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Strategies of Understanding Acquisition Author(s): Deanna Kuhn, Merce Garcia-Mila, Anat Zohar, Christopher Andersen, Sheldon They would. White, David Klahr, Sharon M. Carver Source: Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, Vol.

60, No . 4, Strategies of Knowledge Obtain (1995), pp. i+iii+v-vi+1-157 Released by: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the Culture for Study in Kid Development Secure URL: http://www. jstor. org/stable/1166059. Accessed: 16/09/2011 13: 35 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your approval of the Terms , Circumstances of Use, offered by. ttp: //www. jstor. org/page/info/about/policies/terms. jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service in order to scholars, researchers, and pupils discover, use, and build after a wide range of content material in a trusted digital organize. We work with information technology and tools to boost productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, you should contact [email, protected] org. Blackwell Submitting and Culture for Study in Kid Development happen to be collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and expand access to Monographs of the Culture for Exploration in Kid Development. ttp: //www. jstor. org OF MONOGRAPHS THE IN FOR SOCIETY RESEARCH KID DEVELOPMENT Serial No . 245, Vol. 70, No . 4, 1995 OF STRATEGIES UNDERSTANDING ACQUISITION Deanna Kuhn Merce Garcia-Mila Anat Zohar Andersen Christopher BY SIMPLY WITH COMMENTARY SheldonH. White-colored David Klahr and Sharon M. Carver BY AND A REPLY THEAUTHORS MONOGRAPHSTHE OF SOCIETY RESEARCH FOR INCHILD DEVELOPMENT SerialNo. 245, Vol. 60, No . 4, 95 CONTENTS SUMMARY v I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. APPROACH 24 III. KNOWLEDGE IN ACQUISITION ADULTS 33 4. KNOWLEDGE IN ACQUISITION KIDS 42 V. STRATEGIES TECHNIQUE AND CHANGE ADULTS 50 IN VI.

STRATEGIES STRATEGY AND CHANGE CHILDREN sixty four IN VII. THE PROCESS MODIFY OF seventy five VIII. CONCLUSIONS 98 REFERENCES121 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 128 COMMENTARY TOWARD EVOLUTIONARY AN EPISTEMOLOGY OF SCIENTIFIC THINKING SheldonH. White 129 TECHNOLOGICAL THINKING ABOUT CLINICAL THINKING David Klahr and Sharon Meters. Carver 137 REPLY TECHNOLOGICAL AND KNOWLEDGE THINKING OBTAIN Deanna Kuhn 152 CONTRIBUTORS 158 STATEMENT OF EDITORIAL POLICY one hundred sixty ABSTRACT KUHN, DEANNA, GARCIA-MILA, MERCE, ZOHAR, ANAT, and ANDERSEN, CHRISTOPHER. WithCommentary Strategiesof KnowledgeAcquisition. nd H. KLAHR SHARON CARVER, and SHELDON WHITE simply by DAVID Meters. by KUHN. and a Reply by DEANNA theSociety Analysis in Monographs of for Child 1995, 60(4, SerialNo. 245). Creation, In this Monograph, is knowledgeacquisition examinedas a processinthe coordinationof existing theorieswith new facts. Although volving researchers studyingconceptualchange have describedchildren’sevolving theorieswithinnumerousdomains, comparatively little attentionhas been given for the mechanisms meansof whichtheoriesare produced and revisedand by knowledgeis therebyacquired.

Centralto the presentworkis the claimthat strategiesof understanding acquisitionmay change significantlyacross (as well while within) individualsand can be conceptualizedwithin a developing framework. To studythese strategiesand their expansion, we use a microgenetic method. Our software the method allowsextendedobservation the of of of acquisition knowledgewithina domain, from the strategiesused to get this know-how, and of the changein these strategies overtime, however,.

The method also allows qualitativeanalysisof individualsand quantitativeanalysisof groups to be used in supporting ways. Knowledge acquisition processeswereexaminedat twoage amounts. Community university adults and preadolescentsparticipatedin two 30-45-min individualsessionseach week on the 10-weekperiod. Subjectsworked on problemsinvolvinga broad range of contentfrom both equally physicaland cultural domains. A transfer design was situated within this microgeneticframework, for the purposeof assessinggeneralityof strategies withthe introduction of new content.

Subjectsof both age range showedprogressacrossthe twelve weeksin the amount of strategiesused along with similarity the shape that this progresstook. in levelsthatdid not varygreatly, childrenshowed Despiteinitialperformance V much less strategic improvement than adults and second-rate knowledge acquisition. Strategic progress was managed by both equally groups once new trouble content was introduced midway through the classes. The effects thus suggest significant generality of tactics and strategy change across content, and populations.

An additional indication of generality was your emergence of recent strategies around the same time in the social and physical domains, even though efficiency in the interpersonal domain overall lagged lurking behind that inside the physical domain. At the specific level, mixed usage of valid and invalid strategies was your norm. This kind of finding within an adult population suggests that this variability is actually a more basic characteristic of human efficiency, rather than 1 unique to states of developmental transition.

Another extensive implication with this variability is that single-occasion assessment may offer an at best incomplete, and often deceptive, characterization of your individual’s way. Still another implication is that in least a part of variability in performance across content exists in the subject, rather than exclusively in the process. That excellent strategies within an individual’s repertory are not often applied highlights the fact more is associated with competent overall performance than the capability to execute powerful strategies.

Metastrategic competence-the ability to reflect on and manage tactical knowledge-and metacognitive competence-the capability to reflect on this article of one’s knowledge-are emphasized while critical pieces of cognitive development. These competencies determine the strategies that are actually used, among these potentially available, and therefore the success of an person’s performance. Finally, the presence of multiple strategies and multiple varieties of competence greatly complicates the portrayal of developmental change. Rather than a nidimensional transition from a to b, the change method must be came up with in terms of multiple components next individual (although not independent) paths. VI I. INTRO Knowledge purchase is a method fundamental to survival that begins early and proceeds throughout the life. What do we understand of the procedure? Research within the past decade has turned it obvious that when the pup is still young knowledge is usually organized into theories that are elaborated and revised after some time and that function as vehicles intended for understanding the community.

In other words, knowledge acquisition into a large degree occurs by using a process of theory formation and revision. Amongst researchers adopting a knowledge- or theory-based approach to intellectual development, major has been on describing the information of these changing theories in a wide range of domains, and we at this point know significantly about the progressively more elaborated reassurance that children of varied ages probably have within numerous content material domains (Gelman , Wellman, in press, Wellman , Gelman, 1992).

In contrast, fairly little interest has been given for the process of understanding acquisition by itself, that is, the mechanisms by using which theories are created and revised and expertise is thereby acquired.

You read ‘Strategies of Knowledge Acquisition’ in category ‘Essay examples’ It is this topic that is the focus of this current work. Within the knowledge-based strategy, the presumption that has been by least implied, and is at times voiced clearly (Brewer , Samarapungavan, 1991, Carey, 1985a, 1986), is that these systems remain basically constant around development.

This current work engraves a contrasting claim that strategies of knowledge buy vary substantially across (as well while within) persons and can be came up with in developing terms. KNOW-HOW AS BUY THEORY-EVIDENCE SKILL The general sort of knowledge and knowledge buy studied here is that of the relation between one category of event and another. Most often, such relationships are interpreted causally (Cheng , Nisbett, 1993), with an predecessor category of event interpreted as influencing a great outcome My spouse and i

KUHNETAL. category (e. g., ingestion of food and a kid’s bodily growth). Underpinning this type of knowledge is known as a more fundamental one relating to how situations or things fit together in to categories (e. g., foods, nonfoods, and permanent or temporary actual changes). Even though the latter is usually not analyzed here, equally forms of understanding involve ideas as managing devices (Barrett, Abdi, Murphy, , Gallagher, 1993, Keil, 1991, Medin, 1989, Wisniewski , Medin, 1994).

Children’s and adults’ theories about causal relations undergo revision as fresh evidence is usually encountered. Therefore, knowledge obtain strategies involve the analysis of facts and initiatory causal inference. Recent ideas of inductive causal inference in adults (Cheng , Novick, 1990, 1992) are consistent with earlier accounts (Alloy , Tabachnik, 1984, Holland, Holyoak, Nisbett, , Thagard, 1986) in that attributed prominent jobs both to prior requirement (or theory) and to evidence of covariation (of the relevant factors) in fostering inferences of causality.

It is difficult to explain not simply simple idea formation (Keil, 1991) but even basic conditioning tendency in animals without invoking a build that involves requirement (Holyoak, Koh, , Nisbett, 1989). A conception of inductive inference as including a dexterity of theory and facts (Kuhn, 1989) contrasts with earlier methods to the development of initiatory inference strategies-for example, the Piagetian research on formal operations-in which usually such approaches were considered to be largely site independent and for that reason equally suitable to any articles irrespective of before knowledge or expectation.

In empirical research of adults’ multivariable initiatory causal inference, subjects typically are provided which has a set of multiple instances in which one or more potential causes will or would not occur and an outcome is present or absent (Cheng , Novick, 1990, 1991, Downing, Sternberg, , Ross, 1985, Schustack , Sternberg, 1981). The topic is asked to judge the evidence and draw inferences regarding the origin status of one or more with the factors.

Even though this approach may reveal very much about how differing patterns of evidence impact inference, will not lend very much insight into the minimumconditions for an inference of causality, which may be less than a single co-occurrence (of predecessor and outcome), even in the clear presence of additional covariates (Kuhn , Phelps, 1982). Moreover, in natural options, even when multiple instances are readily available, there is no cause to believe that folks will seek out and deal with all of them.

To get both these reasons, we were considering studying circumstances in which themes are free to choose the evidence on what they foundation their inferences, a condition that links the present work to research on scientific reasoning (Klahr, Fay, , Dunbar, 93, Kuhn, Amsel, , O’Loughlin, 1988, Kuhn, Schauble, , Garcia-Mila, 1992), as we discuss further later on in this phase. Yet the cognitive skills evaluated in this Monograph are, we believe, 2 TACTICS KNOWLEDGE OF BUY epresentative of processes of knowledge acquisition and inductive inference more extensively (Kuhn, 1993). We consequently situate this current work in this kind of broader context. Methodologically, therefore we analyze knowledge obtain across an extensive range of domains involving both equally physical and social tendency, rather than reducing the research to classic scientific fields. THE MICROGENETIC METHOD To research knowledge obtain strategies and the development, we use a microgenetic method.

The virtues with the microgenetic technique as a instrument for evaluating change have already been elaborated in our own previous work (Kuhn , Phelps, 1982) plus more recently by Siegler and Crowley (1991). The advancement of manners that one observes over time in microgenetic study can serve to corroborate cross-sectional differences in efficiency. Most important, however , the method supplies the opportunity for thorough analysis with the process of change. Later through this chapter, we all summarize conclusions from past research using a microgenetic technique.

An important feature of the method is that changes over time happen to be initiated by subjects themselves, in discussion with the complications materials, instead of by the examiner, who gives no teaching or feedback with respect to a subject’s ways to a problem. The explanation is that increased density of exercise of existing approaches may lead to modify that, aside from occurring comparatively rapidly, otherwise resembles a naturally occurring change process.

The researcher can be thereby afforded close declaration of the procedure. In addition , a third potential good thing about the method is usually its capacity to provide a bigger, more accurate photo of skills than can be attained using a single-occasion method. If a subject’s performance increases after a handful of sessions of engagement, it tells us that level of performance was in the subject’s capacities and appropriately should be named part of their competence, or “zone of proximal development” in Vygotsky’s (1978) terms.

In several aspects, the method utilized in the work reported in this Monograph is an elaborated sort of the microgenetic method, the one which has not been found in other microgenetic research. First, we concurrently track two kinds of alter over time within a domain. You are the subject’s evolving knowledge within that domain (specifically, knowledge of the causal and non-causal contact among factors that reflect the composition of the domain). The second kind of change is in strategies of know-how acquisition, that might also progress as know-how is being acquired.

In other uses of the microgenetic method, commonly only one kind of change has been observed, three or more KUHNETAL. for example , in techniques for solving addition problems (Siegler , Jenkins, 1989). Another respect where the basic microgenetic method is developed is that we observe transform within multiple domains where the subject is usually engaged at the same time. Doing so allows us to compare both equally knowledge purchase and evolving strategy utilization across websites (as very well as relating the two to one another within domains).

We wished to examine a broad range of domains, involving equally physical and social content, to establish the generality with the knowledge purchase processes getting examined. Your research design as a result stipulated that each subject undertake parallel diamond with a single problem in the physical content domain name and one problem in the social content domain. A number of considerations lead to the prediction of greater challenge (and hence inferior performance) in the social domain. Amongst these are the possibly even more extensive first knowledge (whether or not it is correct) in the social domain and perhaps greater ffective investment from this knowledge (Kunda, 1990), possibly of which would make the task of theory-evidence dexterity more difficult. A 3rd elaboration in the microgenetic technique is reflected in a research design and style that contains a traditional copy design in a microgenetic construction. The purpose, again, is to set up generality from the knowledge buy strategies that we examine. The traditional transfer design and style used to evaluate generality of the skill around content domains is troublesome for a number of factors that we will not need to review below.

A further issue arises in the event (as we all show below to be the case) a subject at a given point in time does not possess just a single strategy although instead selects strategies from a repertory of multiple strategies. In the event that so , single-occasion assessment in a single content material domain may possibly produce an inaccurate and misleading portrayal (since this issue could have selected a different strategy on this particular occasion and may do so on another occasion), in this case, exact single-occasion assessment of generality acrossdomains can be precluded.

The multiple-task, multiple-occasion assessment employed here allows us to assess generality in a more dynamic way than is provided by a traditional transfer design and style. Each subject worked on a problem in the physical domain at one each week session and a problem in the social domain at the second weekly session, for each in the first five weeks of any 10-week amount of observation. At the beginning of the 6th week, new problems within just each of the websites were substituted, and the sessions continued for the remaining five weeks.

The question we ask is whether the substitution of recent content affects the tactics that the subject uses. Towards the extent which the same pair of strategies that the subject uses in the last encounters together with the initial trouble carries to the new content, some degree of domain generality (of the two strategies and strategy change) is suggested. A final decoration of the microgenetic method is to replicate the style 4 TACTICS KNOWLEDGE OF ACQUISITION with multiple age groups, permitting us to compare the knowledge acquisition procedure across grow older levels.

Additionally to rendering further facts regarding the generality of knowledge purchase processes (across populations in cases like this, rather than content), this comparison is important in addressing a far more specific question. The design observed in our very own as well as others’ microgenetic operate has been one among mixed, or variable, technique usage, even as describe over the following section. Put simply, instead of a single, consistent way, the subject shows variable usage of a variety of more and less qualified approaches, even though the problem environment remains continuous.

An ambiguity arises, however , owing to the fact that the subject matter observed in microgenetic work have been either believed or assessed to be within a state of transition with regards to the competencies under consideration. It is possible, consequently , that the variable strategy consumption that has been discovered is a particular characteristic of a developmental changeover state, because dynamic systems theories of development forecast (Van welcher Maas , Molenaar, 1992). It hence becomes important to ask if the same variability over repeated occasions will be observed among populations at other than a characteristic associated with transition.

In case it is, it suggests that this variability is a more general characteristic of human being performance, rather than one one of a kind to claims of developmental transition. To deal with this important question, we all chose preadolescents and community college adults as the two populations where to foundation such a comparison. Previous operate (Klahr ain al., 1993, Kuhn ain al., 1988) establishes the preadolescent age group level as you at which the strategies under consideration are just beginning to emerge.

Nevertheless , some fresh adult populations show preliminary levels of performance little more advanced than those attribute of preadolescents (Kuhn et al., 1988), enabling all of us to assess subjects of the two age ranges in a microgenetic design. Furthermore to establishing whether approach change happens at intervals other than the typical period of developing transition, the design allows cross-age comparison of the knowledge obtain as well as of the interaction expertise acquisition and strategy modify. Another set of questions centers on the associated with the physical exercise provided by the microgenetic method.

Despite similar starting factors, does a single age group display far more rapid development of approaches than an additional group, both equally having been presented comparable exercise? Does these kinds of change differ only in degree or perhaps also in form? These types of questions happen to be central to establishing the generality of knowledge acquisition approaches across masse. A final purpose of this Monographis to present a procedure for analysis that combines qualitative analysis of people with quantitative analysis of groups of persons. Observers in the field’s progress, such as White-colored (1994a, 1994b), have lamented the limited range of techniques to which devel5

KUHNETAL. opmental researchers have got restricted themselves. Especially in executing to study the difficult subject of techniques of modify, innovative methods are called intended for. In particular, study regarding individual subject matter is receiving elevating attention while an important and neglected technique. As a exploration method, however , single-subject research most often can be treated skeptically, and even terminated, on the assumption that it is seriously limited by its inability to provide evidence of the generality of the phenomena noticed.

Here, we all undertake to illustrate how individual and group, and also qualitative and quantitative, settings of analysis works extremely well in conjunction to supply an enriched understanding of developing phenomena. Within the next section, we all discuss prior research much more detail, in order to situate the current research efforts in the circumstance of various lines of work where it connects. The reader wishing to focus solely on the present work can easily proceed directly to the final area of this phase, which introduces the inference forms that figure plainly in afterwards chapters.

THE PRESENT STUDY THE IN CIRCUMSTANCE PASTRESEARCH OF FromLearning ConceptualChange to It had been only a few many years ago that knowledge acquisitionand learning had been treated as synonymous terms, both discussing a process of strengthening of associative provides between stimuli and replies. In developmental psychology, Kendler and Kendler (1975) are worthy of the major credit rating for shifting the discipline beyond a conceptualization from the developing kid as a “cluster of interrelated responses” (Bijou , Baer, 1961, p. 4) and delving into the black field that showed mental trends. Although the Kendlers’ modeling of such trends in terms of covert stimuli and responses was highly restricted, they demonstrated convincingly the learning method cannot be researched without considering the developmental position of the affected person. That perception remains a central one particular today. What individuals know and how that knowledge is definitely organized constrains what and just how new expertise will be bought.

The burgeoning area of exploration that has come to be known as the research of conceptual change paperwork the development of understanding in numerous domain names, with physics (Vosniadou , Brewer, 1987, 1992) and biology (Carey, 1985b) the domains that have been the object of greatest study. Extensive materials reviews are offered by Gelman and Wellman (in press) and Wellman and Gelman (1992). The primary tenet underlying and hooking up these specific lines of 6 APPROACHES KNOWLEDGE OF ACQUISITION research is that cognitive development can be adequately accounted for when it comes to developing know-how within content material domains.

On those grounds, findings will be largely certain to the domain name studied. The main insight that extends across domains is a theory-like corporation of knowledge. However, properties comprise simple concepts cluster and mutually support one another. Conceptions of such homeostatic origin clusters, as well as the mechanisms actual them, would be the “glue” which enables features cohere (Keil, 1991). At a less fundamental level, proof exists suggesting that small children’s ideas have homes such as consistency, coherence, comprehensiveness, and explanatory power (Brewer , Samarapungavan, 1991, Vosniadou , Brewer, 1992).

While noted earlier, relatively small attention has been produced to the systems that impact theory modify. When and exactly how does new evidence result in modification of existing theories? Despite theoretical claims that these mechanisms are developmentally stable (Brewer , Samarapungavan, 1991, Carey, 1985a, 1986), tiny empirical work has been devoted to investigating all of them. Some research has been completed support statements that theory change could be more difficult to accomplish if it crosses ontological types (Chi, 1992), involves radical (vs. eak) restructuring (Carey, 1990), or violates entrenched beliefs (Vosniadou , Brewer, 1992). Although how if the mechanisms of change end up being conceptualized? Keil (1988, 1989, 1991) features addressed this question with respect to the formation of elementary concepts, contrasting accounts maintaining (a) that these kinds of concepts happen out of networks of associations observed in the environment, (b) that the method is theory guided, or perhaps (c) that at some point a developmental switch occurs from the first in line to the second process.

Keil (1991) rejects the possibilities of an special associative network process and a developmental shift via such a process to a theory-guided one, asking how coherent theories could arise out of networks of organizations. Instead, this individual proposes, all concepts symbolize a blend of a great associative matrix overlaid with causal morals. Humans have evolved different types for building knowledge illustrations about models of regularities in the world, but these processes will never be completely info driven or completely theory driven.

In our work, we all address the same question about the mechanisms of conceptual transform but in the case with respect to the secondorder concepts of relations (particularly causal relations) between general conceptual categories. We choose a perspective resembling Keil’s that the device entails the coordination of new evidence with an existing network of hypotheses. What are the strategies that the individual uses to achieve this dexterity, and do they change with age and practice? Dealing with this issue leads to the topics of inductive origin inference and scientific reasoning.

First, yet , we look at issues active in the study of change. several KUHNETAL. Learning, Transfer, plus the Study of Change The technique of knowledge buy is likely to figure prominently in just about any comprehensive theory of man cognitive operating. One prominent example can be Sternberg’s (1984, 1985) triarchic theory, in which knowledge acquisition mechanisms happen to be one of several primary components of the intellect. Although how is usually knowledge obtain studied empirically? Psychologists learning very simple, short-term learning processes may be able to all these processes directly in the laboratory.

The study of even more comprehensive types of cognitive transform, however , individuals involving difference in knowledge purchase strategies themselves, poses critical methodological problems. Developmental individuals have been in the particularly hard position of seeking to understand developmental alter without noticing it directly. As has been widely noted, the cross-sectional and longitudinal models that are the staples of developmental mindset may offer suggestive data regarding transform, but they do not afford immediate observation from the process Wohlwill, 1973). The microgenetic method has been advocated as a way away of this impasse. As referred to by Kuhn and Phelps (1982), the objective of the method should be to accelerate the change method by providing an interest with repeated opportunities during weeks or months to interact the particular intellectual strategies that are the object of investigation. This increased denseness of workout of existing strategies may result in change, allowing for the researcher close observation of the process.

In the primary work by Kuhn and Phelps (1982), we decided to go with strategies of vast applicability being a basis intended for exploring the utility of the methodstrategies of initiatory causal inference that are primary to knowledge acquisition and can be identified in both technological and informal reasoning (Kuhn, 1991, 1993). In each week sessions, preadolescent subjects had been asked to distinguish causal and noncausal effects as they openly investigated a website in which multiple variables played potential causal roles in influencing an outcome.

Tricks of investigation and inference performed improve within a majority of topics over the amount of observation. Within a comparison condition (Kuhn , Ho, 1980), subjects every week were offered a set of antecedentoutcome instances identical to that which the subject’s yoked control in the free analysis condition had selected for examination, these kinds of subjects also showed a few, but significantly less, change. Succeeding research (Kuhn et approach., 1992, Schauble, 1990, in press), including the present analyze, has adopted this same paradigm of microgenetic examination of initiatory inference approaches in multivariable contexts.

At the same time, other developmental researchers, particularly Siegler fantastic colleagues (Siegler , Jenkins, 1989), started to use the microgenetic method, in Siegler’s circumstance in the completely different domain of elementary addition strategies. almost 8 STRATEGIES FAMILIARITY WITH ACQUISITION Amongst other research workers who have employed a microgenetic method in various domains will be Bidell and Fischer (1994), Granott (1993), Karmiloff-Smith (1984), Lawler (1985), and Metz (1985, 1993). In addition , a line of Genevan work beginning with a study simply by Karmiloff-Smith and Inhelder (1974) falls underneath the heading of microgenetic analysis.

In certain areas, modern microgenetic research attaches to operate the hereditary tradition of Werner (1948), although the other was limited to observation in a single treatment. Enough microgenetic work offers accrued by now to make assessment and generalization possible (Siegler , Crowley, 1991). Studies conducted within very different domains show convergence in several crucial respects. Most critical, they provide a clear indication of what the alter process is not-simple replacing a fewer adequate way with a more adequate 1.

Instead, subject matter commonly exhibit intraindividual variability in the approaches that they apply to identical challenges, with less adequate approaches coexisting in a subject’s repertory together with even more adequate kinds. The initial presence of a fresh strategy, then simply, does not mark its consistent application. Instead, less sufficient strategies always compete with that, and, certainly, the more solid challenge is apparently abandoning this, rather than acquiring the new-a change in the way that development is usually traditionally developed.

Change really does occur, but it really appears being a gradual move in the syndication of use of your set of tricks of varying adequacy. The most recent microgenetic work (Granott, 1993, Metz, 1993) offers a number of added insights regarding the nature with the change procedure. We come back to them inside the final section in discussing insights in the present operate. As described earlier from this chapter, a primary purpose of the modern day work should be to extend the microgenetic approach in ways that address many critical inquiries.

One is whether or not the variability and alter observed in microgenetic studies can be particular to subjects in a period of developing transition or perhaps is a more general trend. A second may be the extent that such transform is basic as opposed to website specific. Domain specificity versus domain generality of cognitive strategies is a topic at the heart of much current debate in neuro-scientific cognitive creation (KarmiloffSmith, 1994). In a prior study (Kuhn et al., 1992), we addressed this question by having subjects work simultaneously in two domain names, with individual sessions every week devoted to every single.

This research provided some evidence of generality in that advancements in strategy tended to co-occur in rough synchrony across the two domains. These types of findings, nevertheless , do not offer an answer to the greater traditional question of whether the newly produced competencies could transfer to new happy to which the subject had not been previously exposed. This question can be addressed in our work. Studies of transfer have served as the traditional means for evaluating generality: Will do a newly obtained competency transfer to a new context? 9 KUHN AIN AL.

If the subjects happen to be preschool children or college or university adults, in a majority of instances the answer continues to be no . These kinds of findings have got led to essential scrutiny of the transfer construct (Detterman , Sternberg, 1993) as well as increasingly domain-specific concepts of cognitive development (Karmiloff-Smith, 1992). Why exactly should transfer to new situations be expected? Two prevailing conceptualizations of transfer offer to some extent different answers. In the more prevalent conceptualization, transfer is seen as mediated by a representational representation from the problem site (Brown, 1989, 1990, Gentner, 1983, 1989, Holyoak, 1984, Singley , Anderson, 1989).

To the degree that there is overlap between the illustrations of two problem domain names (i. elizabeth., the extent to which the elements of one particular map onto the elements of the other), transfer between the two will need to occur. Within a study by simply Brown and Kane (1988), for example , subjects had to understand a connection among pulling your own boat ashore which has a fishing rod and pulling somebody out of your hole using a spade. A somewhat diverse conception of transfer (Greeno, Smith, , Moore, 1993) emphasizes the experience that the problem solver partcipates in.

To the degree the activity frequently occurs to two options, transfer is going to occur. Inside the words of Greeno ainsi que al. (1993, p. 146), “The framework that enables copy is in the active activity of anybody in the situation. , When copy occurs for the reason that of standard properties and relations from the person’s discussion with popular features of a situation. inch It is this latter conception of copy that fits our paradigm a lot better than the first one (which is sometimes referred to as analogical transfer).

The strategies that topics develop are incredibly broadly appropriate across a variety of content, although subjects learn to apply these strategies only within the circumstance of particular, relatively narrow content. Can these tactics generalize to new and diverse sorts of content? This kind of classic transfer question is complicated by the findings via microgenetic analysis. As noted earlier, microgenetic data reveal that, for a given moment in time, a subject does not possess just a single technique but rather selects trategies from a repertory that features multiple strategies of varying adequacy. Given this condition, assessment on a single occasion within a single articles domain may possibly produce a great inaccurate characterization of the subject’scompetence (since the topic might have selected a different strategy). As a consequence, research that determine competence throughout domains are actually more error prone. To overcome these kinds of limitations, in today’s work we all situate the transfer design in a microgenetic context, substituting new content midway throughout the observation period.

Through this method we hope to resolve a critical query about the generality from the change activated in microgenetic studies as well as to assess transfer in a more powerful way than it has been contacted in the past. 12 STRATEGIES OFKNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION Metacognition, FormalOperations, and ScientificReasoning Piaget (1950, Inhelder , Piaget, 1958, 1969) offered a great explicit account of a developing progression in strategies of expertise acquisition. Children construct rudimentary concepts with the type analyzed by Keil (1989, 1991) that we referred to earlier.

While using advent of concrete operations when justin was 6 or perhaps 7, concepts acquire the homes of systematic hierarchical classes. A further main development arises with the appearance of formal operations for adolescence, when ever second-order relationships between categories begin to be examined-the skill on which the modern day Monographfocuses. Piaget’s theoretical type of formal functions has been belittled (for an overview, see Keating, 1980), in addition to his later on work (Piaget , Garcia, 1991) there exists evidence that even he came to view the model as insufficiently concerned with the meaning of the offrande that themes contemplated.

Scientific research relating to formal operations has been typically focused on subjects’ability to execute scientific research of the relations between variables in a multivariable context, here, in contrast, Inhelder and Piaget’s (1958) landmark work has become substantially duplicated (Keating, 1980, Moshman, in press). The two methods as well as the conclusions of scientific investigation are likely to be defective among topics younger than midadolescence, moreover, as research subsequent to Inhelder and Piaget’s has shown, actually older children and many adults often perform poorly since scientists (Dunbar , Klahr, 1989, Klahr et ‘s. 1993, Kuhn et ‘s., 1988, Schauble , Glaser, 1990). Although they did not use the term, Inhelder and Piaget (1958) in place attributed poor performance in scientific reasoning tasks to metacognitive weakness, defined as the inability to consider one’s personal thought while an object of cognition or perhaps, in their (1958) terms, to interact in second-order operations on operations. For the extent that such an capacity is truly deficient, the ramifications no doubt lengthen well over and above the dominion of technological reasoning (Kuhn, 1992a, 1993).

Subsequent to Inhelder and Piaget’s (1958) work, metacognition has become a topic of widespread fascination (Flavell, 1979, 1993, Flavell, Green, , Flavell, 1995, Flavell , Wellman, 1977, ForrestPressley, MacKinnon, , Waller, 1985, Metcalfe , Shimamura, 1994, Moshman, 1979, 1990, 1995, Schneider, 1985), but the term have been variably and frequently loosely identified, with the majority of investigators utilizing it in its initial plus more restricted perception of knowledge and management on the cognitive approaches, particularly memory space strategies.

In today’s work, we all make a distinction among metacognitive know-how and metastrategic knowledge, a distinction that parallels in many respects the lower-order distinction among declarative and procedural 14 KUHNETAL. knowledge. Metacognitive knowledge involves knowing of and reflection on the content material of one’s thought, ranging from basic awareness of this article of one’s present or instantly prior believed (Flavell ainsi que al., 1995) to reflection on a pair of propositions that one believes to be true or perhaps chooses for taking under consideration (Moshman, 1990).

Metastrategic knowledge involves awareness and management of the strategies which have been applied during thinking and problem solving (Sternberg, 1984). Both equally metacognitive and metastrategic understanding entail dealing with one’s individual cognition while itself a subject of cognition-a form of cognitive “distancing”(Sigel, 1993). Both metacognitive and metastrategic knowledge, we all will state, figure important in the development of the intellectual skills evaluated in this Monograph.

If understanding acquisition is known as a process of theory revision, as claimed, to achieve the process within a skilled method the individual has to be aware of and reflect on a theory (metacognitive competence), coordinating it with new evidence by means of tactics that are inferentially sound and used in a regular manner (metastrategic competence). In the total a shortage of such skills, evidence and theory are generally not represented as distinct choices.

In this case, new evidence may lead to modification of any theory (as it does actually among very young children), but the method takes place outside the individual’s mindful control (Kuhn, 1989). We have a problem, nevertheless , with attributing proficiency in knowledge acquisition or medical reasoning to the development of metacognitive or metastrategic competencies growing at adolescence. Competent technological reasoning entails a number of aspect skills, and data can be found suggesting that at least rudimentary kinds of all these skills are in place well before teenage years.

In addition to the metacognitive and metastrategic abilitiesjust reviewed, included between these skills would be the ability to amuse alternative opportunities, to identify and interpret covariation, and isolate and control factors. One study (Richardson, 1992) especially stands out due to the strong assert of early on competence. Possibly young children, the author maintains, conveniently interpret equally additive and interactive effects of three or even more variables-a declare that stands in striking contradiction to info to be presented in this Monographdemonstrating the difficulty that even adults have with such coordinations.

The data by Richardson’s study, however , can not be clearly interpreted for a number of methodological reasons, foremost among them becoming the failing to examine individual patterns of performance and distinguish all of them from group data. The studies of early proficiency make even more modest claims that certain capabilities traditionally linked to scientific reasoning are present in rudimentary forms in children. Sodian, Zaitchik, and Carey (1991), for example , undertook research to show that young children 12 STRATEGIES FAMILIARITY WITH ACQUISITION an distinguish between an assertion and evidence that bears for the assertion if the context is easy enough. That they posed first- and second-grade in their house was obviously a large or perhaps small one particular, which they did by inserting food in a box overnight. Two boxes were obtainable, one which has a large beginning (able to allow for a large or possibly a small mouse) and one particular with a tiny opening (big enough pertaining to only the little mouse to through). The topic was asked which of the two bins the children should certainly put foodstuff in. Sodian et approach. (1991) statement that 10 of 20 first graders and 12 of 13 second graders preferred the determinate answer (i.., find the small-opening box), indicating the two considerable skills and extensive development through this age range. Sodian et ‘s. (1991) remember that their subjects’ performance displays a differentiation of hypothesis and evidence since the hypothesis (large or perhaps small mouse) is recognized from the proof that will test that (the meals disappears or perhaps does not). Note, nevertheless , that the potential confusion in such a case is certainly not between hypotheses and data (mice and food) but instead lies in the selection of the form of evidence ideal to test a theory.

Within a subsequent pair of more detailed research, Ruffman, Perner, Olson, and Doherty (1993) report similar evidence in comparably basic contexts also among a few 5-year-olds (as well as 6- and 7-year-olds). In fact , everyday observation confirms that implicit varieties of theory-evidence dexterity occur at even previously ages-illustrated, for instance , by a 2-year-old who phone calls her parents into her bedroom with all the claim that it is just a ghost in her wardrobe that is the cause of a soft “whooshing” noise that is keeping her awake.

This kind of child recognizes as well as her parents that opening the closet door will provide evidence capable of disconfirming this kind of causal speculation, even though she lacks any metacognitive knowing of her own belief states as ideas to be coordinated with data. The useful function dished up by Ruffman et al. , t (1993) study is to explain the connection that exists between early theory-of-mind competencies (Feldman, 1992, Perner, 1991, Wellman, 1990) and competencies that figure significantly in technological reasoning.

Have strong metacognitive aspects. The 4-year-old child who relates to recognize that a great assertion is definitely not necessarily correct-that the sweets can be thought to be in the wardrobe and in fact be in other places (Perner, 1991)-has achieved a vital milestone in the development of technological reasoning ability. This child has made for least a primitive differentiation between exactly what a mind theorizes to be accurate and info from the external world that bears with this theory. Phony beliefs, by simply definition, will be subject to disconfirmation by proof. Although it provides ometimes recently been treated this way in the literary works, metacognition, like cognition, is usually not a zero-one, present-absent happening that comes forth in full blossom at a specific point in advancement. The position subjectsa problemin which some childrenwanted to find out when a mouse 13 KUHNETAL. taken in this Monographis that the development of metacognitive proficiency, like that of metastrategic proficiency, takes place very gradually over many years and involves a process of increasing “explicitation”(KarmiloffSmith, 1992) of skills present in implicit type.

Metacognitive proficiency develops from its most basic forms (examined by Flavell and Gopnik and their acquaintances in research to be defined shortly) for the more extremely developed, direct forms demanded by the actions in which topics in the present research engage. Ruffman et al. (1993) demonstrate the evolution of early emerging metacognitive capability highly relevant to scientific thinking by requesting subjects to reason about propositions while belief declares (a necessity not within Sodian ain al. , s, 1991, study).

They will ensure that subjects do so simply by explicitly characterizing these idea states because false. A large number of (although not really all) of the 5-7-year-olds inside their research evaluated that a story character who have observes some dolls whom usually select red above green meals will conclude the fact that dolls like red meals, even though the subject matter themselves have been told this is not the true state of affairs (the plaything really like green food, this issue is told). In this respect, your child comprehends the relation among a style of proof and a theory (the contrary-to-fact speculation held by the story character).

Put in diverse terms, your child can bring appropriate inferences from contrary-to-fact propositions (an ability that Piaget linked with the beginning of formal operations). In a follow-up experiment, Ruffman ainsi que al. revealed that this understanding extends to predictive judgments (e. g., that the dolls will choose crimson food again). In theory-of-mind terms, these kinds of children are attracting appropriate inferences regarding others’ belief claims (or hypotheses, as long as we agree to use this term in the broad sense), even when they have been told why these theories are certainly not correct. The material is purposely designed so the child’s personal theoretical preferences are likely to be simple. ) The portrayal of early skills in metacognitive competencies essential to scientific reasoning that Ruffman et ‘s. (1993) give needs to be competent, however , simply by other research showing that the period between some and 8 years of age can be one of significant development of the fundamental metacognitive expertise that function as underpinnings of more complex varieties of reasoning about propositions. Several studies by simply Flavell ain al. 1995) showed 3-5-year-old children to obtain considerable difficulty accurately revealing either their particular immediately previous mental activity or regarding another person, in situations in which that mental activity had been especially clear and salient. As opposed, 7-8-year-olds were largely (although not entirely) successful in such jobs. Distinctions among (second-order) illustrations (and consequent verbal reports) of thinking of an object and (first-order) illustrations of the subject itself made an appearance fragile in the younger children.

The older types, like children of a 14 STRATEGIES KNOWLEDGE OF ACQUISITION related age in Ruffman ou al. , s (1993) research, had been better able to produce inferences that depended on representations of mental states. In related function, Gopnik and her co-workers (Gopnik , Graf, 1988, Gopnik , Slaughter, 1991) showed that preschoolers include a limited knowing of the source of their beliefs-a metacognitive ability that figures conspicuously in the function presented through this Monograph.

Gopnik and Graf (1988) discovered that, possibly in quite easy situations, 3- and 4-year-olds could not identify where expertise they had simply acquired acquired come from-for example, whether they had discovered the material of a compartment from seeing them or being told about them. Performance was significantly superior, however , amongst 5-year-olds. Some of Gopnik and Graf’s 3- and 4-year-olds might even have been completely successful in Sodian ou al. , s (1991) task of differentiating and coordinating a theory (about a mouse’s size) and evidence (of food eaten or not) bearing on it, but they showed remarkablylittle differentiation of theory and proof at he metacognitive standard of distinguishing the representation of what they knew (the items of the drawer) from a representation with the evidence that had provided this know-how. Once the know-how was obtained, the two evidently became fused into a single representation that encompassed only the understanding itself. Helping this interpretation are other results showing that preschool children report they may have “always known” knowledge that was just acquired in the fresh situation (Gopnik , Astington, 1988, The singer, Esbensen, , Bennett, 1994).

Evidence concerning early ideal (as opposed to metastrategic or perhaps metacognitive) competence related to clinical reasoning is largely positive. Ruffman et ‘s. , s i9000 (1993) research substantiates that one of several simple proper competencies entailed in clinical reasoning-inferring connection from covariation evidence-poses zero great problems among young children, as earlier research acquired shown (Mendelson , Shultz, 1976, Shultz , Mendelson, 1975). Without a doubt, this potential is noticeable at the sensorimotor level in human babies (Piaget, 1952) as well as in non-human organisms.

By the end of the initially year of life, newborns have commenced to make causal inferences depending on the juxtaposition of an predecessor and a great outcome. While data in today’s illustrate, is it doesn’t fact that this kind of inference strategy is overlearned Monograph that produces problems. Precursors to the critical control-of-variables approach most carefully associated with technological reasoning are also evident. Most elementary among these are judgments of comparison, first in terms of someone (Can My spouse and i run faster than my brother?, afterwards in terms of categories of individuals (Can the girls inside the class run faster than the kids? ). When the concept of a fair comparison emerges (What in case the boys wore running shoes as well as the girls didn’t? ), it remains only to formalize the comparison into the framework of your controlled evaluation of relations between variables (gender and running speed). 15 KUHNETAL. Case (1974) has shown that, although they tend not to do so automatically, children since young since age 8 can readily be taught to carry out controlled comparisons.

Early on developing varieties of metastrategic competence are also obvious. A skill crucial to scientific thinking is identification of the indeterminacy associated with entertaining alternative opportunities. This skill is investigated in a brand of research beginning with studies by Pieraut-Le Bonniec (1980). Through the early child years years, children develop a chance to discriminate among situations which may have determinate solutions and those which often not or, in other words, to find out whether they come with an answer-a expertise having very clear metastrategic aspects. For a report on research, find Acredolo , O’Connor, 1991, or Byrnes , Beilin, 1991. ) The study by Sodian ainsi que al. (1991) can also be construed in these terms. In the face of evidence of all this early on competence, a perplexing problem is to explain the persistent poor performance of children, adolescents, and many adults in full-fledged technological reasoning tasks, that is, types in which they can be asked to examine a data source and bring conclusions (Dunbar , Klahr, 1989, Klahr et ‘s., 1993, Kuhn et ‘s. 1988, Schauble , Glaser, 1990). Handling this crucial question is a crucial objective of the present Monograph. With repeated exercise, we discover, knowledge acquisition strategies improve among the majority of subjects, require strategies stay error prone and limited among many adults as well as children. Microgenetic data can, we hope, present insight into the obstacles that impede accomplishment in these primary forms of reasoning and expertise acquisition. We all therefore go back to this issue after the info have been offered.

Inductive Causal Inferencein Multivariable Contexts It is a curiosity that research in scientific reasoning (originating and remaining mainly in the developmental literature) has proceeded individually of and remains mainly unintegrated with research about multivariable inductive causal inference (centered in the adult expérience literature). The central difference between the two is a simple a single. Whereas studies of clinical reasoning typically involve choosing instances to create a database, research of initiatory causal inference involve presenting instances via a repository for examination.

In both, however , the topic must interpret the evidence and draw a conclusion, these a conclusion being the end product of the process in both cases. Kuhn and Brannock (1977) argued which the “natural experiment” situation involved in studies of inductive inference elicits types of reasoning paralleling those determined in previous studies of isolation of variables in the framework of formal businesses and technological reasoning. of sixteen STRATEGIES KNOWLEDGE OF ACQUISITION

Although there exists a sizable literature within the development of origin inference (for a review, see Bullock, 1985, Bullock, Gelman, , Baillargeon, 1982, Sedlak , Kurtz, 1981), with the exception of our own developmental studies (Kuhn , Brannock, 1977, Kuhn , Phelps, 1982, Kuhn et al., 1988) theoretical and empirical work on multivariable causal inference has typically been located in the mature cognition materials. Like most of the literature on scientific thinking development, the developmental literature on causal inference features the child’s early proficiency.

As mentioned earlier, when the pup is still young children bring on covariation information, and also other cues, being a basis for inferences of causality (Mendelson , Shultz, 1976, Shultz , Mendelson, 1975). Essential, from an early age they may have theories of causal device that effect their causal judgments (Shultz, 1982), a finding consonant with the more modern conceptual transform literature. Within the adult materials, theoretical examination has targeted largely about covariation as the most important way to obtain information about causality.

Mill’s (1843/1973) , joint method of agreement and difference” identifies covariation as the right basis for inferences of causality, and Kelley’s (1967) extensively researched attribution model similarly engraves covariation among antecedent and outcome. Newer investigators have followed with this tradition but they have sought to recognize more exactly the inductive tactics that mediate between a covariational data source and a great inference of causality.

In empirical studies, typically a collection of multivariable situations is provided in written form as well as the subject asked to judge what inferences can be drawn (Briggs, 1991, Cheng , Novick, 1990, Downing et approach., 1985, Schustack , Sternberg, 1981). Based on such info, Schustack and Sternberg (1981) developed a linear regression model to assign weight load to five types of covariation information. The first four are frequencies from the joint occurrence of antecedent and end result, the joint absence of predecessor and end result, the presence of antecedent and the absence of outcome, as well as the bsence of antecedent as well as the presence of outcome. A fifth factor is the power of contending causes. Though adult subjects show consistency, leading to great regression weights for the first two frequencies and negative dumbbells for the 2nd two, Cheng and Novick (1992) identify several theoretical anomalies in the linear regression model, for example , the position of base-level frequencies of antecedent and outcome in predicting the possibilities of a causal inference, elements that intuitively should not impact the causal position of the predecessor.

An even more critical problem, yet , for these kinds of models of induction purely via an empirical database is a sheer computational weight of the task. The four frequencies in the Schustack and Sternberg model refer to a sole potential trigger and end result. Once the origin field is opened to a host of causal individuals (as it is in normal settings), the computational 18 KUHNETAL. burden quickly becomes enormous. Some means of narrowing the causal field to a set of feasible factors is needed.

Different strategies have been delivered to accomplishing this objective, nonetheless they have in common limitation of the set of potential causes to the “set of incidents considered relevant by the attributor” (Cheng , Novick, 1990, p. 562). In other words, assumptive expectation on the part of the subject, as a result of a current knowledge base, is invoked as a element in the attribution of connection. Cheng and Novick (1990, 1992) suggest that, within this central set, inferences of causality are based on predicted differences in the probabilities of the impact in the occurrence versus the lack of the potential trigger.

Hilton and Slugoski (1986) specify “abnormal conditions”-those lack of in a comparison condition-as the methods likely to be ascribed as causes. Both types invoke the distinction highlighted by Mackie (1974) yet others (Einhorn , Hogarth, 1986) between causes and allowing conditions. In Cheng and Novick’s (1992) model, factors yielding substantial differences throughout instances will be attributed since causes, although factors which might be constant throughout instances will be either viewed as enabling conditions, if they are regarded as relevant, or perhaps dismissed because causally unimportant (and therefore excluded in the focal set).

Note that these distinction sits entirely on the subject’s theoretical belief. Covariation within a key set of occasions may well give the basis for any judgment of causality, but , when this covariation is absent, theoretical belief provides the only basis for judging whether continuous factors happen to be causally relevant (as enabling conditions) or perhaps non-causal. Research in the adult causal inference literature have got tended to concentrate only on inferences of causality, treating inferences of noncausality nearly as noninferences.

They have not addressed the converse from the covariation principle-evidence of noncovariation over a group of instances as being a basis to get an inference of noncausality-or in general examined how scientific evidence may play a role in inferences of noncausality. As discussed within the next section, we come across non-causal inference as living in a prominent place in initiatory inference, technological reasoning, and knowledge acquisition, and these kinds of inferences are a central target of attention in the present job.

We as well pay an adequate amount of attention to another problem that Cheng and Novick (1992) acknowledge can be not dealt with by their model-inferences of causality based on spurious covariation of a noncausal aspect with a great outcome. The fact that we analyze inductive inference over a period of time as a database of circumstances accumulates enables us to observe how a subject may slowly but surely overcome the temptation with this invalid inference strategy and also more generally how the subject coordinates acquiring new data with theoretical expectation.

The majority of studies of causal inference have restricted subjects for the presentation of a single set of instances 18 STRATEGIES FAMILIARITY WITH ACQUISITION on one occasion (with data research typically limited to the group level). In comparison, we request subjects to seek out the evidence that they believe adequate to support their causal and noncausal inferences, and we comply with them separately in their work to understand this proof and incorporate it with existing know-how.

We switch now to a great examination of the inference tactics that individuals might employ because they engage in this task. AND non-causal CAUSAL TACTICS INDUCTIVE OF INFERENCE Causal Inference(Inclusion) On what proof might somebody base the inference that antecedent a has a origin influence on outcome o? In the framework adopted in this article, we assume a multivariable context, and we assume that the is able to choose instances to attend to. Problem facing the individual is whether a specific factor a makes a difference for the outcome.

For simplicity of exposition, we all consider the truth in which the determined factors-a, b, c, g, and e-are dichotomous (two-level) variables. (Certain differences happen if the two levels of these types of variables are treated because presence and absence, however again for simplicity of exposition, they want not be taken into consideration right here, and the two levels of each variable will probably be designated by the subscripts one particular and installment payments on your ) An extra assumption that people make is that selection of circumstances is at least partially theory motivated.

Quite simply, the person’s prior beliefs about the causal and non-causal status of the recognized factors affect the selection of situations to attend to. This selectivity takes a variety of forms that require not become identified in detail at this point, some examples are the tendencies to select situations believed to generate the most positive level of an outcome (a success rather than an explanation orientation) and to are not able to investigate factors that are thought noncausal.

A minimal (but, even as shall document, frequent) basis for the inference that the antecedent a and an outcome o are causally related-an inference to which we all refer henceforth as the inclusionof a-is their co-occurrence within a multivariable context: approach blcdl este , ol. (1) We refer to such an inference like a co-occurrence fake inclusion inference (because a and o merely co-occur on one occasion). Such inferences are based on simply a single instance and are certainly invalid since the cooccurrence does not establish which a played a causal part in creating o. nineteen

KUHNETAL. In case in which a person selects for least two instances to get examination, a helpful second illustration would be (2a) a2b c1d1el , 02. Such an example, with the outcome shown, allows the valid inclusion inference that a is definitely causally implicated in o. This inference, based on two instances, is a product of a controlled comparison. In most normal settings, nevertheless , people you don’t have the luxury of selecting for observation exactly those occasions that would be many informative with respect to the inferences that they al

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