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Fictional Analysis of “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” “When Pelayo and Elisend first locate the decreased man, that they regard him as man, he is “dressed like a ragpicker”” (McFarland). Gabriel Garcia Marquez short story “A Incredibly Old Man with Enormous Wings” is a fabulous story about an angel in “pitiful condition of a drenched great-grandfather” with “Huge buzzard wings” (Marquez 294). Marquez uses magical realism to express the literary elements of the old gentleman, in third person standpoint, and with several interpretations.

Inside the short tale, Marquez reveals two key elements of magic realism. The two elements were the old guy and, the woman who has been turned into a spider. The individuals in the account treat this man as an oddity. He was not treated as an angel rather he was treated more like a freak of nature. The man seems to be nothing more than a frail human with wings, and so his status as an angel is forever debated. “What surprised him the most, yet , was the reasoning of his wings.

They will seemed thus natural on that completely human affected person that he couldn’t discover why other guys didn’t you can keep them too” (Marquez 298). Dad Gonzaga feels that this individual cannot be an angel because he lacks dignity and splendor. “Father Gonzaga went into the chicken coop and said hello to him in Latina. The parish priest acquired his 1st suspicion of your imposter when he saw that he did not understand the dialect of god” (Marquez 295). Of course this kind of begs problem of whether the angel does not have dignity, or perhaps whether this individual just does not have dignity as a result of way he can treated, getting imprisoned within a chicken coop.

Probably it is the people that lack pride, not this man. The man’s different supernatural characteristic is his incredible tolerance in the face of his treatment which in turn does not produce much of an idea on the majority of the people, who are happy to use him till bored with him. The magic realistic look for Spider-Girl is a crystal clear contrast with the Old Man, whereas, he is difficult to interpret because he is not trying to please the masses. The Spider-Girl delights the folks with the quality of her story. although still almost a child your woman had sneaked out of her parents’ house to venture to a move, and while the lady was returning through the woodsafter having danced all night without permission, a fearful thunderclap rent through the sky in two and through the crack came the lightning sl? of brimstone that transformed her in a spider” (Marquez 297). “When a new vision arrives, over who has been changed into a spider intended for disobeying her parents, the community shifts their attention to her. A typical carnival hoax or perhaps sideshow “freak”” (McFarland).

Unlike the Angel, the people do not debate her status being a spider, it truly is taken for granted. The storyplot is crafted in third person viewpoint, in the eye in Pelayo, in order to show the isolation from the old man can be feeling. Since the story starts and as Pelayo finds the man, this individual does not appreciate who or what the old fart is, until he hears the old male’s “sailor’s voice”. “This justification is merely irrelavent, however , mainly because basic common sense rejects the interpretation besides making Pelayo’s description merely humorous” (Slomski).

The storyplot makes it hard to understand how the old man is usually feeling because of the point of view it truly is written. In the event the story is switched for the point of view with the old man, it might be easier to understand the feelings and alienation the man is being faced. “They would travel him out from the bedroom with a broom and a moment later finds him in the kitchen” (Marquez 298). This offer displays the alienation the old man experienced through Pelayo’s eyes. “The second presentation is made with a neighbor female who is considered to know “everything about lifestyle and death. The laughter of her interpretation arises in the assurance with which your woman pronounces that the old man is an angel” (Slomski). Marquez use of magical realistic look and literary elements, in a third person point of view, demonstrated many understanding. “Thus, the Magical Realistic look of Garcia Marquez’s design — a blurring with the division between the real and the fantastic — is used to underscore the notion (indeed, the seeming contradiction) that the irrational is a component of life” (Slomski). Simply by analyzing, the literary components of third person/omniscient point of view, imagery and portrayal are what alienate the fabulous characters.

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