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Strategies to close the theory practice gap essay

Excerpt coming from Essay:

Theory-Practice Gap

The development of nursing jobs theory offers followed the natural sciences paradigm that can be commonly called the technological rationality version (Rolfe, 1993). Therefore , the definition of theory, in nursing is used in a basic manner to relate to the systematic concepts, reductions, and definitions that are related as to clarify, describe, or predict interconnections and human relationships. As with different sciences specifically chemistry and physics, theory and research has been utilized in nursing regarding provide or build a firm and founded foundation expertise in breastfeeding. The foundation of research is normally phenomenon plus the research conclusions are normally accepted with minimal if any questions. Yet , there are serious implications for people findings in actual field work since the natural savoir paradigm creates a difference involving the researcher and the professional whom works on the field level.

In breastfeeding, this paradigm creates a scenario where theory is increased above practice, there is a rift between theorists and experts, and practitioners are turned to mere implementers of hypotheses they performed no part in their development. For instance, theorists can develop a clinical style and after it truly is published; professionals pick it up pertaining to application in clinical configurations. Such a model is based on an assumption that individuals, are expected as the situation with an inanimate subject. It is however vital that you note that, people cannot be balkanized into a single assumption, but rather, they will only be predicated based on statistics (Rolfe, 1993). As a result, this kind of a model produces a dilemma in its applicability to real-life scenarios. This daily news therefore is supposed to address this kind of theory-practice gap by offering suggest on strategies to overcome this. This will be achieved primarily through review of the available materials.

A reflection

In the nursing profession, the main stakeholders with regard to theory and practice are college students, nurses, and teachers. Depending on literature, the theory-practice distance has created a number of challenges that face these groups. The first concern for this concern is how the nursing program (theory) is taught to students and exactly how the knowledge bought is used (practice) in the field. There is a clear difference between your two and this has raised concerns amongst various research workers (Levin, 2010; Sellman, 2010; Holzemer, 2008). As a result, numerous researchers include undertaken research with the aim of understanding the distance between theory and practice in the medical profession, and to offer potential strategies that may close the gap.

The theory-practice distance has created worries on the progress the nursing profession. The groups afflicted the most by these concerns are the medical students because they encounter difficulties in the system that should interlock theory and practice inside the nursing profession (Levin, 2010). This problem is best illustrated in the lack of ability of medical students to effectively and clearly reply to the nature and aspects of theory and practice (Rafferty, Allcock Lathlean, 1996; Silva, 1999). According to analyze, nursing students are at crossroads when they are required to translate their very own classroom gained knowledge to actual practice in the medical settings. Growing research continually show the gap that is present between theory and practice in the medical profession hence the need for ways of address the situation in the right way.


One, and probably the primary, problem in the nursing jobs field to find the theory-practice gap is usually that the entire breastfeeding profession is structured in a manner that the various parties are not pre-loaded with skills in order to manage expected outcomes. The theoretical side and the practice side give divergent causes of the space, which means with out consensus, the gap continues to widen (Holzemer, W. D. (2008). With no consensus, theorists fail to develop an operational environment that may be in line with predicted results while on the other hand, clinical nursing staff fail to build rules that promote what they have learned in assumptive classes. To resolve this problem, the suggested approach is to initially come to a consensus within the reasons for the gap, every side work at bridging the gap with the obligation rules, crystal clear operational directions for the many situations experienced in the field, and clear which means to occasions, terms, and systems.

Relating to Levin (2010), there is also a need for the expansion in the nursing theory so as to make students properly for the practical areas of the profession. Teachers in nursing educational institutions play a crucial role in the profession for they include arguably, gone a full cycle in the profession successfully and thus, there is a better knowledge of what is absent and precisely what is required to intended the space. Therefore , educators are called upon to create strategies that talk about the problem that exists within the theoretical aspects of the occupation. One of these tactics is to evidently explain the theoretical views of teaching nursing because, learners who are very well equipped with the best and appropriate

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Published: 04.07.20

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