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Communication hypotheses the music industry term

Music Industry, Sociable Communication, Changeover Theory, Labels Theory

Research from Term Paper:

The event can be held annual but features only limited opportunity for profit, as the venue, rather than direct solution sales fees the cost of the actions of the doj. In other words the venue can be slightly different compared to the standard live show or head to experience, because the overall support of the complete event (the County Fair) offsets the expenses incurred by label and the artist’s travel systems. It has been looking for support in the community for sponsorship as well, as the ability for profit in this place has traditionally been limited and the services and alternatives for music artists and their support team has also been limited. It is for this reason which the collective Ingredients label USA prepare has always been to pepper classic summer to and spring artist head to dates with venues similar to this. In my experience this kind of concert is one of the most difficult to plan and execute with big name music artists as the venue often has limited resources to aid artists technology and personal privacy. The goal of Labeled USA when it was expressed in my experience was to book and efficiently promote, with effective cooperation from regional support sites such as the sponsorship radio station and the good board, a large name country star just for this fair, as the expected attendance was believed to be greater than ever before numerous individuals trying to attend the concert since the height with the event.

Because an inwendig at Labeled USA I had the opportunity to be engaged in at least half a dozen conferences concerning this venue. The conferences were required because of the range of players mixed up in venue. As I later learned with a traditional concert neighborhood venue promoters do a lot of the groundwork for many individuals venues where the reasonable venue is significantly several in that it has significantly more responsibility intended for coordinating different aspects of the event. This particular function communications were challenged by fact that the label held the obligation of negotiating contracts with all the fair board. To develop successful communications with this enterprise individuals at the label, since the representative of the musician have to pay specifically close focus on what every board member expresses as the most essential aspect of event success, be it crowd control, artists security and privacy and even electrical usage needs. In a nutshell there is a good price to be made the decision and recognized and even more individuality to deal with within the case of any standard live concert venue.

Weak points

Artist Interaction

The disadvantages I experienced as a player in the development of the bulk of my own work as a great intern, the fair live concert, were limited as a result of the effectiveness of the Label intended for adaptability. Virtually any weaknesses I recently came across were limited to individual communication skills and the ought to constantly state communication with the fair board and other live performance stakeholders, such as the artists, whom also have individual experiences far greater than executives with different venues. In this particular situation the star sought for the venue was reluctant to commit to the tour day, as it was an additional to an already hard plan and it was a fair place which the performers was hesitant to play resulting from previous experiences with good venues. Concern reduction theory had to be used with regard to artists communication, when research on the genuine venue was done and forwarded to the artist to make sure that she understood that the venue was extremely clean, high class and necessary only nominal adaptation on her crew. Additionally the application of interpersonal penetration model theory was observed because the Label USA staff attempted to find another artist among the list of label that had played the location and ask and after that relate the ability to the desired artist therefore they might have a greater comprehension of the area and its different facets. The even more meetings should then end up being conducted personally to develop a better sense with the needs with the venue and the very limited change that would be necessary in the schedule of the designer, thus making a positive cultural experience pertaining to the specialist to affiliate with the venue and the plan change. (Kalbfleisch, 1993, l. 172) a potential weakness through this situation is the fact not enough focus is paid to the designer with regard to schedule alterations. The stress and pressure of traveling is an important challenge to the artist whom chooses to do so and Product labels are often important in the progress such requirements and in the later progress tour schedules and conference the artists needs while on tour. If not enough of the communication is usually conducted in person there is a considerable risk for the artist to feel unsupported and as if perhaps his or her time is required of them devoid of concern for their needs or their particular potential shift in the plan.


Emphasis on Technology

Technology is always a concern when coping with board talks as many meetings include fairly large organizations on both sides of the discussion and limited if virtually any face time passed between individuals and groups inside the decision making process, for a venue such as the forthcoming county good. The Label support team, as I observed applied adaptive structuration theory to resolve communication issues. Utilizing the conference call system, and specifically a newly designed on the net access convention system that required the county fair board have only a single laptop with a multidirectional microphone and a loudspeaker to run the conference was utilized. The device had completely functioning support, as we learned during the 1st conference phone when access to the system support team was necessary since the conference call up was lower short. The fair plank had limited opportunity to fulfill, as they talk about space in county offices that do never have available technology or area for the board. With this new seminar system and the adaptive working it presented the program could be used by any single person in the good board using a laptop in their real office, rather than forcing all of the volunteer people of the plank to meet in the county workplace during organization hours this kind of venue offered them an opportunity to meet more conveniently and with much less stress. The Label USA crew had only used the device in two other location planning instances but will likely continue to see it as a power and use it regularly in just such scenarios as they are often difficult to navigate since board systems such as these in many cases are limited in their ability to seek out appropriate technology to support group communication.


The active of the knowledge was demonstrative of challenge as the fair table is an motile group that has a few limited experience with concert venues in the past and good and bad encounters but is additionally dealing with a significantly larger place with the live show as only one small although integral part of it. Making use of the concepts of uncertainty lowering theory was most effective to me in understanding the group communication dynamic of this series of exchanges. The reasonable boards to some extent must tiny manage the case itself since it is ultimately accountable for the outcome. Uncertainty reduction theory assumes that folks seek predictability in their worlds, that doubt is not comfortable, that people seek to reduce the stress that occurs with uncertainty, and they will embark on specific interaction behaviors to achieve reduced concern. As a result, Uncertainty Reduction Theory suggests a focus on the decrease of anxiety brought on by doubt.

(Sunwolf, 06\, p. 107)

Supporting this kind of theory then your communication staff supporting this venue must make certain that each of the individual table members as well as the group as a whole have their many pressing portrayed concerns with past successes and failures answered for the coming area. Each individual as well as the group in general had stated concerns (i. e. uncertainties) about the upcoming celebration that would have to be researched and answered by Label USA organizers and local concert marketers. In doing thus an intern or various other support personnel could be remarkably useful. Searching for bad press on prior fair productions and then giving an answer to specific worries could be used as well as every individual member getting involved in an information session among Label USA employees to ascertain if there is prior experience regarding this or other neighborhood fair panels that could help in the decrease of concern for this particular board with regard to rights, responsibility and capabilities of the venue. The worst case scenario of this celebration planning circumstance would be for Label USA employees being unresponsive to the uncertainty requires of plank members, creating further anticipation of event failures and concerns.


The introduction of an effective team with regard to unique projects conversation is essential. Understanding the nature of the team consist of representative collaborative camps is also essential. For the label to achieve success in this length of extreme

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Published: 12.17.19

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