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Walter b miller s theory on lower category essay

With this paper, the researcher is going to identify which focal matter, as explained by Walt B. Miller`s theory on lower-class traditions, is presumed by the specialist to most contribute to delinquency. The response will be supported by examples. To summarize, the investigator will interact to another answer that disagrees with the researcher’s opinion, explaining why the initial opinion must be supported and why the opposing view should be refuted. Focal Worries of Miller’s Theory Walt B.

Miller’s Theory upon Lower Category Culture, in an attempt to explain the situation of criminal activity and even more specifically deliquency, holds in a single specific area of the theory that many criminals are made by environment, having grown up in a decrease socioeconomic school which best case scenario allows with worst helps bring about criminal activity (Wolfgang, ou al, 1962).

For the purposes of this paper, the researcher confirms that this part of lower-class traditions contributes many to delinquency.

Miller’s theory is in positioning with the typical “nurture vs nature discussion to explain the development of the deliquent individual, meaning that criminal heads are formed by the forces of their environment, rather than just being chemically programmed as being a function of the anatomy of the human brain.

Much just like lower animal life forms are conditioned to behave in a certain way, the felony originally turns into a criminal because he or she’s in effect “trained to react in that way.

The reason why for this sort of criminal tradition, as offered by Burns include economic disadvantage amongst certain cultural groups and the like, but additionally, there are solid illustrations to support his assertions also to reinforce the researcher’s placement. Evidence to back up the Position Via a technological standpoint, studies and figures clearly display that more often than not, the majority of deliquency, and future criminal activity, is originated in the lower classes of contemporary society, as opposed to the middle or top classes, as defined simply by income, employment levels, etc (Cohn, ou al, 1998).

Interestingly, adding to the strength of the argument made in this paper, the crimes committed by lower is more recurrent and violent in character, giving further more proof why these individuals are virtually raised to get criminals, since criminality is known as a part of their everyday traditions and way of living, especially during their formative years when honnête and ideals are proven in the person (Wolfgang, et al, 1962).

Simply put, the argument of Miller, that criminals are manufactured, particularly in lower-class environments because of the patience and even support of lawbreaker activities in their communities is agreed to by researcher and backed up simply by secondary sources. However , you will discover those who carry a different view, that can now be discussed. Disagreement While using Researcher’s Position In opposition to the researcher’s discussion is the declaration that bad guys become what exactly they are because of neurological factors, supporting the “nature element of characteristics versus nurture.

While this admittedly may possibly occur in severe cases, the studies for the topic mainly refute this kind of claim, and in fact, sources indicate that those in middle or upper class environments are less likely to indulge in criminality (Shostak, et ‘s, 1964). This evidence, ones own apparent, provides existed for decades. Conclusion In conclusion, let it always be understood that evidence is present to support the argument that criminal activity is created due to lower class environments that advocate this kind of behavior in an overwhelming many the instances.


Cohn, E. G., Farrington, D. P., & Wright, R. A. (1998). Evaluating Criminology and Lawbreaker Justice. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Shostak, A. M. & Gomberg, W. (Eds. ). (1964). Blue-Collar World: Studies with the American Worker. Englewood Coves, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Wolfgang, Meters. E., Savitz, L., & Johnston, D. (Eds. ). (1962). The Sociology of Crime and Delinquency. Nyc: John Wiley and Kids. Word Depend The word rely for this composition is 578 words, excluding References which section of the paper.


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Published: 04.24.20

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