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The research question •Translate and/or explain the following terms: aesity, argolla, endoxa, ergon, eudaimonia, peccatum, telos, virtus, vitium – Arete: Ancient greek for virtue, or quality – Virtus and vitium: Latin intended for virtue and vice – Endoxon (endoxa): Greek, reputable opinion(s) •Ergon: Greek, function/characteristic activity – •Eudaimonia: Ancient greek language, happiness, well-being •– Peccatum: Latin, desprovisto •– Telos: Greek, end, aim •Discuss and/or apply the following concepts: doctrine from the mean, the endoxic approach, the function argument, toute-puissance The Endoxic Method- reliable opinions pertaining to ex.

Pleasure as distinctively human, as under each of our control, because requiring activity. The Function Argument-To understand whether S is a good illustration of its kind, you must know the function (ergon) of P? A virtue/excellence (arete) of P is a characteristic P demands in order to satisfy its function.

The Doctrine of the mean-1. For any offered situation, there is a specific exaggeration appropriate to it, electronic. g., desire, anger, dread, confidence, be jealous of, joy, shame, etc . installment payments on your For any given affectation, one can exhibit this either too much, too little, or perhaps in the ideal amount a few.

The virtuous person often exhibits a great affectation inside the appropriate amount. -for ex girlfriend or boyfriend. Truthfulness: virtue regarding being honest about oneself? Defect: self-depreciating Excess: fake omnipotence- most power and unlimited electricity •Distinguish merchandise that are, according to Aristotle, valued with regard to other things, highly valued for their individual sake, and valued for his or her own benefit and for the sake of other things you want some things that gets you other things. or model money and so its a sake for other things. appreciated for personal sake-having a yacht offers you pleasure however enjoying it with more friends and travelling the world and give you even more pleasure. one good. happiness is the something that every one wants and is also valued because of its own sake. e •That which is appreciated only for its very own sake as well as for whose benefit everything else is usually desired •That which is appreciated for its own sake and then for the sake of other stuff •That which can be valued just for the benefit of other things Discuss why Aristotle rejects conventional landscapes that identify happiness with pleasure, prize, and virtue, and what he considers this tells us about the size of happiness Aristotle rejects 3 common ideas of happiness—pleasure, honor, and wealth. Delight, he says, cannot be identified with any of these items (even nevertheless all three might be part of an overall happy life). Pleasure, he says, is found in rewarding desires—but whether or not we can meet our desires is as much up to probability as it is approximately us. •The life of pleasure.

Problem: living fit for the pig •The life of honor. Trouble: not beneath our control •The your life of advantage. Problem: suitable for inaction •Distinguish between internal, somatic, and external goods, explaining that they contribute to Aristotle’s conception of happiness Exterior goods- elegance, wealth.. Internal Goods- mental health.. Somatic goods- inch Nevertheless, delight evidently demands external products to be added, as we stated, since we cannot, or cannot conveniently, do fine actions if we lack the time.

For, to start with, in many activities we use friends, wealth, and personal power in the same way we work with instruments. Even more, deprivation of certain issues —for example, good delivery, good kids, beauty— roter planet (umgangssprachlich) our blessedness. For we do not altogether have character of happiness whenever we look utterly repulsive or are ill-born, solitary, or childless, and we have it even much less, presumably, if perhaps our children or perhaps friends will be totally awful, or were good but they have died •Discuss the roles of habituation and right reason in Aristotle’s evaluation of virtuous action function of people is knowledge and it what eparates from family pets. virtuous action is what a rational individual that acts for the right reason. but you also have to go through the correct feelings and emotions to do virtuous actions and become properly afflicted which means that you find the right things pleasant. and wants to do the right factor. so if you no longer feel like you want to give money to homeless but still give it it will not count being a virtous issue. the educators ice cream technique- don’t want to do it yet do it intended for ice cream although over time the kids want to do that because it is the virtuous thing to do. Identify and describe Aristotle’s three requirements for companionship and his three different kinds of a friendly relationship Pleasure-friendships- Most common among theyoung, fades very easily utility-friendships, – most common among the list of old and in addition fades easily. character-friendships- You adore a person because of the great qualities she or he possesses. genuine companionship. •Explain what Aristotle means when he statements that friends are “second selves” “A friend can be described as second personal, so that each of our consciousness of the friend’s existence, makes all of us more fully aware about our own lifestyle. and Friendly relations with one’s neighbors, and the represents by which relationships are described, seem to have got proceeded from a mans relation with himself. For guys think a buddy is individual who wishes well and does what is good, or perhaps seems therefore , for the sake of his friend, or one who desires his friend to are present and live, for his sake” •Explain why Aquinas thinks The lord’s existence can be self-evident, for what reason it non-etheless may not be evident to all of us, and how Aquinas thinks God’s existence can be made apparent Not every man realizes the presence of god. •Examples of self-evident propositions: A pig is definitely an animal, a bachelor is usually an single male •Being self-evident by itself versus self-evident to all of us •Aquinas: “I maintain that God exists is self-evident in itself since its subject and predicate are identical…[but] the proposition is usually not self-evident to us” (197). •Question 02: may God’s presence be made evident? •Perhaps God’s existence can be an article of religion, not of reason •”There are two types of demonstration: the ones that argue via cause to effect…and the ones that argue coming from effect to cause” (198). •Hitting a pool ball, pressing the ‘on’ press button, hand on the stove Therefore , from what effects can we infer The lord’s existence? •God’s effects on the globe, Mozart wonderful music •Understand Aquinas’ ‘unmoved mover’ and ‘teleological’ arguments for the presence of God and articulate at least one particular objection to each Argument one among five: the unmoved valerse (200). Almost everything has a trigger, but causes can’t embark on infinitely. The first uncaused cause can be God. Objections: why must it always be God? Probably time can be infinite? Telos: the end toward which a thing strives. Anything in characteristics has a telos. If a issue is non-intelligent, some intellect must give it its telos.

Objection: nature is certainly not telonic in this manner •Discuss how come the question ‘can God make a stone that God are not able to lift? ‘ is said to be paradoxical and how Aquinas tries to solve the paradoxon •The paradox of toute-puissance: can Our god create a natural stone he simply cannot lift? •If God may, there is something Our god cannot do, i. elizabeth., lift the stone •If God cannot, there is something Goodness cannot carry out, i. e., create the stone •If there is something The almighty cannot carry out, God can be not allgewaltig •Therefore, Our god is not really omnipotent •”So we determine that The lord’s power extends to anything possible in itself but not implying conundrum.

Clearly in that case God is named omnipotent as they can do everything possible in itself. ” (p. 249). because if god cannot lift the the natural stone he produced, he is not really omintipitent and in addition if this individual cannot generate that this individual cannot lift up therefore he is not allgewaltig so in either case god is usually not allgewaltig so aquinas says that god makes certain laws in the universe that this individual himself are not able to break which can be considered absolute possibility and relativee possibility is what he can change. •Explain what Aquinas means if he claims bad does not can be found because wicked does not get out of because wicked is lack of happiness Be familiar with weak and strong variations of the difficulty of evil and go over Aquinas’ answer to the problem Good version with the problem •If an allgewaltig, omniscient, correctly good Goodness exists, in that case evil will not exist •Evil exists •Therefore, an omnipotent, omniscient, properly good Goodness does not can be found Weak variation of the issue •Evil is available •The non-existence of Our god is a more plausible reason of evil than may be the existence of an omnipotent, omniscient, perfectly very good God •Therefore, it’s more plausible that God does not exist If an omnipotent, omniscient, perfectly great God is out there, then bad does not are present Aquinas’ solution of evil •Why will there be evil and sin in thet world? •Evil is a necessary reaction to freedom of the will •Thus, God would not command trouble, God permits sin •Does God trigger evil and sin? •”God is responsible for guilty actions but is not for sins” 296 •Distinguish Aquinas’ ideas of endless, natural, and human law •Human rules •Quoting Cicero: “laws get started with what characteristics produces, after that by make use of reason specific things turn into customs, and finally things manufactured by nature and tested simply by custom will be sanctified with…the weight of laws” (420). Eternal rules •God because divine legislator: “Clearly…the entire community of the universe is usually governed simply by God’s reason” (417). •Divine providence: purchasing of the universe toward very good •Natural legislation • nonmoral sense: laws and regulations of characteristics. •Moral sense: guides the actions of animals •”Since everything subjected to God’s providence is assessed by the requirements of his eternal law, as we have said, everything stocks and shares in some way inside the eternal rules, bearing it is imprint as a natural trend to pursue the behavior and goals ideal to this.

Reasoning beings are susceptible to God’s providence is a exceptional, more profound way than others by themselves sharing in the planning” (418). Eternal regulation is the same to the brain of Goodness as viewed by The almighty himself. It can be called rules because The almighty stands towards the universe which usually he creates as a leader does to a community which will he rules. When The lord’s reason is considered as it is understood by Our god Himself, i actually. e. in its unchanging, timeless nature (q91, a1), it truly is eternal regulation.

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