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An evaluation on the pedestrian composition

In “The Pedestrian” Ray Bradbury wanted to portray an event that happened 1 night whilst taking a walk with a friend, stopped with a police officer who also didn’t receive why that they was walking and explained “Well no longer do it again”(Person 50). The characterization and symbolism through this short story demonstrate just how society may possibly turn out when humankind is determined by technology. “We have too many cell phones. We have too many internets. We have have got to get rid of all those machines.

We certainly have too many equipment now” (time 1) even now Bradbury shows his mistrust in technology through this quote presented a month before his 90th birthday. Ray Bradbury’s “The Pedestrian” reveals his own distrust of technology, and view of how society will end up if to reliant upon technology.

Through characterization, Beam Bradbury implies that if humankind advances to a point where society loses all mankind, then mankind is better away ceasing to exist. Mead is in many ways Bradbury’s only true representation of humankind left back in 2053 A.

D., through describing him as have got a “shadow of a hawk” (26), which will relates him to a outrageous free spirited bird. Mead is also seen as humanity as they is connected with light, which can be symbolic intended for soul, Meads house beams “loud discolored illumination, square and warm in the cool darkness” (29). While the loss of mankind is shown in the “lone” “metallic voice” that the automatic cop car has and the descriptions of the towns’ people being “gray phantoms” that live in “tomblike buildings” in a “graveyard” of a city showing how the life of the town drops dead with the sunset(25-26).

In multiple ways anybody can see how Beam Bradbury is definitely Mead him self. Bradbury’s like for writing can be related in essence to Meads love for walking. While Mead and Bradbury are immediately related because of both of them happen to be writers. Bradbury stated inches[Television is] a very dreadful effect on most of us” although Mead won’t even use a television which will relates in a manner that they both equally dislike the tv altogether.

The short account shows the not too distant future in an bad light. The once free of charge thinking society has been damaged by the basic convenience of technology. Bradbury reveals his own distrust by demonstrating how technology will make humankind lazy and useless. Because shown inside the title strolling has become out of date, Mead is not a people; he is, within a city of three or more million people (27), the pedestrian. Bradbury demonstrates that if certainly not controlled, technology in the near future will do as it wants, when it wants. In this brief story Bradbury demonstrates the way the television provides destroyed books and culture as well through Meads thoughts “Magazines failed to sell anymore. Everything continued in the tomblike houses at night now”, “the tombs, sick lit by simply television light, where the persons sat like the dead” (28, 29). When also displaying through the cop car just how writers work is not really the only work ceasing to exist by simply stating “the force have been cut down by three automobiles to one. Offense was ebbing; there was no need now for the police” (27).

Functions Cited

Bradbury, Beam. “The Pedestrian”. 1951

Friedman, Megan. Ray Bradbury Talks Technology, Time Newsfeed. 8/17/2010 Person, James E. The Masterly Bradbury, internet pages 49-51 Countrywide Review, 5/23/2005 Spaceagecity. com/Bradbury/quotes. The Quotable Bradbury


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Published: 12.10.19

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