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Sociocultural video analysis theory summary

Object Relations Theory, Social Intellectual Theory, Teamwork, Social Learning Theory

Excerpt from Research Paper:

One pupil comments at the conclusion of the video that the most tough part of the experiment was setting it up, and that the project mostly proceeded by experimentation. Although learning from mistakes is an important function of learning, it should not necessarily be the main one. Maybe if college student learning had better incorporated the “artifacts” of scientific equipment, students would have been better able to focus their very own work and determine which in turn tools and strategies might have been effective in advance (John-Steiner and Mahn, 1996, p. 199). To combat this kind of, part of the lessons could have been re-designed to include information about the various tools students can employ, and, for foreseeable future work, can include a review of this information at the end of the experiment.

Another strategy that could be accustomed to help firm up learning from this community of practice would be to ask students pairs to report to one another their strategies and their findings. This would even more engage learners in the vital “reflective activity” necessary for “joint productive activity [in] the zpd” (Ash and Levitt, 2003, p. 22). Needing to compare encounters and go over their results (and their interpretations with their findings) would better help them “internalize sophisticated cognitive operations, such as powerful reading comprehension and intrigue skills” (Ormron, 2011, l. 45). The teacher could help mediate these discussions by having students create and flow brief reactions to the test, thereby requesting them to framework and interpret their encounters in intelligible ways.

The first lessons redesign could possibly be accomplished by getting the student pairs briefly take a look at the instruments at their disposal and predicting which usually would be perfect for doing what, and then getting compare their particular initial ideas on these objects with what they discovered from your experiment. This can be both a formative and a active assessment, centering, at the very first step, on what students already know, then moving the emphasis to analyzing how college students learned and assimilated their particular experiences in knowledge. The 2nd redesign will be primarily conformative because it might help the teacher “reflect independently skills training through inquiry” and then aid student understanding of their learning (Ash and Levitt, the year 2003, p. 12). Examining just how students understood the project and their work could help the teacher refine and improve her personal goals to get student learning.


General, the video supplies a fascinating a review of sociocultural theory in practice. The teacher’s constant involvement in the student learning process, the collaborative community she set up through scholar teamwork, and her confidence of college students to reflect on what they have done and are performing exemplifies Vygotsky’s principles of education. Even though the assumption that teamwork by way of student pairs would self-correct misdirected request was challenged, the teacher responded rapidly and very well in rescaffolding those students’ project – an excellent sort of how put together formative and dynamic checks, when utilized properly, can assist not just most but each of the students in a class. This kind of video reveals why Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory, with its focus on the zone of proximal development, offers such a strong and amazing view of learning. Both the students plus the teacher needed to adapt to 1 another’s expectations, confusions, and results, and, as the last interviews inside the video demonstrate, everyone was the better because of it.


Annenberg Media – Investigating Crickets. (1999). Retrieved February 27, 2011, coming from

Lung burning ash, D. And Levitt, T. “Working Within the Zone of Proximal Expansion: Formative Assessment as Specialist Development. ” Journal of Science Educator Education, 14(1): 1-313, 2003.

John-Steiner, Versus., and Mahn, H. “Sociocultural Approaches to Learning and Expansion: A Vygotskian

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Published: 03.26.20

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