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Tarek Sahyoun AP World Background Unit several Vocabulary * Bedouins happen to be pretty much the stereotypical Arabs because of their tradition based on herding camels and goats 5. I would have got liked to become a Shaykh easily lived in a Bedouin society because they normally possessed significant herds. * It is a Muslim practice to pray toward the city of Mecca. * I was shocked to hear that Muhammad’s flight to Medina began the Muslim calendar.

* The Umayyad family dominated Great place, and later started to be a Muslim dynasty. * Muhammad is the prophet that began the religious beliefs of Islam, which even today is a major religion. My personal grandmother says the Qur’an in her free time. * If is Muslim, you must have faith in the Umma. 5. Muslims need to pay zakat to the mosques to allow them to maintain functioning. * The Five Pillars are definitely the set of rules that all Muslims must follow. * Caliphs had been doubted by many because they will took the spot of Muhammad although there were no recognized procedures to acquire someone the actual prophet. 2. Ali was your cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad. * Abu Bakr had the privilege of succeeding Muhammad as the first caliph. * The Ridda Wars following Muhammad’s death restored the oneness of Islam. Jihad was the Islamic o war. * Mu’awiya was the first Umayyad caliph and had a capital was Damascus * Today, Sunnis makeup most of the Muslim population. 5. Today, Shia’s make up the community of the Muslim population 5. Mawali persons had a large number of restrictions, whilst they were awarded the right convert to Islam. * Dhimmis had been known as “the people of the book” who actually included the Jews as well as the Christians. * The Abbasids dynasty succeeded the Umayyads after a lengthy rivalry got ended. 5. Hadiths happen to be “traditions” in the prophet Muhammad Wazir was your chief administrative official beneath the Abbasids 5. Dhows had been used by Arab merchants, and helped all of them be incredibly successful in quick trade. * The Ayan was the wealthy ended up elite that emerged underneath the Abbasids 2. Al-Mahdi failed to reconcile Shi’a moderates to his empire and to deal with the succession problem. 5. Harun al-Rashid was the most well-known of the Abbasid caliphs 5. Buyids were Persian invaders of the tenth century that captured Baghdad * The Seljuk Turks were nomadic invaders coming from central Asia * There were several accounts of Crusades in history worldwide. Salah-ud-Din reconquered most of the crusader kingdoms. 5. Ibn Khaldun was a great Muslim historian * Al-Razi was a man of science who was wrong, and categorized all matter as creature, vegetable, and mineral. 5. Al-Biruni “was an advanced science tecnistions who calculated the specific excess weight of major minerals. 5. The Ulama was made up of Islamic spiritual scholars. 2. Al-Ghazali was a brilliant Islamic theologian 5. Sufis had been Islamic mystics, and spread Islam to numerous Afro-Asian parts. * Mongols were central Asian nomadic peoples, and later had one of the largest empires in the world. Chinggis Khan was a Mongol leader, who would later play a large role in the of the Mongols. * Mamluks were rulers of Egypt who originated from European slaves * Muhammad ibn Qasim is definitely respected because he was once the Arab basic who conquered Sind and made it part of the Umayyad Empire * Even though are Arabic numerals, they can be actually Indian. * Mahmud of Ghazni was leader of an Afghan dynasty. * Muhammad of Ghur was a Persian ruler of a small Afghan empire. * Sati was a very cruel means of dying, to get widowed women had to be burned with their departed husbands. Bhaktic cults were Hindu religious groups who have stressed the value of strong emotional you possess between supporters and the gods or goddesses. * Kabir was Muslim mystic who also played down the differences among Hinduism and Islam 5. Shrivijaya was the trading empire based on the Malacca straits * Malacca was a prospering trading city in Malaya that began a trading empire following your fall of Shrivijaya. * Demak was most powerful from the trading claims on the north Java coast. Stateless communities -societies of varying sizes organized through kingship and lacking the concentration of power seen in centralized declares * Maghrib is the Persia term pertaining to northwestern The african continent * The Almoravids constructed an disposition reaching through the African savanna into Italy * The Almohadis built an disposition reaching in the African savanna into The country of spain * Ethiopia is a Christian kingdom in the highlands of eastern The african continent * Sahel is the term for the extensive grassland belt in the southern border of the Sahara. Sudanic states are declares trading with north Africa and mixing Islamic and native ways 5. Mali can be described as state from the Malinke persons centered involving the Senegal and Niger waterways * Juula were Malinke merchants who traded throughout the Mali Empire and west Africa 5. Mansa was title in the ruler of Mali * Ibn Batuta was a great Arab traveller throughout the Muslim world * Kankan Letras was renowned because of the wealth distributed in the process on a pilgrimage to Mecca. * Sundiata created a single state that started to be the Mali Empire. 2. Songhay was your successor condition to Mali. * Hausa states put together Islamic and indigenous morals. East African trading jacks were urbanized commercial centers mixing Photography equipment and Arabic cultures. * Demographic transition is the term for the change from slow to rapid population expansion. * Nok was the central Nigerian culture with a extremely developed fine art style. * Yoruba was obviously a highly urbanized Nigerian agriculturists organized into small city-states. * Luba peoples created a form of work kingship in which the ruler acquired powers guaranteeing fertility of individuals and plants. * Great Zimbabwe designed the greatest early on buildings in sub-Saharan Africa * Justinian was a Subtil emperor who also failed to reconquer the traditional western portions in the empire. The Body of Civil Rules was the emperor Justinian’s codification of Both roman law. * The Byzantine weapon comprising mixture of chemical substances that ignited when encountered with water was known as Greek fire. * Icons will be images of spiritual figures commemorated by Byzantine Christians. 5. Iconoclasm was the action of breaking of icons. 5. Manzikert was your Seljuk Turk victory which in turn resulted in loss in the empire’s rich Anatolian territory * Cyril and Methodius were Byzantine missionaries sent to convert eastern European countries and Balkans. * Kiev was a industrial city in Ukraine established by Scandinavians. Rurik is regarded as owner of Kievan Rus’ in 855. 5. Vladmir I had been a ruler of Kiev that transformed kingdom to Orthodox Christianity. * Russian Orthodoxy was obviously a Russian sort of Christianity helped bring from Subtil Empire. 5. Yaroslav was your last wonderful Kievan monarch. * Boyars were Russian land-holding nobles. * Tatars were Mongols who conquered Russian cities. * The Middle Ages is referred to as the period in western European history between the fall season of Roman Empire and the 15th 100 years. * Medieval architecture is definitely an architectural style designed in American Europe. Vikings were seagoing Scandinavian raiders who interrupted coastal regions of Europe. 2. Manorialism was a rural system of reciprocal relations between homeowners and their peasant laborers through the Middle Ages. * Serfs were peasant farming laborers within the manorial program. * The three-field system was the practice of separating land into thirds, revolving between two different vegetation and pasturage. * Clovis was a ruler of the Franks. * The Carolingians was royal property of Franks. * Charles Martel was your first Carolingian king of the Franks. 2. Charlemagne was obviously a Carolingian monarch who founded large empire in England and Australia. Holy Both roman emperors were political future heirs to Charlemagne’s empire in northern Italy and Australia. * Feudalism was a personal relationship during the Middle Ages in which greater lords provided terrain to smaller lords in return for military assistance. * Vassals were members of the army elite who have received property or a benefice from a lord in return for military support and dedication. * The Capetians were a French empire. * William the Conqueror invaded England from Normandy. * The Magna Mapa represented theory of shared limits and obligations between rulers and feudal nobility, and the superiority of regulation. Parliaments will be bodies addressing privileged groups. * The Hundred Years Warfare was a major conflict among England and France. * Pope City II organized the initial Crusade in 1095. * Investiture may be the practice of appointment of bishops 2. St . Clare of Assisi is the creator of a female’s monastic purchase * Gregory VII is known as a pope who have attempted to free church from secular control, quarreled with Holy Roman Emperor Holly IV over practice of lay investiture of bishops * Jones Aquinas was a creator of one of the wonderful syntheses of medieval learning. Scholasticism is a dominant middle ages philosophical strategy. * Troubadours gave a brand new value for the emotion of love in Western tradition. 2. The Hanseatic League was an organization of north German born and Scandinavian cities with regards to establishing ad advertisement alliance 5. Jacques Coeur’s career while banker to the French monarchy demonstrates fresh course of middle ages commerce 2. Guilds anxious security and mutual control, limited account, regulated apprenticeships, guaranteed very good workmanship, held a happy place in metropolitan areas * The Black Fatality significantly decreased Europe’s populace. Columbus reported the Native Americans as Indians. * Toltecs established capital at Tula following migration into central Mesoamerican level of skill, strongly militaristic ethic, which includes cult of human sacrifice. * Aztecs also known as the Mexica proven a large disposition. * Tenochtitlan became centre of Aztec power. 5. Calpulli were clans in Aztec society. * I believe it would be very cool to work on a Chinampa. * Pochteca centered on long-distance trade in luxurious items. Inca socialism was an interpretation describing Inca society as a type of utopia * The Inca was a group of race centered for Cuzco. 5. Pachacuti started the armed service campaign that marked the creation associated with an Inca empire * Huayna Capac brought the empire to its greatest degree * Split inheritance is an Inca practice of ruler ancestry * Curacas were regional rulers who have the Inca left in office in return for loyalty. 2. Tambos had been supply centers for Inca armies Quipu -system of knotted strings utilized by the Incas in place of a writing system, could contain numerical and other types of information pertaining to censuses and financial documents * Amount of the Half a dozen Dynasties -era of constant warfare (220-589) among the many kingdoms that adopted the fall of the Han * Wendi -member of visible northern Oriental family through the era of Six Dynasties, established Sui dynasty in 589, with support coming from northern nomadic peoples 5. Li Yuan -Duke of Tang, minister for Yangdi, took over the empire following your assassination of Yangdi, initial Tang leader * Ministry of Community Rites -administered the exams for express office through the Tang dynasty * Jinshi -title given students whom passed one of the most difficult exams, became qualified to receive high office * Chan Buddhism -call Zen in Japan, stressed meditation and appreciation of natural and artistic beauty, popular among the top notch * Mahayana (Pure Land) Buddhism -emphasized salvationist facets of Chinese Yoga, popular among the world * Wuzong -Tang chief (841-847), persecuted Buddhist monasteries and lowered influence of Buddhism in favor of Confucianism * Khitan nomads -founded Liao dynasty of Manchuria in 907, continued to be a menace to Song, very much motivated by Chinese culture * Zhao Kuangyin -general whom founded Track dynasty, had taken royal brand of Taizu * Zhu Xi -most prominent Neo-Confucian scholar through the Song empire, stressed significance of applying philosophical principles to everyday life * Wang Anshi -Confucian college student and key minister of the Song ruler in 1070s, introduced capturing reforms depending on Legalism, recommended greater express intervention in society 5. Southern Tune -smaller surviving dynasty (1127-1279), presided above one of the greatest cultural reigns on planet history 2. Jurchens -founders of Jin kingdom that succeeded the Liao in northern Cina, annexed most of Yellow River basin and forces Song to run away south * Grand Cacera -great channel system commenced by Yangdi, joined Yellow-colored River place to the Yangtze basin 5. Junks -Chinese ships furnished with watertight bulkheads, stern-post rudders, compasses, and bamboo fenders, dominant power in Asian seas east of the Malayan peninsula 2. Flying cash -Chinese credit rating instrument that provided vouchers to retailers to be redeemed at the end of your venture, lowered danger of robbery, an earlier form of currency * Footbinding -male made practice to mutilate women’s feet to be able to educe size, produced soreness and constrained movement, helped to confine women to the home * Bi Sheng -11th c designer, devised strategy of creating with removable type, managed to get possible for Cina to be the the majority of contemporary literate civilziation 2. Taika reforms -attempt to remake Western monarch in an tyrann Chinese-style emperor, included tries to create professional bureaucracy and peasant conscript army * Fujiwara -mid-9th c Japanese people aristocratic family members, exercised outstanding influence above imperial affairs, aided in decline of imperial electric power * Bushi -regional warrior leaders in Japan, dominated small kingdoms from fortresses, administered what the law states, supervised community works tasks, and collected revenues, piled up private soldires * Samurai -mounted soldiers of the bushi, loyal to local lords, not the emperor 2. Seppuku -ritual suicide in Japan, also called hari-kiri, proven courage and was a ways to restore family members honor 5. Gumpei battles -waged pertaining to five years from 1180 on Honshu between the Taira and Minamoto families, resulted in destruction of Taira 2. Bakufu -military government structured on the Minamoto following Gumpei wars, focused at Kamakura, retained chief, but genuine power existed in armed forces government and samurai 2. Shoguns -military leaders from the bakufu Hojo -a warrior family strongly allied together with the Minamoto, focused Kamakura plan and manipulated Minamoto rulers, ruled in name of emperor * Ashikaga Takuaji -member of Minamoto relatives, overthrew KamaKura regime and established Ashikaga shogunate (1336-1573), drove chief from Kyoto to Yoshino * Daimyos -warlord rulers of tiny states subsequent Onin warfare and dysfunction of Ashikaga shogunate, possessing consolidated in to unified and bounded mini-states * Choson -earliest Korean language kingdom, conquered by Ryan in 109 BCE * Koguryo -tribal people of northern Korea, established an independent kingdom in the northern half the peninsula, implemented cultural Sinification * Sinification -extensive variation of China culture consist of regions 2. Yi -dynasty (1392-1910), been successful Koryo empire after Mongol invasions, renewed aristocratic dominance and Chinese influence 5. Trung Sisters -leaders of the rebellion in Vietnam against Chinese regulation in 39 CE, illustrates importance of women in Thai society 2. Khmers and Chams -Indianized Vietnamese people defeated simply by northern authorities at Hanoi * Nguyen -southern Vietnamese dynasty with capital for Hue that hallenged north Trinh empire with middle at Hanoi * Chinggis Khan -born in 1170s, elected substantial Mongol leader (khagan) in 1206, started the Mongols rise to world electric power, died 1227 * Tumens -basic preventing units of Mongol causes, made up of 10, 000 cavalrymen divided into more compact units * Tangut -rulers of Xi-Xia kingdom of northwest China and tiawan, during the the southern area of Song period, conquered by Mongols in 1226 2. Shamanistic faith -Mongol values focused on characteristics spirits 5. Batu -grandson of Chinggis Khan and ruler of Golden Horde, invaded Russian in 1236 * Glowing Horde -one of four regional subdivisions of the Mongol Disposition after fatality of Chinggis Khan, conquered and reigned over Russua through the 13th and 14th c * Prester John -a mythical Christian monarch in whose kingdom apparently had been stop from The european countries by the Muslim conquests, a lot of thought having been Chinggis Khan * Ilkhan khanate -one of four regional subdivisions from the Mongol empire after the loss of life of Chinggis Khan, at some point included most of Abbasid empire * Hulegu -grandson of Chinggis Khan and guideline of Ilkhan khanate, captured and destroyed Abbasid Baghdad * Mamluks -Muslim slave warriors, established dynasty in Egypt, led by Baibars defeated Mongols in 1260 * Kubilai Khan -grandson of Chinggis Khan, conquered China, proven Yuan dynasty in 1271 * Chabi -influential wife of Kubilai Khan, shown refusal of Mongol girls to adopt restricted social conferences of Confucian China * Nestorians -Asian Christian sect, cut off by Europe by simply Muslim invasions * White Lotus Culture -secret religious society dedicated to overthrow of Yuan dynasty * Ju Yuanzhang -Chinese peasant whom led powerful revolt against Yuan, founded Ming empire * Timur-i-Lang -last key nomad head, 14th c, known to the West as Tamerlane, Turkic ruler of Samarkand, released attacks in Persia, Agricultural Crescent, India, southern Russian federation, empire disintegrated after his death in 1405 * Ottoman Empire -Turkish empire established in Asia Small and eventually extending through the Middle East plus the Balkans, overcome Constantinople in 1453 and ended Byzantine Empire 2. Ming Dynasty -replaced Mongal Yuan empire in Cina in 1368, lasted until 1644, at first mounted huge trade expeditions to the southern part of Asia and Africa, afterwards concentrated upon internal creation within Cina * Zheng He -Muslim Chinese seaman, commanded expeditions throughout the Of india Ocean * Renaissance -cultural and political elite motion beginning in Italy circa 1400, rested in urban vigor and increasing commerce, made iterature and art with distinctly even more secular goals than those of the European Ancient * Portugal, Castile, and Aragon -regional Iberian kingdoms, participated in reconquest of peninsula from Muslims, developed a strong military and religious plan * Vivaldi brothers -Genoese explorers who attempted to discover a western approach to the “Indies”, precursors of European thrust into southern Atlantic * Henry the Navigator -Portuguese prince, subsidized Atlantic voyages, reflected the forces present in last postclassical Europe 2. Ethnocentrism -judging foreigners by the standards of your respective own group, leads to problems in interpretation world record

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