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Traditions will be famous worldwide in all kinds

British Culture and practices are renowned all over the world, in all sorts of countries. When people think about Britain they think of, the Royal Friends and family, people travelling in bowler hats, having tea and eating seafood and chips, whilst going on about the weather. But as time has moved on British tradition has significantly changed. In britain there have been many significant changes in family structure and gender roles.

Changes in family composition have seen the decrease of the nuclear relatives as the stereotypical kind of British household and more people having blends of, one particular parent, same sex, living together with or without kids, mixed contest and step families. These changes include meant that sexuality roles have changed. Many families are headed by simply women as opposed to the traditional nuclear families which are generally completely outclassed by men.

Women are taking on far more responsibilities and challenges than they were half a century in the past, they often go to work and leave their very own partners at home with the children, women have just numerous rights since men today, but typically different genders would not be anticipated to do particular jobs. At the. g. girl bus motorists, there are regarding equal numbers of male and female bus motorists, but most people automatically consider them to be male. The uk is becoming a more multi-cultural culture.

If you strolled the streets of Greater london you would see all different faces, from all different parts of the earth, whereas prior to WW2 just a very little minority of individuals in Great britain werent light or of the traditional Uk race. The modern multi-cultural society has changed a huge amount of the west. For example , up coming to the seafood and chip shop you should, more often than not, you should find an Indian or perhaps Chinese takeaway, a Ancient greek kebab shop, or an Italian Pizzeria.

We appeal to all different ethnicities and many English people now think of these different foods as part of their own culture. Within our own local areas there are many different types of culture, for example , when they are a teenager most people tend to participate in a certain group, and have been labelled as some thing by their peers. Each of these groups has their own norms and values for example the grungers are required to just like rock music, but the chavs are expected to like hip-hop or RnB.

Today the things which are the most critical to Uk culture include greatly transformed. Religion is usually not this sort of a huge component, as many individuals are atheists and many different made use of in Great britain. For me the most important part of my own culture is definitely the music I actually listen to plus the clothes My spouse and i wear, though this isnt necessarily English culture, simply mine and my friends. I believe that the most important factor of Britains culture in general is that our culture continues to change in order to keep up with the ever changing modern society.

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Category: Countries,

Topic: Great Britain,

Words: 527

Published: 04.15.20

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