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SECRET LG/OCT2008/BEL311 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FINAL EXAM COURSE STUDY COURSE CODE EXAMINATION TIME THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES BEL311 OCTOBER 2008 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1 . 2 . This question paper consists of two (2) parts: PART A (13 Questions) PART B (1 Question) Answer ALL questions from each of the parts in the Question Paper.

3. Fill in the main points below: UiTM STUDENT CREDIT CARD NO . PROGRAMME/ CODE PORTION ENGLISH VOCABULARY GROUP BRAND OF LECTURER 4. your five. You are allowed to bring in your English-English dictionary.

Please examine to make sure that this examination bunch consists of: i) the Question Conventional paper DO NOT CHANGE THIS PAGE TILL YOU HAPPEN TO BE TOLD TO ACCOMPLISH THIS This exam paper includes 13 branded pages Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA SECRET CONFIDENTIAL 2 LG/OCT2008/BEL311 PORTION A: BROWSING COMPREHENSION (20 MARKS) Browse the following content and solution all the questions in this article. Article one particular , Spare the Pole? I Universities in The european countries and the British stopped using the cane to discipline delinquent youngsters subsequent protests via parents and politicians much more than 16 in years past.

In Malaysia, however , the practice never left the school grounds. Caning has always been legal in Malaysian schools. The Education Ordinance 1957 (Amended 1959) allows del cuerpo punishments, just like caning, to become meted away by institution authorities, although only to schoolboys. An Education Ministry directive released in 1994 listed 8 offences that may warrant caning: truancy, involvement in lawbreaker activities, indecent and rude behaviour, loitering, dishonesty, grubby appearance and vandalism. a few II

A probe on human legal rights awareness amongst secondary school-teachers, students and administrators executed by experts from regional universities engaged by the Human Rights Commission payment of Malaysia (or SUHAKAM, its Malay acronym) unveiled the regular make use of the walking cane in colleges. What the inquiry found was obviously a gross break of a child’s rights fully commited by professors and administrators alike. In their findings, out of your 5, 754 students who also participated in the survey, regarding 52 percent of the students surveyed arranged that caning commonly occurred in their colleges.

It took place more often in rural schools than urban ones many 80 per cent of the situations occurred by technical educational institutions. 10 15 III No surpise, SUHAKAM is disheartened by the findings of its examine. Commissioner and education functioning group chairman, Professor Chiam Heng Keng said that when SUHAKAM is aware of the need to discipline and reprimand wrongdoers, it maintains that caning can be not the very best corrective measure. She further added that caning only tells the child to stop what ever he has been doing. In other words, will not address the underlying issue. She pressured that instructors must assist parents to access the root with the problem.

The girl added that harsh punishments tend to strengthen a child’s negative perceptions. However , twenty 25 Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA PRIVATE CONFIDENTIAL a few LG/OCT2008/BEL311 the lady cautioned we should not befuddle upholding the rights with the child with indulging the kid. IV Although many experts believe caning is outdated, also primitive, many educators looked after it in an effort to stem growing violence in schools. Eighty per cent of teachers decided that prolonged troublemakers at school should be caned. The SUHAKAM probe discovered that 79. 5 percent of professors and 71. per cent of administrators arranged that continual offenders ought to be caned though Malaysia acquired signed the Declaration from the Convention around the Rights in the Child (CRC) in 95. In addition , they also revealed that ladies were not spared the fishing rod. Almost several per cent of female respondents from lady schools got reported this. Under the present Child Act 2001, only boys involving the ages of 10 and 18 could possibly be subjected to fisico punishment. 35 35 Sixth is v Last October, the Ministry of Education allowed educators other than forty five headmasters, principals and those linked to disciplining learners to use the cane.

The decision followed the rise in situations of assault on instructors and gangsterism in universities. It was suggested that only specific teachers end up being empowered to cane students. Ideally, they have to have for least ten years of teaching experience and be married with children. 45 NI The secretary-general of the National Union in the Teaching Job, Lok Yim Pheng, publicly stated that there are different ways of disciplining a student. Included in this are imposing aigu?, sending college students to detention class and making parents sign a pledge to make certain their children will not misbehave.

Yet , if force comes to leave, then rules and headmasters should make use of the rod appropriately and with compassion. Your woman reiterated that even so, caning should be the charges of last resort, reserved for total hardcore circumstances and should by no means be done openly. 50 The Star, September 15, 2007 Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL SECRET 4 LG/OCT2008/BEL311 QUESTION you State if the following claims are ACCURATE (T) or perhaps FALSE (F). a) Caning troublemakers at school is considered a sort of maltreatment by most professors. In the review carried out by SUHAKAM, both girls and boys were caned.

When it comes to caning, the Education Ordinance 1957 obviously contradicts the kid Act 2001. More than half with the respondents in the survey was caned by their teachers prior to. (2 marks) QUESTION two What do the subsequent words mean as employed in the passage? a) , breach’ (line 14) b) , disheartened’ (line 20) c) , underlying’ (line 25) d) , stem'(line 31) ___ _ _ _ _ (2 marks) QUESTION several Circle your answer intended for the question below. According to teachers, the following are reasons they support caning in colleges except a) Students who also repeatedly trigger trouble must be caned. b) Caning is a sure way to prevent physical violence in colleges. ) Caning reduces invasion cases and gangsterism in schools. d) Caning provides the least bad effect on learners. (1 mark) b) c) d) Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA PRIVATE CONFIDENTIAL five LG/OCT 2008/BEL311 QUESTION some Why is caning not the very best corrective assess according to SUHAKAM? Give two (2) reasons. (1 mark) ISSUE 5 Relating to Mentor Chiam Heng Keng, what is the best way to overcome discipline problems in universities? (1 mark) QUESTION 6 What is the main idea of passage VI? (1 mark) Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi IMARA PRIVATE CONFIDENTIAL 6th LG/OCT2008/BEL311

PROBLEM 7 In line with the secretary-general with the National Union of the Instructing Profession, only “if drive comes to leave, then teachers and headmasters should utilize the rod professionally and with compassion” (lines 49-51). Beneath what circumstances did the girl recommend this kind of? List two (2) conditions. (2 marks) Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 7 LG/OCT2008/BEL311 Article 2 , Caning Does More Harm Than Good My spouse and i The Could Centre intended for Change Penang (WCC) notes with superb concern the recent proposal to extend caning as a approach to handle discipline problems involving schoolgirls.

We caution up against the use of the cane in children in spite of gender. 2 The caning of a child is in direct contravention from the Convention for the Rights with the Child (CRC), of which Malaysia is a signatory. Caning contravenes Article nineteen of the CRC. Under the article, the government authorities must shield the child coming from all varieties of maltreatment by parents or perhaps others responsible for his or her attention. Furthermore, corporal punishment is a form of child mistreatment. There is no evidence to claim that this method can easily improve a child’s learning ability. your five 10 III Caning might not be the most effective way to cope with problems of indiscipline.

Whilst it may result in the immediate complying of the child, the issues of physical damage as well as psychological damage to your child need to be considered. Corporal punishment can lead to elevated antisocial behaviour, aggression and chronic disobedient. Furthermore, inflicting severe abuse and using mental embarrassment on children have adverse effects such as decrease of selfesteem and personality alterations with implications on adult life. The use of the cane may be abused, in particular when frustrations will be vented. However , teachers who have are fed up with the growing cases of indiscipline in schools may well say caning is justified. 0 15 IV The social outcome of caning is that it sends a definite message that violence is an acceptable kind of behaviour in society, that is, it is all right to use assault and instill pain to teach a child anything. This goes against most efforts to lessen the level of physical violence in our contemporary society. V Caning may seem to become quick fix way to misbehaviour, but it really fails to addresses the root reasons for the problem. The causes involve a great inability to adjust to into a rigid, examination-orientated education system, the negative effects of 25 Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA PRIVATE CONFIDENTIAL almost eight LG/OCT2008/BEL311 overty, the need to obstacle boundaries, insufficient guidance from your household, dysfunctional family members situations, adverse influences in the neighbourhood environment, among others. 31 VI WCC would consequently urge the Ministry of Education to: 1 . Work with other agencies and community groups, such as those dealing with the health, well being and privileges of the child, so as to provide support where necessary, to both equally students and school regulators, 2 . Consult with experts in numerous fields to work out alternative forms of discipline such as behaviour modification programmes that help improve positive conduct of students, 5 3. Support school teachers by minimizing the number of pupils per category, having instructor assistants, offering skills learning class control and handling difficult college students, having access to professional counselors and child psychologists, 40 some. Have an even more balanced education system which moves away from an over-emphasis on tests towards a much more holistic education which cultivates the kid’s other possibilities. Prema E. Devaraj, Program Director, Ladies Centre for Change, Penang. The Legend, December several, 2007 Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA

SECRET CONFIDENTIAL being unfaithful LG/OCT2008/BEL311 PROBLEM 8 How much does Article 19 of the Meeting on the Privileges of The Child state? (1 mark) ISSUE 9 Caning as a way of measuring instilling willpower among pupils can lead to emotional damage. List four (4) kinds of damage. (2 marks) QUESTION 15 “The sociable consequence of caning is the fact it delivers a clear communication that violence is a suitable form of actions in world, that is, it really is all right to use violence and inflict discomfort to teach children something. inches (lines 21-23) What does Prema Devaraj mean by the over sentence? a couple of marks) Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA PRIVATE CONFIDENTIAL twelve LG/OCT2008/BEL311 QUERY 11 Just how can the “negative influences in the neighbourhood environment” (lines 29-30) cause pupils to misbehave in school? (2 marks) QUERY 12 List two (2) recommendations created by the Women’s Centre intended for Change to the Ministry of Education approach help professors in the classroom. (1 mark) PROBLEM 13 The education system should certainly move far from an over-emphasis on exams and become more holistic in order to develop the students’ various other potentials or talents.

Express two (2) ways the education system can produce the students’ other possibilities or abilities. (2 marks) Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL SECRET 11 LG/OCT2008/BEL311 PART M: WRITING (20 MARKS) QUERY 1 You are a institution counselor and then you’re asked to give a talk to a group of instructors. Based on these two articles “Spare the Fishing rod? ” and “Caning Truly does More Damage Than Good”, you have developed the following opinion about the issue: “Caning really should not be allowed in schools today” Using the data from the two articles, create a speech of about 300 terms to support your opinion.

Include three key ideas with supporting information for your talk. (You need to use information that you have accumulated from browsing the two content articles but signifies will be subtracted if you replicate sentences through the articles). In-text citations and proper acknowledgement of sources used must also be included. Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL PRIVATE 12 LG/OCT 2008/BEL311 Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA SECRET CONFIDENTIAL 13 LG/OCT 2008/BEL311 END OF QUESTION CONVENTIONAL PAPER Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

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