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Current day Lagos, previously known as ‘Eko’ (“war camp”) is said to acquire been founded by their Bini Conquerors. According into a UN Habitat publication (2006), ‘Portuguese traders visited the region in 1472 and soon after began trading in merchandise and slaves, naming the area around the city Lagos, which means lakes.

Afterwards, post Uk colonial secret saw the establishment with the Dependency and AssociatedState of Nigeria in 1914, of which Lagos was declared the main city. During the 1960s-70s, as the capital, Lagos knowledgeable rapid financial growth. This kind of continued through to the late 1990s and to present day.

In 1991, the then armed service president relocated to a recently purpose developed capital and thus, Lagos lost some of its esteem. Nevertheless, it has retained its importance as the greatest city and economic state in Nigeria.

Today, Lagos has become a main player inside the global community. How did the former British colonial condition become thus influential?



Lagos, along with Badagry, Epe, Ikorodu and Ikeja, are Nigeria’s main downtown centres. The urbanisation method that has occurred in Lagos has been of such value in the Condition and in Nigeria as a whole it should receive attention.

As a result of it is colonisation simply by Britain, Lagos represents many spectacularly some of those classes of Nigerian towns whose growth and development have been substantially contoured simply by western influences. Starting from tiny settlements created by the Awori (a subgroup of the Yorubas), first by EbuteMetta sometime later it was at Iddo, most likely in the early seventeenth century, the settlement of Lagos been with us rather calmly up to the end of the 18th century.

2 weeks . city that confounds and amazes due to the striking contrasts…

Lagos can be rapidly turning out to be Africa’s most significant city attaining MegaCity status in 1995 as a result of it is population surpassing 10 , 000, 000. The population of Lagos is usually estimated to achieve 24. 6 million by 2015, overtaking the Egyptian capital Cairo as Africa’s biggest metropolis. According to UN Habitat’s State of African Metropolitan areas report (2010), the number of persons living in Africa cities can triple over the next 40 years to about 1 . 23 billion people and by then (2050), 60% of Africans will be city dwellers.

Currently, LagosState currently has a population of approximately 18. your five million and this surge delivers it ever before closer to being a global challenger. It is a town that confounds and baffles due to its impressive contrast between the wealthy and the poor members of the human population.

The population in Lagos has been said to include a density of 1, 305 persons every square km and has recently far surpass the national estimates of 85 individuals per sq . kilometre.

By 1980’s, more than 40 slums covering above 1, 600 hectares had been officially recognised on the california’s records. Unsurprisingly that determine rose swiftly to over sixty slums in 1995 then over 75 by 2003 with the addition of edge towns.

With floating slums like Makoko on the fringes of the city, Lagos undoubtedly lives up to the controversy around modern megacities. With many of those fringe cities being outside the reach of usual authority, persons tend to kind their own policing methods.

1 . 3 Monetary Status

Lagos is the commercial and professional hub of Nigeria, using a Gross National Product three times that of some other West Africa country. Lagos has largely benefited due to natural methods in petrol, natural gas, fossil fuel, fuel solid wood and drinking water Nigeria offers. Light sector was frequent in post-independence Nigeria and petroleum-related sector dominated in the 1970’s, directly affecting the express development Lagos offers experienced.


The 1950’s noticed the start of the oil market, which improved seven-fold among 1965 and 1973, while oil prices around the world increased. By 78, the city area accounted for 40% of the external trade of Nigeria, containing 40% of the nationwide skilled population. The global economic downturn in 81, which induced a sharp along with oil prices, sent Lagos reeling into debt and runaway inflation that is still a problem today. Consequently, an enormous programme of infrastructure and social companies expansion found an sudden halt.

Developments in energy and water access, sewerage, transportation and housing had been all adversely affected by the chaotic advancement a geographically displaced town.

In addition , the democratic within government plan have helped to massively increase the city’s economic expansion. Previously officials we not too readily placed to are the cause of their actions and the real potential in the city has not been recognized. Officials can now be more easily held to account for tainted behavior. Despite the fact that Nigeria is definitely notorious pertaining to fraud and corruption, the alterations in the past 10 to 15 years have contributed absolutely to the city’s status.

Impartial investors looked at these adjustments as trigger to improve neighborhood services such since investing in exclusive education and healthcare, although there is continue to tremendous job to be carried out.

Because of the big demands within the cities resources such as the energy source, problems with sociable infrastructure are definitely more obvious, nevertheless, with a developing population, you will see growing demands on the flow of goods and services, which will favorably affect the economic climate.

Major Complications


As stated before, Lagos is the most populous metropolis in Nigeria. The unplanned growth of the people has it by itself created a magnitude of concerns. Lagos has more employment and academic opportunities than surrounding urban centers, so appealing to thousands more people every single day is a feasible concept. With space speedily becoming a concern, accommodation rates sky rocket and become inaccessible to the the greater part. As a result of this kind of, slum type habitation becomes the norm.

Canoed walkways just like the one pictured previously mentioned in Makoko, a growing slum in Lagos are typical around the city. Many of the citizens there are fishermen attracted by job leads of the big city due to its oil rich history.

Two out of three Lagos residents live in a informelle siedlung with no reliable access to clean drinking water, electrical energy, waste disposal – even highways. With the number of individuals entering Lagos every day, the difficulties associated with informelle siedlung living will definitely continue to enhance.

The city even offers another trouble. Because it is shores will be being regularly eroded, the inhabitants equally old and the ones to come are at any time losing precious land. Development plans are underway to expand the location with regular supplies of water and electricity.

installment payments on your 2 ECONOMY

The economy of Lagos state is regarded as worth about $33bn, regardless of the habitual overcrowding, crumbling infrastructure and hellish traffic. Because of said overcrowding, slums like the one mentioned above carry on and grow. Federal government provided companies like health-related, education and police are not staples during these areas. The absence of the law supports the rise of Area Males, who authorities their area with hazards and often violence. In addition , �l�ments and data corruption have become history.

Nigeria is among the most tainted countries in the world. After its independence during the 1960s, huge amounts of dollars of Nigeria’s petrol revenue had been siphoned coming from state and government coffers by the actions of the country’s rulers. Because of this wide-spread corruption and lack of enforced laws, the country’s economic climate does not reflect its the case potential.

Elections of representatives are more regulated and inspected, so there may be improvement in the system but with the city up to now behind it is mega city colleagues, there is still a considerable ways to go.

installment payments on your 3 Cultural Structure

Inspite of the huge numbers of people flocking to the city, large proportion of men and women in Lagos still stay in rural areas. Family life is still an important aspect of Photography equipment culture. Family members however continually get separated due to elders migrating on the city for function. The migrants are often defeated in their attempt for financial success, but are also ashamed to go back to their country lives, and therefore continue to help the problems adjacent Lagos’s MegaCity status.

Different city linked attachments such as a functioning travel systems, health care, education will be erratic at best in their supply within Lagos. In the late 90s, the education system did prove a significant volume of graduates. Large paying careers require good standards of education pertaining to hiring, although since many people who arrive to the city will be from rural areas, individuals jobs are generally not usually attainable to all of them.

The transfer system in Lagos is definitely woefully insufficient to deal with the requirements of its mega city status. The bus rapid transit (BRT) system has made a start towards tackling these concerns. Since its beginning three years ago, the BRT between Mile 12 and CMS channels has moved 170 mil passengers and reduced travel around times by 30 minutes according to reports.

A bright future?

With constantly changing dynamics in population, economy and social structure, LagosNigeria will undoubtedly carry on and change and develop. Since demonstrated previously mentioned, these changes while bringing Lagos to the forefront as a MegaCity, include brought along its own group of problems.

The growing human population, while bringing along complications like overcrowding and informelle siedlung villages like Makoko, the surge in the city’s occupants help to maintain and develop Lagos’s popularity as a significant economic globe city.

Slum alleviation tasks and significant regeneration to infrastructure always take place. The near future could indeed be dazzling for the complex and contrasting town, if their leaders function to its benefit rather than to the determent.


“A Experience of Two Cities. ” UN Environment. Version Community Urban Forum 3. In. p., 19 June 2006. Web. 27 Mar. 2011. .

Cossou, Egon. “BBC News – Lagos should be Africa’s model megacity. ” LABELLIS� BASSE CONSOMMATION News – Home. D. p., 22 Jan. 2010. Web. 15 Apr. 2011. .

Echeron, Michael L. C.. Victorian Lagos: Areas of 19th Hundred years Lagos Life. London: Macmillan, 1977. Print.

IRIN The african continent | NIGERIA: Lagos, the mega-city of slums | Nigeria | Economy | Governance | Urban Risk. “IRIN • humanitarian information and examination from Africa, Asia plus the Middle East – up to date daily. N. p., twenty-seven Mar. 2011. Web. 12-15 Apr. 2011. .

Nations around the world, United. “United Nations, World Urbanization Prospects. ” Un, World Estate Prospects: The 2003 Revision. 1 (2003): n. pag. UN. org. Web. twenty-seven Mar. 2011.

Population Finance, United Nations. “UNFPA – State of Community Population 2010. ” UNFPA – Un Population Account. N. g., 1 January. 2010. Net. 15 Apr. 2011. .

UN An environment. “State on the planet Cities. ” UN Environment. N. p., 1 By. 2008. Web. 27 Scar. 2011.

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