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Frederick douglass versus martin luther king

MLK Jr and Frederick Douglass both have similar thoughts on how African Americans should be cured different. The main difference between there thoughts are that they feel about how African Us citizens get remedied by white colored people. Frederick Douglass was a slave who also escaped contact form slavery but while in it he was cured horrible. Since he was cured so bad his point of view and perspective in white persons is that there all wicked no matter who they are. Yet from MLK’s perspective this individual just desires African Us citizens to have the same rights exactly like they should.

Frederick Douglass was born a slave and has been around captivity all his life. During slavery the slaveholders hardly ever held back and never showed whim when they reprimanded slaves. Frederick Douglass was punished a great deal and to him slaveholders and white people are evil. Therefore since Frederick Douglass provides only seriously seen white colored people when ever there upset and when they will harm him, that is why his point of view to them is so diverse then MLK’s.

That may be also so why Frederick Douglass’s speech differs from MLK’s letter they both have two different perspectives on white-colored people.

Matn Luther Ruler on the other hand is totally different. He really simply wants tranquility for his people plus the same privileges. He thinks that all humans are the same and created from the same person why don’t African Americans possess equal legal rights as all others. He knows the nicer white persons and this individual also knows the white folks who don’t care at all with what he desires. So as opposed to Frederick Douglass who failed to know any nice white colored people MLK knew people that were on his side as well as the people who were totally to be able to get him. That is why MLK’s letter is different than Frederick Douglass’s presentation.

They equally do include there commonalities though. They both want the same to get there persons and that’s peace and to be equal. MLK unplaned it a lot more than Frederick Douglass but in the end they both equally wanted a similar thing for right now there people. That they both experienced a lot from wanting equivalent rights however they made it. MLK got placed in jail to get awhile and was embarrassed and Frederick Douglass was nearly overcome to fatality everyday and was embarrassed so mucheveryday but in the conclusion it was almost all worth it mainly because now Africa Americans will be equal and still have there rights.

In the end those two men acquired what they performed so hard pertaining to, there privileges for right now there people and equality. They both a new goal and achieved it they never threw in the towel no matter how hard it acquired or no subject how much trouble they got into they worked for generally there goal and achieved it. These two men will be inspirations to the majority of people because of what they have don’t to help there persons and themselves.


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Topic: Frederick Douglass,

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Published: 01.20.20

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