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S rushdie s midnight s children and m brecht s ...


There is no doubt that war and conflict effect people living within its perimeters. Just how war influences people, although, is more important than the fact that it does. What consequences does conflict have got on a person, or perhaps society? Two works present the more fuzy perils of conflict- Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children and Bertolt Brecht’s Mom Courage and her Children. By contrasting Rushdie’s protagonist Saleem Sinai and Brecht’s Mother Courage, we can gain a better understanding of the ramifications of battle.


Midnight’s Children

Salman Rushdie’s novel Midnight’s Children follows Saleem Sinai during his life up to his 31st birthday, with his beginning coinciding with the exact minute that India gained self-reliance. Saleem provides the audience with his family’s background and political events leading up to his birth, placing the level for how things afterwards unfold. This individual explains that he was changed at birth, and given to a rich family instead of his true impoverish father, even though the true rich child, Shiva, was placed into poverty. Saleem also accounts how he, as well as the rest of the children born the same evening between 12A. M. and 1A. M., hold exclusive and remarkable abilities. Saleem’s account moves along through his life covering many historic events in India’s postcolonial history including the Pakistani wars and Indira Gandhi’s ‘State of Emergency’. The story proves with Saleem nearing his birthday, feeling as though he’s literally disintegrating because of his life.

Midnight’s Children can be an love knot to explain postcolonial India, and its concerns. Saleem represents India on its own, with his labor and birth being the birth of a free of charge nation. The Midnight Kids represent each of the diversity of culture, world, and emotion in India following decolonization, their magical nature a metaphor pertaining to the great issues that variety could provide the country. This concept is obvious when Saleem states towards the end that he will probably crumble to dust underneath the feet from the nation on his 31st birthday because it is the fate coming from all midnight children to be lost in contemporary society (Rushdie pp. 236, 2003). This assertion conveys that while diversity would bring immense good to a nation, it are not able to coexist with peace.

Mom Courage

Mother Courage and Her Kids in emerge the 1600’s during the Three decades War, a war involving the Catholics and Protestants. The storyline follows Valor and her family through 12 years from the war, noting on a number of unsavory situations. At the beginning of the story, Courage offers all three of her kids and a decent business, advertising various wares to people and armed service men likewise. Over the course of the war, she loses all three children departing her simply her organization (which the long-term stability of is often questioned). Inspite of losing what she information is most crucial to her, she expresses that she need to continue on.

Comparison of Saleem and Courage

Important Action

At the start of her tale, Mother Bravery explains just how she got her brand, by having the courage to complete what was necessary to get through the war, especially driving throughout the fight to sell breads before that went awful (Brecht pp. 3, 1939). This belief is echoed continuously through her account, including her final lines. Mother Bravery does what is needed to make do and to have the ability to continue to forge a life through the war, conveying the message that what you label of life during conflict is actually up to you: you may choose to stop and be a victim or make the best out of a bad condition. This may differ significantly via Saleem. Saleem finds him self living in poverty later in life in a slum at the time of the birthday of his boy Aadam (Shiva’s biological child). He details that though he was a single time prosperous, now Shiva has found wealth instead throughout the war (Rashdie pp. 210, 2003). Although Saleem would not identify like a victim of situation, he could be passive in most cases and permits events to merely transpire devoid of pushback. There are plenty of examples through Midnight’s Kids in which rather than trying to generate any increases, Saleem simply goes along with what ever is anticipated.


During his amount of time in the magician’s ghetto, Saleem adopts communism views. He states it turned out comforting for being “red”, as he found that he had recently been abandoned by simply business (Rashdie pp. 201, 2003). Saleem scrapes by doing what he can to make money, but truly does nothing to really improve his situation. Mom Courage, however , consistently tries to make a living in capitalist vogue. In the second act, Courage tries to bargain with the General’s cook over the price of any capon till she understands that the meal will also be on her behalf son Eilif (Brecht pp. 11-12, 1939). She regularly relays that helping other folks is a hinderance to her individual prosperity, including when the Chaplin takes her white t shirts for bandages, Courage yowls out “I’m ruined” (Brecht pp. 45, 1939). The reds is centered around economical equality, which can be the opposite of what Bravery is trying to achieve during the conflict.


Is important to both Saleem and Mother Bravery, though the standard of importance alterations during each of their tales. At the beginning of Courage’s story, the lady claims she’s just aiming to make that through the war with her three children, though your woman loses all to war. Despite burning off them states that business must embark on (Brecht pp. 84, 1939). To Saleem family is an unusual concept when he has the relatives he features known, and the biological family members he won’t know. He loses his family through various means including issue and suicide, and the family he leaves he is completely happy (Rashdie pp. 200-201, 2003) However the family created of Midnight Kids was required for him, as was his son Aadam.


Midnight’s Children is riddled with wonderful elements. The special powers the in the Midnight Kids, Parvati’s bag, and the prophetic dreamsare most examples of this. The aspects of magic that Saleem utilizes, such as telepathy and an enhanced scent act of smelling, are critical parts of his life. His ability to prophesize helps him prepare for hazard, telepathy supports him in connecting with all the other Night time Children, and his sense of smell supplies him with income and insight. When Mother Valor is also believed to possess increased supernatural capabilities in the form of second sight, her ‘powers’ are definitely more an illusion to drive in her parts of how the conflict will take in everyone (Brecht pp. several, 1939). In both circumstances magic appears to be a coping mechanism pertaining to uncontrollable incidents around these kinds of characters, albeit at very different ends with the spectrum.


Saleem Sinai presents his final prospect as being somewhat bleak, saying that “¦it is definitely the privilege as well as the curse of midnights kids to be the two masters and victims with their times, to forsake personal privacy and be taken into the annihilating whirlpool with the multitudes, also to be unable to live or perish in peace” (Rashdie pp. 237, 2003). Saleem presumed that there could not be a time in which will diversity and peace can coexist. In the same way, Mother Courage’s last music reads (Brecht pp. 84, 1939):

“With every its fortune and all it is danger

The war is transferring on a tad

One other hundred years or longer

The common man won’t advantage.

Filthy his food, simply no soap to shave him

The regiment steals half his pay.

But nevertheless a miracle may preserve him:

Another day is another day! “

Whilst her outlook rings along with Saleem’s that everything is not really improving, she continues to have hope that they will. Saleem’s view holds that his emotions are overall.


How does war impact those that affects? You observe through contrasting Saleem and Mother Bravery that conflict and conflict can cause positivity and disbelief, assertiveness and passiveness, venture and socialism. War and conflict generates personal view that shows whether one is a patient of circumstances or a mma fighter with will certainly to keep working at it. Through their particular similarities and differences, Saleem Sinai and Mother Courage show us the wide array of how war and conflict imposes on all those it surrounds.

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