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Alcohol consumption basically depresses the term

Embrionario Alcohol Problem, Endocrine System, Drugs And Alcohol, Worried System

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Alcohol also affects the belly, the pancreatic, and the large and small intestines. Since alcohol boosts acid inside the stomach, gastric pain and/or stomach and intestinal ulcers may result (Dunlap). Insulin, made by the pancreatic, is vital in the regulation of sugars levels in the blood. Liquor increases the blood glucose, which causes the pancreas to respond by producing insulin, resulting in a rapid drop in blood sugar (Dunlap). It is estimated that up to 90% of alcoholics suffer from hypoglycemia as a long-term effect, with symptoms that include dizziness, head aches, loss of attention, depression, tremors, heart tremors, anxiety, and loss of coordination (Dunlap). Once prolonged alcohol consumption, the pancreas may stop producing insulin, resulting in diabetes (Dunlap).

Hormones are regulated by the endocrine program, and includes the pineal, pituitary, thyroid and well known adrenal glands, in addition to the ovaries and testes. Since alcohol sedates these glands, hormones respond by under-producing, resulting in a rise to hypersensitivity (Dunlap). Alcohol can decrease the frequency of erections in men, also leading to a shrinkage of sex glands, while in women, it may interfere with the normal processes of sexual arousal, often prohibiting orgasmic response (Dunlap).

Drinking over a long period of time also can result in infertility in both men and women (Dunlap).

Depending on the individual’s age group, weight, size, sex, plus the amount of alcohol consumption, short-term effects of alcohol contain dizziness, talkativeness, slurred presentation, blurred vision, disturbed sleeping, nausea, and vomiting (Alcohol 2006). Possibly small amounts of alcohol can easily impair view and skill, thus interfering in actions such as driving a car, and can result in aggressive behavior, such as spousal abuse and child abuse (Alcohol 2006). One more common immediate effect has a hangover, that might consists of pain, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and an increased being thirsty (Alcohol 2006). Long-term associated with alcohol can result in permanent injury to vital organs such as the mind and liver organ, and the escale of liquor after prolonged use often leads to tremors, hallucinations, convulsions, malnutrition, and severe anxiousness (Alcohol 2006).

Excessive ingesting has been related to liver failure, nerve damage, epilepsy, cardiovascular system failure, cancer, high blood pressure, belly ulcers, decrease of brain cellular material, vitamin deficit and obesity (Sensible 2006). Binge ingesting (consuming considerable amounts of liquor in a short period of time) can result in decrease of consciousness, coma and even fatality. Moreover, if vomiting takes place while the specific is unconscious, asphyxiation can occur, leading to fatality (Sensible 2006). Furthermore, alcohol consumption by the mother during pregnancy can result in fetal alcohol symptoms, which includes mental retardation and other irreversible physical abnormalities (Alcohol 2006).

Individuals consume liquor for different reasons. The majority of adolescents believe alcohol helps to ensure profound results to interact socially, thus they are really subject to expert pressure. Adults often drink alcohol to cope with pressure, and even though laboratory data demonstrates that alcohol dampens responses to fret, alcohol likewise increases panic in some individuals (Why 2000). Research implies that children of alcoholic parents are more likely to become alcoholics.

Works Cited

Alcohol. (2006). The Alliance for a Drug Free America. Gathered November 05, 2006 for

Dunlap, Michaele S. Biological Influences of Liquor Use: An understanding. Retrieved November 05, 2006 at

Sensible Having. (2006). BUPA. Retrieved The fall of 05, 06\ at

Why Carry out some People Drink Too Much? (2000 January 01). Alcohol Research Health.

Retrieved November 05, 2006 from HighBeam Research Library.

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