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Chapter 5 provides an in-depth analysis of dimensions and dynamics of conflicts, as they exist in communities. As indicated in the part, the community is definitely awash with conflicts given the fact that many single facet of life will produce conflicts. For instance interpersonal relations amidst members results into clashes.

In gain access to of resources in a given community people of that community are likely to be associated with conflicts inside the competition of resources especially in situations where resources will be scarce and there exists no proper composition in world to lead towards the fair syndication of the methods.

It is better to prevent conflicts in which possible than waiting the conflicts to take place and then managing them. However while Dalton, and Kellet, (2001) observes, the conflicts observed in neighborhoods are certain to occur because preventing the conflicts can be not very useful given the simple fact that sources of conflicts are very diverse and incredibly difficult to foresee.

In a community conflicts are bound to come up and quality of conflicts involves a good understanding of resolve conflicts strategies such as avoidance, win win and hotel. In person, I have been associated with conflicts with my brother, which in turn really left me feeling love it was incorrect and undesirable to get into inconsistant situations with my brother. Nevertheless the content of chapter five has opened up my pondering and enabled me to know that issues do not have always to be wrong or adverse.

Indeed clashes if solved well are a source of great learning. Anytime I change with my buddy, I will be taking a look at it because an opportunity to find out more and figure out ourselves better. Specially in cases whereby the conflicts result from differences in opinions, the conflict condition should serve to build us and learn a lot from each other. Issues enable individuals to come up with the best solutions to concerns considering the fact that after brainstorming within the opinions making the issue, one is very likely to settle for the best solutions specifically where a win win conflict resolution strategy is recommended. Issues on the other hand may negatively impact the quality of life of these involved in the issue especially in instances whereby people fail to handle such conflicts amicably.

Chapter 6

Phase 6 offers a deep insight on how to identify conflicts inside the work place in addition to the different approaches, which can be useful in work place resolve conflicts strategies. Chapter 6th identifies main sources of conflicts in the place of work as poor team leadership, difference in opinions, personal differences and also various ethnical diversity inside the work force along with situations whereby the organization employees staff via various backgrounds.

Cultural variations as a way to obtain conflicts is somewhat more common in cases whereby the business is either a multinational company or they have presence in many countries or in some cases, it out options from overseas. Work place disputes just like conflicts in the community would have both confident and unwanted effects on job performance and employee morale depending on just how well they may be resolved.

The management must be able to recognize and deal with conflicts as and when they come out. This is necessary seeing that the organization generally relies on teamwork to function efficiently and virtually any source of conflicts, which in order to prevent soft coexistence of employees, has to be identified and dealt with before they get out of hand and interfere with job performance.

Conflict resolution strategies in the work place include avoidance technique, win-win technique and lodging strategy and should be used to all appropriate situations to solve disputes and conflicts in a positive way. The major reason why managers need to have great conflict management skills is the fact that the success of an firm is largely dependant upon how very well the managers can plan workers to work as groups as opposed to operating as individuals.

Therefore turmoil management calls for the mangers to form groups, which can work nicely despite the challenges and wrap up achieving the much-needed synergetic effect. Section 6 will help us to appreciate the importance of conflict resolution inside the work place plus the negative effects of failing to resolve conflicts as they emerge. As noted in the section failure to properly resolve issues can result into a reduction in job end result as well as probability of an increased staff turn over for the people employees who feel dissatisfied with the management of the business.

That is worst-case scenario resulting from conflicts and organisations although management are supposed to prevent this kind of eventualities by simply practicing very good conflict resolution strategies. By rising the causes of organizational conflicts one is able to make a deal the clashes and emerge from the issues stronger. Personally I’ve in some instances recently been engaged in clashes with job mates.

Such as I was once put in the same team in the production department using a colleague with whom we all always got different views of dealing with situations at the job. On the other hand I discovered to use the accommodative technique as opposed to the avoidance strategy and therefore I was capable of overcome the conflicts. From the disputes, I learned that the answer to conflicts was at resolving these people but not disregarding the problems. I as well learnt that conflicts should never interfere with work performance and so should be solved as soon as they will occur.

Chapter 7

Part 7 provides a deep perception on how to identify conflicts inside the family along with how to deal with individuals conflicts. Unless well resolved, the family conflicts are likely to leak over to the city and eventually for the work place. For that reason conflict promises at the friends and family level are very important in achieving a coherent contemporary society whereby people coexist very well.

Poor resolve conflicts strategies in the family generally lead to home abuse, kid abuse along with elder abuse. Therefore putting the needed hard work inorder to deal with the friends and family conflicts is extremely desirable for the reason that it is likely to cause a harmonious relationship not only on the community level but likewise in the work place. People are an integral part of the culture especially offered the fact that human beings happen to be social beings who need take pleasure in, care and recognition. The quality of relationship a family is definitely involved in have been found to have impact on the unity in the society.

Friends and family relationships will be complex and understanding of expectations both guy and females have got of each various other is a overwhelming task. The fact that relationships are both dynamic and situational further more complicates the nature of relationships. To ensure that, families continue to play their role in the society, there is a need for proper conflict resolution strategies to fix challenges which usually emerge and threaten the very existence with the family since an institution.

However , not necessarily possible to obtain such unanimity, harmony and organization without correct law constructions and system to protect the rights in the family to exist in addition of the kid to are part of the along with be treated in accordance with the law. Despite the living of laws and regulations governing the family and children, problems and challenges carry on and face this families. With the divorce and separation prices soaring up disproportionately, a lot more people opting to not marry, the family as being a core portion of the society is continually under threat.


Privately I have actually admired the conflict resolution expertise of my parents who have been capable to keep our family together and extremely united. When I begin my own friends and family I will always apply the required conflict strategies for example avoidance, accommodation or perhaps win-win strategy to resolve issues.


Dalton, D., and Kellet, P. (2001). Managing Conflict in a Negotiated World. Thousand Oak trees: Sage Guides.

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Category: Article examples,

Topic: Conflict resolution,

Words: 1388

Published: 03.19.20

Views: 316

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