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Understand health and safety essay

A description of 4 different instances of accidents and/or sudden health issues that might occur 1) The person that you are assisting on an outing may choke on their foodstuff. This is usually caused by an object obtaining stuck in the back of your throat, this has to be dealt with fast as it can make person stopping breathing whether it is blocking their very own airways. 2) The individual you happen to be supporting on an outing may be epileptic and even though you are out they will could have an epileptic seizure.

Epilepsy is a medical condition that causes a disruption to the mind, this leads to the individual getting unconscious and having involuntary convulses of the body.

Some people that have epilepsy have zero control upon when it is likely to happen and frequently can cause themselves harm when falling during the seizure. 3) The individual that you are supporting with an outing may possibly have a cardiac arrest. A cardiac arrest occurs when an individual’s heart ceases, this can happen for different reasons, this is primarily due to a heart attack but can also be as a result of shock, a power shock, a convulsion or other ailments or accidental injuries 4) The that you are helping on an trip may fall season over and possess severe blood loss.

Severe bleeding is often the result of an autumn or personal injury, being the most typical cause becoming glass.


An outline in the Procedure to follow along with if an car accident or unexpected illness should certainly occur

Choking and difficulty with breathing

1) You need to guarantee the individual provides nothing in their mouth and take out any denture, use a single finger having a glove to sweep throughout the mouth and remove something that is in presently there. 2) Encourage the individual to cough as this might help approach the object behind the neck. 3) Supply the individual 5 back blows, bend the slightly forwards and with the treat of your palm give the back again blows during the shoulder blades. 4) If the object continues to be stuck then you certainly should use the Heimlich manoeuvre also known as belly thrusts.

To accomplish this you need to stand behind the individual and set your forearms around them, joining your hands just below the breastbone with a singke hand as a closed fist and the other covering it. 5) You need to pull the hands into the person’s body and upwards simultaneously, with the power it should force the object from the throat. 6) You should alternate between the back slaps and the thrusts until the object is taken out.

Epileptic seizure

When an specific has an epileptic seizure you should make sure that the spot around them can be as safe as possible and release all clothing. Once the seizure has ended you need to look into the individuals air passage are obvious and then put them into the recovery position. Make an effort to make sure the person is safe and comfy and especially try to prevent brain injury. You need to follow the protocol of the medicine that can be directed at help with a seizure including at the support I job an individual provides epilepsy and our protocol is if he is still in seizure following 10 minutes then simply we give 0. 5ml of madazolam buccal and after that leave him for another 10 minutes and if he is still in seizure we must give him the other zero. 5ml in the event this doesn’t operate then we are to phone an mat.

Cardiac Arrest

In the event that an individual switches into cardiac arrest you should call for medical help straight away. You need to supply the individual mouth area to mouth resuscitation, and chest compressions to activate the cardiovascular known as CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) The assisting staff should have had went to a first aid course which will have trained them the right way to resuscitate. CPR is hard function and the compressions need to be in the correct place. Firstly you should certainly check if the individual has a heart beat and whether or not they are inhaling, if certainly not call for medical help and then start CPR which is two mouth to mouth breaths and then 31 chest contrainte and you should carry this upon until medical help occurs.

Severe Blood loss

If an specific has a serious bleed then you certainly will need to apply pressure for the wound, in case it is possible make use of a sterile dressing but if this isn’t available work with any material that is infiltration. You will need to apply pressure to the wound for approximately 10 minutes allowing the blood to clot. When there is an object inside the wound usually do not try to eliminate it but apply pressure towards the sides of the wound. In case it is possible sit the individual straight down and raise the affected portion of the body. When dealing with people who have severe blood loss you need to shield yourself.

Your skin layer acts as an excellent barrier to infections, when you have any broken skin then you has to be careful, if the blood of another individual comes into contact with your sight, nose or perhaps mouth then you certainly must seek out medical advice. Blood-borne viruses such as HIV or perhaps hepatitis can simply be passed on if the blood of someone who may be already infected comes into exposure to broken skin area. If available you should have on gloves, in the event that not available cover broken area with a waterproof plaster. If at all possible wash your hand before and after coming into contact with bloodstream


A summary of the principles to get followed to get safer shifting and managing 1) When making a decision within the best way to go an individual they have to discuss this with the individual it worries. 2) The consumer should be urged to do as much as possible for themselves and only use minimal manual controlling 3) Where able to you should utilize the aids to support individuals to move themselves 4) Company has a lawful duty to supply lifting and handling tools, but it is the responsibility with the staff to work with it 5) You have the right to be safe but individuals also have the right to be moved with dignity and as safely and securely as possible.


An explanation of why it is crucial to follow the care prepare and communicate with each individual when ever assisting and moving It is important to follow the care the moment assisting and moving someone as these strategies have been applied to ensure the basic safety of the individual and yourself when you are assisting them. You can have a great input inside the decision about how this should end up being carried out but it really is the professional that makes the choice. It is important that you communicate with the while helping and shifting as this will help them to experience more calm and you should clarify each level of the move to them in order that they are prepared because of it. It will also help to stop the from getting anxious because they don’t know what is going on.


An outline of personnel responsibilities to get medication within a social care setting Personnel responsibilities to get medication in a social treatment setting are that they need to be sure they are providing the medication to the accurate individual so check that around the box or bottle with the medication the name matches the individual you are giving the medication to. Be sure the medication sheet even offers the correct person’s name onto it. Check that you could have the correct amount of the medicine that it says to administer on the mar piece. You should also acquire another member of staff to check the amounts you have out to make sure they are correct to prevent a medication error.

Whilst administering the medication you must wear personal protective tools such as mitts. Before giving the medication you should show the individual the particular medication is pertaining to and what it is they are taking. You should in that case check the small area around the individual to be sure they have ingested them all and non-e have already been dropped. If medication have been missed or medication has been produced when it shouldn’t have been then you should let your manager know and telephone NHS immediate to seek professional advice. Recognize an attack then cellphone on call and let them know what has occurred and what the health professional provides advised.

Avi format

A brief explanation of the agreed procedures pertaining to obtaining, holding, administering and recording the medication needed for the trip. a) Obtaining When obtaining the medication you should make sure that you are getting the correct medicine for the that you are taking out on an trip, you need to with gloves take away the tablets in the box and set them into a medication field that you can take out with you. If you wish to take the liquid medication along then you is going to take the bottle of wine with you and a meds tub to allow you to measure your correct quantity that the specific will need. Allow me to explain know these people amounts then you definitely should publish this straight down and take it with you. If the individual takes their medicine with similar to yoghurt (this must be stated in their support plans) then you definitely should either take this along or make sure that you go somewhere where you will manage to buy a lot of to use intended for giving the medication.

b) Storing When ever going out you should store the medication securely, such as the tablets should be within a meds tub that fastens and is safeguarded to make sure that the medication isn’t very lost. c) Administering When administering the medication with an outing you should check that all the medication is even now there and again make sure that it is accurate. You should supply the medication nonetheless respecting the individuals dignity to try and do that somewhere quiet and away from a busy place.

If the medication is water form then you certainly should position the meds tub on a flat working surface to ensure that you pour out the correct amount. d) Recording When you settle home you should fill in the mar piece to make sure the very next time someone comes to give the individual medication they already know it has been administered, as if you forget to sign which it has been given another member of staff might believe that they haven�t had that and look for advice on what to do, they might be then informed o give it as quickly as possible and then this could result in a great overdose all this would be a medicine error.


An explanation of why the social care workers associated the individuals on the trip should have consultant training just before each of the next: a) Undertaking emergency first aid Staff that support an individual on an outing should have practicing emergency initially age first as devoid of this they cannot have the knowledge of what to do in an emergency correctly, such as how to handle it if an specific chokes or perhaps has extreme bleeding. If they have had first aid teaching then the will probably be aware of what to do in the distinct situations which may occur while on an trip. By having this kind of training that is more very likely that the person will be offered the correct support that is necessary in the situation. b) Assisting with moving and handling Staff that support an individual with an outing really should have training in assisting with going and handling as this will result in the protection of the staff plus the individual that they can be supporting because they will have a much better knowledge of that they should support the individual securely.

If they don’t have the teaching then they might do something wrong when aiding the individual which could result in doing harm to either themselves or the individual that they are assisting and by not doing it effectively they may not do it in a dignified way and this may upset the person that they are assisting. c) Handling medication Staff supporting someone on an trip should have teaching on controlling medication to ensure the medicine is given to the best person while using correct sum and in how that the individual prefers. It will likewise mean that the individual is supported with medication in the most effective way which there are no medication problems.

Task M – Guide


A directory of the laws and regulations relating to:

a) The health and protection in the placing

Manual Handling Polices 1992 (amended 2002)

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002 (COSHH)

Reporting of Injuries Illnesses and Dangerous Occurrences Rules 1995 (RIDDOR)

Health insurance and Safety First Aid Regulations 81

Electrical power at Work Polices 1989

Personal Protecting Equipment 1992

b) Going and controlling

Health insurance and Safety at the job Act 1974

Manual Handling Businesses Regulations 1992 (amended 2002)

Management of Health insurance and Safety at Work Regulations 99

Supply and Usage of Work Products Regulations 1998

Working out with Operations and Lifting Products Regulations 1998


A summary of the food specifications that connect with social attention settings Meals Standards Action 1999

Food Basic safety Act 1990

Food Hygiene Restrictions 2005


An outline in the main into the safety responsibilities of: a) the social proper care worker The responsibilities of the social care worker should be keep themselves and the individuals that they are promoting safe. Interpersonal care employees should make sure that they adhere to all procedure that are set up when assisting individuals and once doing something that has risks of harm. Staff should certainly make sure that each uses any tools safely and only use it in the event they have had the specialist training in order to use the gear. Staff when utilizing equipment will need to make sure hair is out of the best way to prevent that from turning into stuck in the equipment, You should communicate with you manager and make sure that you have adequate training and understand and follow the industry�s policies and procedures about health and safety. You should statement any disease, strains or perhaps injuries that you suffer resulting from doing your task as your employer may need to help to make changes to the method that you work.

In case you become pregnant then you certainly should inform your supervisor as it may imply that you are unable to do some of the things as part of your job function or may want to move anywhere where the probability of harm coming to you is slimmer. b) the employer or perhaps manager The responsibilities of the employer or administrator are to associated with workplace secure, they need to prevent risks to health, ensure that the equipment which is used is safe and that safe functioning practices happen to be set up and followed by employees, they need to ensure that all materials are dealt with, stored and used properly. Employers should inform you of any potential hazards from the operate you perform, chemicals and any other substances used by the employer. They should check that the right equipment is supplied to get the work which staff make use of it correctly and the equipment is frequently maintained.

They must avoid potentially dangerous work concerning manual controlling and if that cannot be prevented then they should take precautions to minimize the risk of harm. Employers need to supply staff with defensive clothing totally free. c) people using the support The responsibilities of individuals using the service should be make sure that they will agree and follow their particular tenancy arrangement. They should speak with staff for making it aware of the way that they can would like to always be supported when using assistive technology to reduce the risk of harm arriving at themselves or perhaps the supporting personnel. They should report any problems within their house so that it could be resolved ahead of any damage or injury is triggered to themselves or the assisting staff. In the event that they do not possess understanding of what faults are then promoting staff ought to make these types of known to the person and support them to associated with calls required to get these fixed.


A description with the main points of health and security policies and procedures

To ensure the well being, safety and welfare of everybody

To shield people coming from hazards which may occur

To control the keeping and use of risky substances

Bacterial vaginosis

A list of work activities that will only be accomplished after particular training Manual Handling

First Aid

Clinical jobs such as choosing temperature or perhaps blood pressure, changing dressings Giving Medication


A description of how to access extra support and information in relation to health and protection Health and Security is very important therefore it is always better to ask for more details than to guess and get items wrong. You might need extra data relating to laws and suggestions, actions to take to ensure safety, worries you have with regards to a situation or perhaps person,  unhappy about the potential risks from a bit of equipment or another hazard or unclear regarding who has responsibility. If you need additional advice or perhaps support you must talk to your collection manager, should your manager is unavailable and you are unable to get the information you require in your employers policies then this health and security executive ( should provide all the information you may need. Trade Assemblage may also have information that are needed.

Task C – Circumstance Studies


Define the word ‘hazard’ and ‘risk’

The term threat means a thing that could cause injury, danger or perhaps adverse overall health effects to the individual plus the term risk means the likelihood or likelihood of a risk causing harm towards the individual. For instance a spill on to the floor is a hazard and sliding on the rainy surface is a risk.


Identify the hazards and risks in the case study previously mentioned

The hazard is known as a burs water line in the roof and drinking water running over the light fitting and on to the bathroom flooring. The risks happen to be that the individual that Winston is usually visiting might slip on the water and injury himself or he may get an electric distress as normal water is operating into electricity or as a result of water in the roof it may cause the ceiling to fall in.


Explain just how and when you would probably report the risks you have determined Firstly Winston should ensure his consumer is in a secure place and after that turn off water and electrical at the droits. He would ought to then survey this straight away to his line manager after which get in touch with both the landlord or possibly a plumber and an electrician and inform them of the major leak so that they can arrange for the money for it being fixed at the earliest opportunity.


Explain how a risk assessment might help reassure Ellie’s mum and ensure Ellie’s safety By having a risk assessment in place for Ellie making her very own way within the bus towards the group the social staff member will of identified all of the possible problems and the level of risks linked with these. The social treatment worker may have come up with methods of avoiding these hazards that may ensure Ellis safety and Ellie’s mother will feel reassured


Explain how a sociable care employee should make use of the risk assessment to ensure Ellie is safe through the journey To make certain Ellie is secure during the voyage the sociable care personnel should stick to the risk assessment as it is going to state all of the risks to Ellie during her voyage and will incorporate what needs to be done to decrease the likelihood of the risks. It is the responsibility of the social care worker to make sure that they are aware of the risk assessment of course, if there is whatever they do not understand then they should seek extra advice off their line director straight away. It is also the responsibility in the social care worker to report virtually any changes that need making towards the risk tests as soon as possible with their line director. The risk examination must be up-to-date and revised as often as required for the protection of Ellie and the individuals who are working with her.

Job D – Short Answer Questions


List three harmful substances that can be found in an mature social proper care setting

1 . Cleaning Chemicals

2 . Medicine

three or more. Clinical Waste materials


Make use of the table beneath to describe safe practice pertaining to the managing of each unsafe substance


Body system Waste

Cleaning Liquids


The medication ought to be stored in a locked cabinet out of reach, the particular authorised person should have the real key for the locked cabinet, the case should be at the correct temperature the medicine needs to be placed at. The medication need to stay in their packaging the drug-store dispensed that in Body system waste must be stored in a yellow handbag sealed make into the selected place looking forward to collection somewhere that will not cause infection risks. Cleaning essential fluids should be kept in a safe place ideally in a locked cupboard and in line with all the manufacturer’s recommendations. All washing fluids should be stored in the best bottles together with the correct labels on them.

Work with

The staff giving medication will need to have appropriate learning the applying of medication. When controlling body waste materials you should always end up being wearing protecting clothing such as gloves and aprons, its also wise to make sure you clean your hands following handling human body waste. Whenever using cleaning fluids you should always stick to the manufacturer’s instructions and put on protective clothing such as mitts and aprons.


The correct method of disposal is to go back any empty medication returning to the drug-store and not make the bin. Body waste will probably be picked up coming from designated location by professional waste companies. You should always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations when disposing cleaning fluids


Discover three common hazards associated with handling and storing food

1 ) Poor hygiene so there exists a risk of infection

2 . Not reheating food towards the correct heat

three or more. Storing raw meat on the top shelf in the fridge


Explain the right way to:

a) Store meals safely It is advisable to ensure once storing meals that you retail outlet it in the correct temp, cover and label the meals so that other folks know because it has been exposed and when it will eventually no longer be consumable. You need to make certain that uncooked and cooked foods are kept independently to avoid toxins. b) Deal with food safely When handling food you must keep yourself clean, you should wear protective garments, keep the place of work you are working in expending tidy, you need to use separate items and other products for different types of meals such as chopping boards based on a colours pertaining to cooked meat and fresh vegetables etc, You must wash your hands regularly and thoroughly. c) Dispose of food safely When disposing meals you should make sure left over food can be disposed quickly, ensure that the bins will be emptied frequently and that and anything that can be dropped or perhaps spilt is cleaned up quickly.


Identify 3 common symptoms or indicators of stress

1 . Feeling anxious, uptight or angry

2 . interference of sleeping pattern

3. headaches/migraines


Provide two examples of circumstances or situations which may cause a person to think stressed 1 . One example of circumstances or situations that may cause a person to truly feel stressed is definitely work pressure, such as in the event someone continues to be set a lot of targets to fulfill within a provided time and they may be struggling in order to meet these goals they may turn into tired and anxious which may result in them becoming stressed due to a build up of and feeling that it is above of them. installment payments on your Another One example of circumstances or perhaps situations which may cause a person to truly feel stressed will be in debt as this may let them feel that they are unale to cope and, they may be worrying all the time exactly where they are going to find the money coming from to pay out the debt and this may result within a decrease in their particular self esteem and self really worth and get them to question their particular ability to support a family. They might also be having to worry that they may be kicked out and have no place to live with their family in the event they don’t find the bucks to pay out.


Identify and explain two ways of managing anxiety

1 ) One way through which an individual can take care of stress through physical activity, because this melts away the extra strength the body makes when they are stressed, this could be things like walking, running, going to the fitness center, boxing and so forth 2 . One other way in which an individual can manage tension is by taking your mind from the issue for a time by doing another thing, by doing this it allowes you to come back to the situation with a obvious head afterwards. This could be performing things such as garden, going to the theatre, pampering etc .

Task Elizabeth – Leaflet

Infection Control


A list of the routes in which infection can enter the body

Infection may enter the body system down the respiratory system into the lungs. Illnesses including coughs, the common cold, influenza and other common airborne infections are often passed on this way. Infection may enter the body system through fractures in the skin. You pores and skin works as a great barrier against infection when you have a cut then simply infection may enter the physique through the minimize. Infection may enter the human body down the digestive tract. If you have a drink or take in any food that is polluted then this can infect the stomach or perhaps bowels. This type of infection usually results in vomiting or diarrhoea Infection can enter the body throughout the urinary and reproductive program. This kind of infection can stay localised or perhaps sometimes are able to get into the blood. Most commonly sexually transmitted disorders infect the genitals. HIV and the ASSISTS virus is carried in bodily fluids and can be passed on through coming into connection with an afflicted persons drool, seminal fluid or perhaps blood.


A description showing how our own well being or personal hygiene may well place others at risk at work Our own health or personal hygiene may put other folks at risk at work as it is extremely important that you wash your hands frequently as if you came into exposure to infections and bacteria after which touch other items then you will be leaving all of them over and proper others touch things such as the banister around the stairs chances are they are also picking this bacterias up that could cause disease. You should always use personal defensive clothing once supporting someone with any kind of form of personal care where you come into contact with body fluids such as secretion or urine, this is not only to protect you but to safeguard the individual you are supporting from any contamination that you may have found. You be mindful not to sneeze or cough on other folks as this may pass on attacks to others, You should constantly applying antibacterial aerosol to wipe down all floors to prevent get across contamination.


An explanation of the extremely effective ways to wash hands

1) Remove any wedding rings or jewelry from the hands or arms

2) Using nice running water thoroughly wet both hands

3) Squirt water soap on the palm of one of the hands

4) Stroke your hands with each other until is made a lathers

5) Scrub the hands with the palm of your give the back of some other hand and making sure you rub between the fingers, the wrists, forearms and under your nails. 6) Rinse off the soap with clean water

7) When ever turning off the taps make use of a paper towel to avoid receiving bacteria again on your hands 8) Once drying the hands use a sole use hand towel or a great air clothes dryer 9) Once leaving the toilet try to stop touching filthy surfaces when you are leaving the toilet.


An outline of how then when to use personal protective products You should use personal protective tools for any process that included bodily speak to or ensures that you will be getting into contact with anybody waste or perhaps fluids. This is because it will reduce the risk of attacks spreading such as if you have it on your outfits and then touch another person. At the conclusion of each procedure you should remove the defensive clothing just like aprons and gloves and dispose of all of them correctly. You need to use new protective clothing once coming into contact with each different individual.

Environmental Safety

A plan of how in order to avoid and what to do in the event of:


Fire To avoid a fire you must fit smoke cigars alarms and test in that case regularly and change the electric batteries annually, hardly ever leave the stove unattended when using that, keep portable heaters away from furniture, furnishings and flammable items so when leaving your house make sure you switch them off, Do not leave any power turned on when not in use and turn the main reboots when not using them and at night unplug every electrical items which are not getting used, if possible tend not to use multi-way socket connectors and do not run electrical potential clients under the floor covering. In the event of a fireplace you should phone the fire support straight away when the fire alarm sounds. You should try to expels the building as fast as possible following the personal emergency evacuation plans for each of the people in the building and also following a fire safety procedure.

If possible you should try to get the individuals out of the building if it is safe for you to do thus. Before getting into any of the bedrooms with the back side of your hand you must touch the door handle to verify if it is sizzling, if it is then you definitely should not available this door as it will let fresh air in and make the fire worse. It is recommended to stay close to the floor if there is a lot of smoke as it raises therefore you are more secure the closer to the floor you are whenever you won’t be inhaling as much smoking. If possible have got a damp towel above your mouth in order to avoid the smoking getting into your lungs. Keep all doorways closed as if you have open fire doors then simply this can offer you extra time to get out of the building.


Gas Leak

To prevent a gas flow you should be sure all appliances that use gas are deterred e. g. cooker, flames, radiators. In the instance of a gas leak you should dial 666666666 for support and/or inform your health and safety officer/manager straight away, You ought not turn any kind of switches in or away, you should navigate to the assembly stage and remove yourself and more from the building immediately, the incident also need to be registered.



To prevent a flood you should make sure that everyone knows wherever and how to convert the water off and all taps should not be still left running in the bath or sink. In the case of a ton you should let down the water source, call 666666666 or advise your health and safety police officer immediately, do not turn fuses on or off and remove your self and others from your building as quickly as possible in case normal water and electrical mix because this can be very harmful.



To prevent an attack you should getting vigilant of security of building i. e. doors, windows and make sure they are shut and locked when you are not home and at nighttime. Do not offer spare important factors to others or key unique codes and adhere to procedure check list such as at nighttime going circular and producing sre all windows and doors will be shut and locked. In the instance of an intrusion dial 8888888888 and inform them what features happened, if possible go to a area with a secure and locking mechanism yourself in there, if not really try to get out of the building and take others with you.


Security Infringement

To prevent a security infringement keep almost all confidential data locked away or passworded on the computer, continue to keep all papers out of sight and never leave them laying about. Retain all windows and doors locked. In the instance of a security infringement try to keep the building securely with others, dial 666666666 and report to them.


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Published: 04.23.20

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