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Marino faliero argumentative dissertation

A monologue from the play by Head of the family Byron

BE AWARE: This monologue is published from Head of the family Byron: Half a dozen Plays. Lord Byron. Los Angeles: Dark-colored Box Press, 2007.

ANGIOLINA: Sage Benintende, now main Judge of Venice

I actually speak to the in response to yon Signor.

Inform the ribald Steno, that his words

Neer weighed in mind with Loredanos daughter

Beyond to create a moments pity

For such as he can: would that others had

Despised him as I shame! I prefer

My personal honour into a thousand lives, could this kind of

Be multiplied in acquire, but would not have

Just one life more lost for that

Which nothing human may impugn”the perception

Of Advantage, looking to never what is named

A good term for reward, but to on its own.

To me the scorners terms were since the wind

On to the rock: but as generally there are”alas!

State of mind more hypersensitive, on which might be found

Light because the Flutter on the oceans, souls

Who Dishonours shadow is a substance

More awful than Fatality, here and hereafter

Guys whose vice is to from Vices scoffing

And who, though evidence against almost all blandishments

Of pleasure, and all pangs of Soreness, are weak

When the happy name on what they pinnacled

Their desires is breathed on, jealous as the eagle

Of her excessive aiery, let what we now

Behold, and feel, and suffer, certainly be a lesson

To wretches the way they tamper within their spleen

With beings of the higher order. Insects

Have made the lion angry ere at this point, a shaft

I the heel oerthrew the bravest of the fearless

A wifes Dishonour was your bane of Troy

A wifes Dishonour unkinged Rome for ever

A great injured spouse brought the Gauls to Clusium

And thence to Rome, which will perished for a time

An indecent gesture price Caligula

His life, although Earth but bore his cruelties

A virgins wrong made The country a Moorish province

And Stenos sit, couched in two worthless lines

Hath decimated Venice, put in peril

A Senate which hath stood 8-10 hundred years

Discrowned a Royal prince, cut off his crownless brain

And cast new fetters for a moaning people!

Allow the poor wretch, like to the courtesan

Whom fired Persepolis, be pleased with this

Whether it so please him”twere a pride fit pertaining to him!

But let him certainly not insult the last hours of

Him, who also, whateer this individual now is, was obviously a Hero

By the intrusion of his incredibly prayers

Absolutely nothing of good will come from this kind of a source

Nor could we aught with him, nor now, nor ever before:

We keep him to himself, that lowest depth

Of human being baseness. Excuse is for guys

And not for reptiles”we have non-e pertaining to Steno

With no resentment: things like him must sting

And higher creatures suffer, tis the hire

Of Your life. The man whom dies by adders fang

May have the crawler smashed, but seems no anger:

Twas the worms character, and some males are worms

In heart and soul, more than the life of tombs.

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Published: 01.27.20

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