sulphate solution iC BS E. c omkring Theory All-natural milk can be an opaque white fluid Secreted by the mammary glands of Female mammal.

The key constituents of natural milk are Proteins, Carbohydrate, Mineral Vitamins, Body fat and Water and is a total balanced diet. Fresh dairy is sweetish in flavor. However , if it is kept for long time in a temp of a few degree it is come to be sour due to bacteria within air. These kinds of bacteria convert lactose of milk into lactic acidity which is iC BS E. c om iC BS E. c om bitter in taste. In acid condition casein of dairy starts separating out as being a precipitate. If the acidity in milk is enough and temperature is around 36 degree, this forms semi-solid mass, called curd.

METHOD 1 . A clean dried beaker continues to be taken, then putting 20 ml of cow’s milk into it and adding twenty ml of saturated ammonium sulphate remedy slowly and with stir. Fat along with Caesin was medicine out. installment payments on your The solution was filtered and transferred the precipitates in another beaker. Added about 30 ml of water for the precipitate. Simply Caesin dissolves in water forming milky solution giving fat undissolved. iC BS E. c om three or more. The milky solution was heated to about 40oC and add 1% acetic acid option drop-wise, the moment casein got precipitated. iC 6.

The experiment was repeated with other samples of dairy. BS a few. Weighed the dry stable mass in a previously weighed watch a glass. E. c 4. Strained the medications, washed with water and the precipitate was allowed to dry. om FINDINGS Volume of milk taken in every single case. ml Name of Weight of milk Caesin Cow milk Buffalo dairy Goat milk Sheep dairy = % of Caesin iC BULL CRAP E. c om CONCLUSION Different samples of milk contain different percentage of Caesin. iC BS E. c om.

SOURCES? WEBSITES:? www. icbse. com iC BULL CRAP E. c om Thorough Practical Biochemistry and biology; Laxmi Publications.

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Published: 02.14.20

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