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Compare death of the salesman oedipus composition

Compare and Cotrast

Separated by almost 3 thousands years of materials, two performs can still consist of similar elements and characteristics that tie both together. This is the case between two plays, Oedipus The King and its counterpart Death of a Store assistant, one written approximately 430 BC and the other drafted in 49. When initial reading this book, one may question, what could these tales possibly have in common; one is about a king who have discovers this individual has slain his father and copulated with his mom and the different about a sales person with taking once life tendencies and unattainable dreams.

As the reader further evaluation the story, the underlying similarities become more noticeable even as one particular might admit there are simply no relations between the two testimonies. Looking into the primary protagonist of both plays, we realize that they are noticeably similar in aspects linked to their prideful personality, attitude, and temperament, all true in the way they handle their particular personal issues which leads for their eventual pitfalls.

Inspecting these heroes their distributed traits turn into quite obvious to the audience.

Divulging both plays, we are faced with those two characters with strikingly comparable personalities. Both equally prideful guys, this feature becomes quite apparent the moment addressing different of their own value. In the very beginning of the play Oedipus the King, Oedipus is responding to the conditions from the people and instead of actually addressing the problems of the plague Oedipus uses it as an excuse to praise him self further declaring, “Here My spouse and i am myself- you all know me, the world knows my own fame; I actually am Oedipus ( Sophocles 1156: 6-8). His phrases of bravado show his prideful persona, that he could be above all and is known by simply all even while far to talk about “the globe knows [his] fame (1156: 7). While the play moves further along, his pride turns into more and more apparent when Tiresias the blind prophet offers named him the file corruption error and bane of the terrain. He shrugs it off and denies it with false self confidence responding to her saying “you can’t injure me or anyone else who sees the light- you can never touch me (1167: 427-428). The delivery andway Oedipus says this statement has been said with a harm pride protected up by simply false assurance. In the same way, Willy, the main leading part of Death of a Salesman, is a quite prideful man who hides his individual short comings with grandeur delusions and false confidence in himself.

In one instance, talking with his boys, giving them advice on how to be successful: WILLY: As the man whom makes an appearance in the business world, the person who makes personal interest, is definitely the man who gets ahead. Be appreciated and you will hardly ever want. You take me personally, for instance. I never have to hold back in line to see a buyer. “Willy Loman is here now!  That is all they should know, and i also go all the way through! ( Fatality of a Sales person 1435. Action I) Willy gives apparently sound advice but this individual also takes it because an opportunity to puff out his chest in bravado and say that this individual himself is definitely well liked by everyone “never hav[ing] to hold back in line to see a buyer (1435. Act I). This is all for show, priding himself like a man that has succeeded in the wonderful world of business, in truth it is practically nothing more generally there mere false confidence. The moment addressing his wife regarding his trips up north to New England wonderful sales this individual contradicts him self when he admit he is “very well liked in Hartford¦ the problem is¦ persons don’t seem to take to me (1437. Take action I). This false assurance and pride comes to lumination when he makes such assertions even though this individual knows or else. Both Oedipus and Willy have this prideful personality which allows the perform to push of it, sooner or later leading to their particular self decline in one way or another.

Referencing to their own self demise, the ultimate paths that they choose brings about the outcomes of how the reports end up. Just how this goes about is how they decide their own fates, choosing to deal with situations in the wrong ways or as a whole ignoring others all together in beliefs that they will be in the correct. In the history Death of your Salesman, Willy is confronted with financial problems which become apparent when he and Hermosa are speaking about the month’s payments through which he is in debt for a “hundred and 20 bucks! If [his] business [doesn’t] pick up [he won’t] know very well what [he’s] gonna do (1436 Act I). This problem could have simply been remedied when his neighbors had arrive for a visit:

CHARLEY: You need a job?

WILLY: I got employment, I said that to you. (After a small pause). The particular hell are you offering me a job for?

CHARLEY: Do not get insulted.

WILLY: Don’t insult me personally. (1440 Action I)

The way he handled the problem was poor at best, and he had done so in a prideful manner like his dignity was being bitten. Instead he could have merely looked into the possible venture which would have helped with financial issues in the home. These financial issues caused by his later suicide afterwards in the play. It becomes noticeable that Willy deals with this sort of situations with anger, a hint of anger and as nevertheless he himself was being attacked. Oedipus handles his incestuous problem with a similar mannerisms. If he himself have been accused of causing the plague inside the city by simply Tiresias the blind prophet, he denies fault rather saying that Creon has place her approximately it in order to over through him through which he says to Creon him self “You-here? You could have the gall to show the face before the building gates? You, plotting to kill myself, kill the king-I find it all, the marauding robber himself scheming to steal my personal crown and power (Sophocles 1171: 594-598). Here we see him working with the situation terribly with worry, as though this individual himself was being attacked.. Rather than tackling with the issue head on, he likes to avoid the pin the consequence on and instead enjoy the sufferer. The two protagonist of the two plays, confront their own difficulties with anger, and a feeling that they themselves were beneath fire, that they were being belittled. These result in their eventual downfall while the takes on slowly improvement onwards motivated by their own decisions and mannerisms.

Tying or braiding all these elements together the 2 main leading part become the key point on most of the commonalities between Oedipus the King and Death of a Store assistant. Their habit and persona reflect that of prideful guy who skins behind bogus bravados and confidence in attempts in order to avoid their challenges. Their endeavors to avoid the problem lie in how they take care of situations with anger and a feeling like they were below criticism. All of this brings the plays to a full group of friends, having the two main protagonists bring about their own self break down.

Work Mentioned

Callier, Arthur. Loss of life of a Salesman. Charters, Ann, and Samuel Barclay. Literary works and Its Copy writers: An Introduction to Fiction, Beautifully constructed wording, and Drama. 5th impotence. Boston: Bedford, 1997. 1155-1199. Print. Sophocles. Oedipus the King. Charters, Ann, and Samuel Barclay. Literature as well as its Writers: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. fifth ed. Boston: Bedford, 97. 1155-1199. Produce.


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Topic: Oedipus King,

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Published: 12.27.19

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