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The rights of democracy essay

How come was Socrates the renowned Philosopher offer death, was it depending on his political and psychic beliefs or because he educated his values to his students? This individual believed that he was in a private pursuit of truth, research online for knowledge. He flipped the children against the Gods of Athens, proposing that the opinions of experts had been the only relevant opinions. Socrates never voiced his worries or decided to leave the society that had reinforced him for a few seventy many years of his life. The democratic government allowed the majority to rule, this enabled the individuals to have your vote and make a decision what is only. The government was based on a procedural procedure, one, which will took into mind the insight of the bulk. In this manner they will created a only form of government, where all were allowed to represent their beliefs, their very own truths, retaining justice and equality for most. Socrates had not been persecuted for his values, but reprimanded for his corruptive hobbies against his own political society.

Socrates was charged with exploring that which is underneath the ground and heaven, producing the sluggish argument the stronger and corrupting the youth. Socrates was undermining the democratic system in an unjust method. He desired to find a better, more efficient political system that he believed would better serve the citizens of his country. He wanted to take power away from the persons and force the narrow-minded opinions of the elite few. Socrates felt that he wasn’t responsible, he felt that he was doing that which was in the best interest of Athens, yet through his pursuits this individual corrupted the youth, the particular people who had been the future of the nation. In persuasive others that this system was corrupt and wrong this individual hurt the actual country that he was planning to help.

Socrates proposed in the private uses for perception that an unexamined life had not been worth living. (Apology, 12). In this way Socrates felt justified in turning away from the perception system, his own correct in his mind, as well as messing the the heads of the junior. His apparently private subject turned into a public matter when his actions started out effecting the well being with the community, his pursuits in that case became a political subject. The form of presidency called democracy, Socrates stated not to accept its concepts. In pursuing wisdom, real truth and rights, he was operating in a democratic manner, precisely the same political method that this individual condemned because of its corruptive mother nature.

Socrates proposed a system in which the experts make a decision the decisions of the nation, because they are the only ones with the knowledge. He defines understanding, as “knowing that you do not understand and ignorance as thinking you know what you actually do not know.  (Apology, 4). Then the problem is suggested why will a country require experts, those who are able to confess that they are incorrect, to make only and correct decisions for your country? Socrates believed philosophers, such as him self were the sole mentally outfitted citizens certified to make decisions that effect the path of this nation. The democratic system have been tested and proven, residents utilize the talents of the politics system. Inside the democratic method, a system which usually Socrates believed he recognized enough going to defy, Socrates should have used these advantages to his own benefits. The majority sentenced him and he had ample opportunity to speak on his behalf, the majority spoke, the majority dominated. Socrates was brought to trial for the charges against him, he was remedied as any other citizen of Athens and was allowed this trial in order to prove his sense of guilt or chasteness. His guilt was seen true his innocence a lie.

Though Socrates acquired many supporters, many contradicted his style of thought. One of these men was Aristophanes. This individual portrayed Socrates correctly, while an unaware fool. Socrates felt that he was brought to trial based upon the offenses he had dedicated against artists, politicians yet others of various investments. Socrates attended these men, questioning the perception he had learned about, his conclusions were these men were ignorant and was proficient. He informed these men to their face, mocking their so-called wisdom, interesting the children in this similar process. Is definitely the act of questioning other folks unjust or perhaps wrong, interrogating them and humiliating these people in public, accompanied by the youth and others from the community? Socrates’ claims resistant to the accusations against him were, But both I do not really corrupt these people, or I actually corrupt them unintentionally, in order that on both view of the case you lay. If my offense can be unintentional, the law has no cognizance of unintentional offenses: you ought to have taken me personally privately, and warned and admonished me personally, for merely had been better advised, I ought to have left off doing what I only do unintentionally certainly I should, whereas you hated to talk to me or perhaps teach me personally, but you indicted me from this court, which is a place certainly not of teaching, but of punishment.  (Apology, 10) Socrates was well aware of the offenses he was committing against Athens, yet he by no means questioned his actions till he was taken to court for the claims against him.

Democracies main goal is the pursuit of proper rights, but was persecuting Socrates pertaining to his philosophy just. He corrupted the youth by simply drawing these people in and then teaching them to think for themselves. He showed them his pursuits, but neglected to educate them inside the ways, these people were untamed and unknowledgeable and he took advantage of their very own naive mother nature.

The loss of life of Socrates is a mark that the personal system proved helpful by guarding the people. Socrates again and again committed wrongs against the nation, knowing complete well the effects he had. Socrates questioned the device by messing the it, by simply corrupting the youth and turning these people away from their particular God. Socrates would never state that he supported Gods, but did admit that he did not have confidence in the Gods recognized by the state. His narrow-minded view from the way a country should be symbolized caused his death. The actions that he required against the region condemned him, he searched for the demise of the land and through the judicial process he was delivered to justice in the eyes in the community. Yet were that they protecting their particular country or perhaps robbing the field of possibly the smartest man in the world.


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