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Driving a car age needs to be increased to 18

The huge volume of car crashes caused by young individuals is a concern which is now being firmly debated nationwide. According to the fresh research unveiled on six April 2010 by Carhistory. com. au, Australia’s current vehicle record website, one out of ten Australian teenagers have experienced a car accident (Coffey, J 2010). Due to that serious truth, an idea of increasing the traveling age to eighteen with a minimum of 18 months upon ‘P’ dishes has been advised to reduce the number of teens’ fatalities by automobile accidents.

Although that proposal can lead to a few inconvenience for young drivers, it can prevent them via unsafe and immature method of driving, which will guarantees the reduction about teens fails. One drawback of the issue that the driving age group should be elevated to the regarding eighteen may be the inconvenience induced to teenagers. Driving has become essential in modern society, specifically the youth. 16 and 17 yr old children must be allowed to drive to get to school or function because choosing public transportation is extremely time consuming, and it is also a big problem for them if they are late in the classes for they miss a bus.

Furthermore, country kids whom live in areas with handful of buses or trains and extremely far from town cannot expect their parents to drive all of them around every single day, so having rights to push is really required to them.

Alternatively, everything offers two sides. The increase inside the driving age to 18 has become strongly recommended due to the fact that youthful drivers are not able to control basically safely on the highway. One key reason bringing about car accidents is definitely the distraction whilst teenagers drive. Multi-tasking isbecoming popular in many teens but it really does not work to get young drivers. They chat on the mobile phones, listen to a great iPod while driving, and in many cases eat several fast food. They can also be diverted by discussing with their friends or changing the radio place (The 3 top reasons why teen crash cars). Those actions directly prevent them from centering on the road, which is able to trigger collisions. Also experienced drivers can possess accidents whenever they leave the minds of men and eye off the road, and their hands from the wheel. From your research for young individuals of South Australia authorities, having people in the motor vehicle is a distraction and can boost the risk of an accident.

Inattention was reported as the cause of 32% of perilous crashes and 44% of serious injury fails in june 2006 (Government of South Down under 2005). Another element bringing about car crashes is usually young drivers’ inexperience on the highway. During the initial 500 a long way of traveling, teen drivers are 10 times more likely to have auto accidents than any other age group because they are lack of teaching (Ten suggestions to keep teens safe driving 2010). At the age of 18, 1 gets even more exposure to visitors situations and experience to make decisions, so he hard drives more firmly and is not as likely to harm others. Additionally, the for a longer time teenagers stay on ‘P’ china, the less dangerous they drive due to a few restrictions like no alcohol while driving a car as well as the speed limit of 100 km/h even in which the posted acceleration limit is higher (Government of Southern Australia, n. d. ). Therefore , 18 months on ‘P’ plates is a great idea to make fresh drivers drive more consciously.

Another aspect leading to the raise in the age of driving a car is small drivers are not mature enough to be traveling. Firstly, teenagers’ brain would not develop enough to deal with all complicated circumstances while driving a car. This is evidently shown by the fact that a lot of parts of the brain do not develop until past due teenager, such as the prefrontal bande which is one of the most intelligent part of the brain and known as the brain’s executive. In respect to Earl Miller, a professor of neuroscience in MIT, the prefrontal cortex does not expand fully before the age of 18, nineteen and twenty (Patterson 2010). In addition, young people are those who are in a age of challenging the independence, as well as taking part in a thrilling cultural life. They will act through the night, travel at a very high acceleration under the influence of alcohol or perhaps drug to demonstrate off because of peer pressure. Teenagers happen to be alsoirresponsible so that they cause.

With the frustrating desire to experience new more difficult actions, they normally do whatsoever they like without thinking regarding the subsequences. This is demonstrated by the fact that the elements of the brain in charge of controlling urges and taking into consideration the consequences of decisions may be under development till well after teenage years (Young Drivers: The Road to Safety, 2006). Therefore , that they cause an enormous number of car accidents which cause a significant amount of fatalities. In Western Australia, in line with the Western Australia Government, small less skilled drivers, specifically from 15 to nineteen years old, who also consume liquor before driving are at higher risk of crashes than people in the different age groups (Government of Traditional western Australia 2010)

In conclusion, the increase in the driving a car age to the age of 18 with the minimum of 18 months on ‘P’ plates has raised many intended for and against arguments. Pertaining to young drivers, that thought is indeed annoying. In spite of that fact, it cannot be rejected to help to prevent the bringing up number in car accidents brought on by young motorists because of dangerous and subconscious driving. Modern technology such as car was invented to provide the world, but the younger generation are harming it and causing a lot of remorseful consequences. Consequently , the law of accelerating the traveling age ought to be applied at the earliest opportunity to urgently lessen the bad results that young individuals may cause.


Coffey, T 6 04, 2010, One out of ten Aussie teens have got has a vehicle accident, Media release, accessed 13 April 2011,.

Government of South Quotes, 2005, Street crash facts 2005 for South Sydney, Department intended for transport, Energy and Infrastructure, pp. 12-15, accessed 13 April 2011,.

Government of South Quotes, n. g., P1 provisional licence, Division for Transfer, Energy and Infrastructure, seen 13 04 2011,.

Govt of Traditional western Australia, July 2010, Beverage driving: Information sheet, Federal government of Traditional western Australia, accessed 15 April 2011, pp. 1 .

Patterson, L Marly 29, 2010, Earl Miller says more youthful generation will probably be better multi-taskers, Earthsky, accessed 12 April 2011,.

Five tips to retain teens secure behind the wheel, Jul 21, 2010, accessed 06 April 2011,.

The three main reasons why young crash autos, n. m., Car accident guidance, accessed 06 April 2011

Young Individuals: The Road to Safety, March, 2006, Policy Brief, utilized 06 The spring 2011,.


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