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Paul s first missionary trip the change of

Archaeology, Syria, Jerusalem, Great Give up

Excerpt from Research Conventional paper:

Paul’s First Missionary Journey

The conversion of Paul coming from Saul on his way to Damascus designated the beginning of his evangelical function.

Paul and Barnabas had been believers in the newly founded church in Antioch of Syria.

That they received the calling by God although in church praying alongside leaders in the church.

Paul was dogmatic, without proper strategy and planning his missionary journey.

The first missionary journey of Paul

Paul’s first missionary journey started at Antioch of Syria

He traveled the world with Barnabas, and ruben Mark his or her helper.

Steve Mark made his decision and remaining them as they arrived at Pisidia

Paul travelled through the following places, preaching the Good News and making disciples; the island of Cyprus, Antioch of Pisidia, Iconium, Lystra and Derbie

Through his missionary operate, he received mixed reception, some areas acceptance yet others wild rejection, to the level of being stoned.

Paul’s strategy in his missionary work

Paul used diverse strategies in fulfilling his calling for the great percentage

ii. He preached in synagogues and neutral grounds depending on the reception and beliefs of people this individual found in metropolis to avoid compromising of faith 3. He applied urban evangelism and church planting, speaking from town to city.

iv. He also preached in homeowners, to focus on the entire household and not merely the individual

sixth is v. Paul preached to both equally Jews and gentiles, without compromising, breaking the belief that Good News was for Jews only

5) conclusion

i. Paul used varied strategies, without limiting his missionary work as well as the Good News.

2. He was certainly not dogmatic, as he had a strategy developed with the aid of the Holy Spirit.

Paul’s First Missionary Journey


St . Paul as many understand him was a Christian persecutor turned convert while in the journey to Damascus to prosecute Christians. At the time, call him by his name was Saul, and this individual served with the intention to the ruler until the God called him, Saul, Saul! Asking him why he was persecuting him. Acts section 9 data the conversion of Saul to Paul who then simply became the highest evangelist and Christian missionary who were living. After the change, Paul (then Saul) began his in order to the Lord in addition to the church at Antioch, he great friend Barnabas (which means son of prophesy) placed on the first of the four missionary journeys that Paul undertook

. The first trip that Paul made preaching the word and bringing converts to the God was the least of all his journeys. In addition , it arrived at a time when the church was still young and starting to expand.

Thesis statement

Paul was dogmatic regarding his evangelical operate, without a arrange for his missionary work. This individual did not possess a strategy through his journey.

The beginning of the journey

Past due spring in 44 ADVERTISEMENT the brethren at the Antioch church ordained Paul and Barnabas to be apostles. The 2 apostles, then simply alongside Ruben (called Mark) began Paul’s first missionary journey, while Acts 13: 1-52 documents

. The quest started by Seleucia, which was the dock city of Antioch of Syria. They sailed the quest towards Cyprus, about 85 miles south-west of the Antioch of Syria

. Notably, about this journey, many would expect that to begin in the mother- residence of the church, which was for Jerusalem. Yet , the journey sets off via Antioch of Syria, a church established later by the believers who were escaping persecution of Christian believers from Jerusalem. Acts 14: 19-21, the believers that fled as a result of persecution in Jerusalem, happened preaching the great news as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch of Syria

. Additionally , they preached to Jews only at first, but later started to preach to the bon. Therefore , using this passage, all of us learn the data that speaking and evangelization of the Généreux (non-Jews) started at Antioch of Syria

. The speaking was by the lay persons (people who have escaped via persecution from Jerusalem). Paul and Barnabas were lively members of the Antioch church of Syria, serving through this church for over a year. In acts 13: 2-3, the passage documents that while the chapel leaders had been praying, alongside Paul and Barnabas, the Holy Heart told those to allow Paul and Barnabas to go for the work the fact that Lord experienced set for these people

. Thus, prior to leaving for the voyage, the church interceded and fasted for them. This passage truly does bring out the teaching around the sending of missionaries and evangelists. Using this context, is it doesn’t duty from the entire house of worship to send the missionaries, plus the Holy Spirit is responsible for ratifying the quests. Therefore , the Holy Soul is the main commissioner of most missionary actions. Acts 13: 4 reads, and the Holy Spirit sent the two on their way to Cyprus. As the voyage begins, ruben left with all of them as their tool.

Paul and Barnabas arrive in Cyprus Tropical isle

After the short travel, they will arrived at Cyprus Island. As they arrive at Cyprus, they face a challenge because John makes a decision to leave the trip and return to Jerusalem, while the acts 13: 13 records. In Cyprus, they conducted their missioner job, working with the subsequent strategy. All their strategy of evangelizing was to address the Jewish people first, and later evangelizes for the Gentiles. Additionally , their procedure entailed using the Old Legs as the purpose of reference that led the Jewish audience for the acceptance of Jesus because the completion of prophesies. As the book of Acts, 13: 32 to 33 says they told the people in the Good News that God assured the dads salvation and fulfilled all those promises by raising Christ. With the heart of missionary work in all of them, they happened, preaching via town to town throughout the whole island of Cyprus

. In their operate, they interested various people, of different vocations and degrees of life inside the society. non-etheless, despite the challenges they experienced, Paul and Barnabas continued preaching and evangelizing, switching many Jews and généreux to Christianity and building worship gatherings for the folks in the Island. For instance, works 13: 7 records if they met the proconsul Sergius Paulus, who was a high-ranking official with the Roman Disposition. The bible further identifies him as being a man of considerable understanding and understanding. The official went ahead to invite Paul and Barnabas to visit his home for this individual wanted to hear and notice the word of God. Paul and Barnabas were happy with the desire make to preach to him. He thought the Good News and alongside many other Gentiles, they accepted and believed in god and converted to Christianity. One more incidence that converted the governor of Cyprus was when they met the sorcerer named Bar-Jesus, who Paul ordered the devil to leave him. After Paul placed hands on him, he proceeded to go blind soon then started to see. A large number of people, such as the governor presumed, as functions 13: 9-14 records. Particularly from the departing of Steve Mark, Paul took that seriously that whenever they commenced the second quest, they eventually split because of disagreements, in which Barnabas took john and Paul took Silas. Through the decision of John Draw to leave them at Cyprus and check out Jerusalem, we all draw the teaching that human factors influence missionary role. Therefore , it is necessary for individuals to learn to trust in God for Him to fulfill his plans in them. non-etheless, the work in Cyprus was successful, and they later left when they done. This is the instructing of the Great Commissioning for proclaiming the good thing, which is to help to make disciples.

Paul and Barnabas at Antioch of Pisidia

Paul and Barnabas kept Paphos, and travelled north to the Hard anodized cookware mainland, by which they visited inland the river Cetrus until that they reached Pisidian Antioch. Upon arrival, that they began all their work of evangelizing for the Jews first, as their technique entailed. It in acts 13: 16-51, Paul talks to the généreux, telling and teaching the good thing of the expression. In the process of his preaching messages, a large number of Jews thought the Word and accepted to convert to Christianity. They preached in the synagogues alongside the open reasons. When they done speaking, the people begged them to return the next week because verse forty two records

. Various Jews left Judaism to get Christianity. The following week, Paul returned to speak to the généreux in the town. In the process of preaching for the gentiles, many believed fortunately. However , serves 13: 50-52 records that, the commanders of the Jews incite those, stirring persecution Paul and Barnabas. That they succeeded in expelling all of them from the Antioch of Pisidia. This verse is a instructing on the subject of the opposition that the missionaries faced while at operate. Despite the speaking in which a large number of people transformed; the market leaders of the area stirred disbelief and persecution ensued against Paul and Barnabas. Therefore, as Paul and Barnabas were going out of the region to sail to Iconium, they will shook away dust against them in protest. Yet, those who thought received the

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Published: 03.03.20

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