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Through the ages then and now essay


Dana Zwolinski

The Beginning


This decade was packed with changes in the education area. The first

grammar school was formed by John Dewey. Looking out for man-kind, some

people encouraged the schooling and educating of Afro-Americans, but the

South, and parts of the North nonetheless remained below their policy of racial

segregation. Total annual teachers shell out was about $325. Mary McLeod Bethune

started the first college for Desventurado girls. Excessive schools had been popular, and

junior high schools were in the near future.

House life

In 1925, a rules was exceeded requiring almost all pasteurized milk plants to

obtain a permit from the Section and to stick to minimum standards.

The average your life expectancies of men and women were pretty low. Mens life

expectations were about 53. 6 years, while ladies were about 54. 6 years.

There were 106, 521, 537 people moving into the United States at the moment. Of

all of them, 2, 132, 000 were unemployed, as well as the unemployment charge was at 5. 2%.

The illiteracy rate reached a minimal of 6% of the United States populace.


In the 1920s, girls loved mini-skirts and lowered waistlines. In

the earlier numerous years of the 10 years, the blouse fell 7-10 below the knee. The

pants and dresses of the time had been exceptionally detailed. Even the many

inexpensive chain-store lines had been greatly careful. Bobbed haircuts

were quite popular in the period, and were popularized by simply Irene Fortress, just

after World War I. Cotton, cotton, sheets and pillowcases, and made of woll were big fabrics becoming

used in the product industry at the moment. Clothes ended uphad been cut to

cling stronger on a womans body, and the term flapper came about through this



The twenties was a impressive time for the meals industry. Overseas food

such as Chinese foodstuff, was quite popular at the time. It was also time

of the Prohibition, where there was not a selling, developing

transporting, possession, or ingestion of alcohol consumption. Some of

the foods of the time had been as follows: Jell-O, oatmeal, Switzerland steak, hash

chiffon pies, Caesar salad, and Cobb, salad.


The twenties was the end of the Superb War. After this was a moments of

spending, affordable cars, and new client products. Then simply in 1929 came the

crash. The stock market damaged, and the Great Depression followed for

many reasons. There is about a 25% unemployment level in the United States

during the 1920s. The average annual profits were $1368. Teachers had been

being paid out about $970.


Relationship is one aspect of intimate life in which there was continuity

between years. Young and unmarried women generally by the 1910s

and 1920s preferred to participate in a consumer-oriented, heterosocial (or

mixed-sex) culture located in the public ball and condensed with

heterosexuality, but they were known to settle in family lifestyle upon relationship

much while earlier decades had. Contrary to their precursors, however , these types of

women could flirt and date in the world of cheap récréation, which were made

to sensual pleasures and small pocketbooks. Meanwhile, the feminine

solidarity of nineteenth- and twentieth-century womens reform actions

clubs, and colleges-the later Victorian new womans dominion of activity-

declined in popularity


Health and Durability

Laws happen to be passed requiring all pasteurized milk crops to acquire a

license from the Office and to abide by minimum standards. In 1922

Morgan Region, Illinois, set up the initially full-time region health



Through the years, as time went on, rates rose due to higher costs

of manufacturing. Vehicles back in the twenties cost usually, $2550, now, most

autos cost about $20, 000. You could get a loaf of breads in 1924 for $0. 10

nevertheless a loaf costs about $1. fifth 89.


I would personally rather stay in the 1970s-1980s because it was obviously a time once

fashion was awesome, rates were continue to fairly low, life expectancy was

pretty high, and you could get along with just about eeverybody.

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